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LOTS of pictures, THANK YOU. I love the toys that you made for the gliders. Very nice. Those hammies and gliders are SOOO cute!!! The hammies are getting soo big. Do you have homes for any of them yet?
The hammies are getting soo big. Do you have homes for any of them yet?

I was at the point of giving my phone number to three people (either because they asked or I volunteered it) so they could call and get directions/arrange a time to come by, but no one ever called. I also had a tentative pick-up date set with a fourth who I'd been talking to for quite a while and never heard anything back after I emailed to confirm that we were still on for last wednesday :(. I emailed all four last night asking if they were still interested.

very frustrating, as I'm having to clean cages every 2-3 days because there's so many hammies in them that spot-cleaning only goes so far... and pretty soon I'm gonna have to separate them into individual cages. the upside is that I'll only have to clean them every 2 weeks or so... the downside is that I'll have to clean 14 cages (and have space for that many). more cages also means it'll be more time consuming to spend time with each hammy every day. thank god bins stack!

I would've thought it wouldn't be so hard to sell hammies that come with a cage, food/sunflower seeds (to supplement), wheel, water bottle, food dish, assortment of chews, hidey-igloo, care packet and some bedding around christmas time since it's a good first pet for kids and I'm providing everything needed to get started ><. I mean, it's 1-stop shopping with little to no research needed and the cage/wheel/food are top-of-the-line/ideal for syrians. not to mention, my ads say that the babies all got vet check-ups on 11/26, which I bet pet store hammies don't get.
If I were closer to you, I would definitely buy a hammy from you. My husband loves hammies. Are Syrian's the same as honey bear hammies? If they are, then I think those are my favorite type of hammy and I'm really really pissed I'm like 2500 miles away from you!
I can't believe no one would want them! They're freaking adorable and they come with everything! That really is an awesome thing that you're doing with the hammy starter kits. I hope you can find homes for them! :)
yeah, they're the same... syrians go by a lot of different names.

I suspect I could've gotten rid of some of them by now if I were selling 'em alone for $5 or something, but I went the more expensive/time consuming route of doing starter kits because I want them to have *proper* housing (instead of a dinky little store-bought POS that's WAY smaller than the recommended 360 square inches) and a wheel that doesn't make them arch their back when they run, which far too many syrians get stuck with because they're cute and little at the pet store but get quite big (my adult male is around 160 grams and probably twice the size he was when I got him).
I LOVE those hammies! My friends little sister had one(that I took care of) She lived for like 2.5 years. I loved that little hammy. That was her name too, Hammy! She was a big girl.
I really wish I was closer because I would have one in a heartbeat! Those are my husband's favorite hammies too. But, they're really hard to find here. I haven't seen one in a pet store in years, they don't like to sell them I guess. They sell those little dwarf 'robo' or russian hamsters, which are super aggressive and I don't like those.
Ughh, now I want a hammy.
wow, I can't imagine not having hammies in pet stores! I'd offer to send ya one, but it's like $175 to ship a live animal 'cause they have to travel by airplane :p (at least that's what it costs to get one or more sugar gliders shipped). I've never actually had a dwarf, though I've heard some types of dwarf can be kinda mean. I saw some at the pet store when I was getting my syrians and I couldn't believe how freaking tiny they were! the syrians were 4-5x the size, I think.
Yeah the dwarf ones are really small. I do love hammies, but not THAT much. lol
We have other types of hammies, but not the Syrians. I always look, but I haven't seen any in the petsmarts or petcos in a while. And there is only one actual pet store that sells puppies and stuff. I refuse to go in there because I'm almost positive they get their puppies from a puppy mill. I hate that place. yuck.
Its really weird that we haven't seen any. My husband doesn't understand it either, because he loves them. He had them growing up and really enjoyed having them. He had the whole huge cage and tunnel system for them. hahaha.
yeah, I used to have the cages with tons of tunnels attached... suffice it to say, I got VERY good at locating/trapping escaped hammies, lol - they were always popping tunnels off or chewing their way out (I used a little wastebasket with household items stacked to make steps up to the top of it and left a little trail of noms with lots of noms inside the bin so the hammy would climb the steps and plop into the trash can). I miss the tunnels, but I can't find any big enough for syrians any more ><
Speaking of escaped hamsters.....when I was in first grade my "boyfriend" named Cory (which ironically a married a Cory,lol) gave me a fuzzy little tanish/peach colored hamster (not sure of the breed) and my parents said yes i could keep him. So I was totally in love with this lil guy. I was like 6 years old and I can still remember it like yesterday....I named him Fuzzy.

Anyway, I woke up one morning and Fuzzy had gotten out of his cage. My mom was thoroughly creeped out by the thought of this hamster running around her house. We looked EVERYwhere. No fuzzy :( I was so sad.

So like days later I hear a noise in this crawl space. I couldn't see in it because it was dark and there were boxes and stuff. So I yell for my mom and we clear out the space and we see Fuzzy in the back. It was so cute because he had made this place his home. One corner was his toilet, he had chewed up some boxes and had some "bedding". And then his food supply was my baby sisters teething biscuits. She was like 1 year old at the time and had dropped them on the floor and Fuzzy dragged the whole thing back to his home. It was so stinkin cute! As far as water, this crawl space was under a concrete front stoop which was damp and had cracks with where water, although very little, seeped through. We think he had enough that way. His "home" was so stinkin cute and I can still remember him peering up at us as if he was so proud of himself. Even my mom was impressed with his resourcefulness :) needless to say we got Fuzzy safe back in his cage and he lived a long, happy life.

Anyway, sorry to crowd your blog with that story but when you said escaped hamster it totally made me think of Fuzzy!
Awh Lisa that is a sweet story! Animals are so intelligent, just in their ways!

I am still so happy that the runt is looking good :) It goes to show that the small guy doesn't always finish first (idk, I was thinking of the nice guy doesn't always finish last line, I wanted to make it fit.)
so far so good! he's such a little trooper. I'll try to remember to weigh him and take pics when I wake up.
Jennifer, do you mind if I ask what your sleep schedule is like? lol
It always seems to me that you're up at very odd hours. hahaha.
No judgement intended. I have a sleep problem, most of the time. I have serious difficulty sleeping on most nights. But hey, thats why there is coffee!
my sleep schedule is pretty erratic - I'm nocturnal half the time, lol. seems like once I go to sleep, I'm out for like 12 hours which throws off my schedule for the next time I go to sleep :(
I just read some of the FAQ in the agility group thread, haha. I can only imagine what your house is like and what its like to live with you and your animals! I bet you have so much fun with them! lmao I wish I could make jumps and all that stuff to do with my buns! That would be a blast. But I bet you have such a good time with them, trying to get them to jump and watching them run around and stuff. I bet its fun to be there! Oh and Foo's spot to get her to move forward, is on her belly, like if you reach a hand under her and she thinks you're going to pick her up, she will take off! lol.
You should post pictures of the girls going over jumps and the jump stuff! You may have and I may have missed it, but I would really like to see it! You're so crafty and creative anyway.