Nala and Gaz

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O NO. This is the first that I have herd of Foo passing. I have been gone for about a week (no internet). Amazing what you miss. RIP Foo. You will be missed :( :purplepansy:
it sucks so much knowing that there's nothing you can say or do to take away the pain of someone's loss :(

Little-Marge MacBunnington is back in the hospital as of this morning... I'm so worried for her!
ok, to illustrate my point about the damn oat hay...

here's the bag of hay - you can see how little I've used so far:


here's the oats I've gotten out of it (and this isn't even all the oats, 'cause at first I just threw them away - it's maybe 80-85% of the oats):


yeah. tedious.

Gazzles is still molting. horribly. I furminated her outside while waiting for paint to dry on the jump... luckily I was still wearing my apron, so the fur got on that instead of my clothes:


here's the side of the pen after I was done - the tufts of hair I released into the wind got caught on it:


here's the bunnies' main project from this week (once upon a time, it was a phone book):


and here's the mini-project from when I accidentally forgot some of the wood for the agility course stuff in their pen:



since they liked the wood so much, I gave them the 1' length that was leftover scrap. they've ignored it. apparently the wood is only tasty if it's forbidden >.>
I don't remember if I shared the updated version of the barrel of monkeys glider toy and I'm too lazy to go back and check, so here it is (possibly again):



^ Hurricane sitting on top the monkeys

as for Trouble...




ok, agility course stuff...

I started with this list of needed materials: ... I built a jump, an A-frame and a teeter-totter so far. I have mats for a second jump and partial mats for two more... total, I spent maybe $75 and it would cost me another $7 to get up to four jumps. my jumps only have the option of going as high as 12'' because my girls are too young for it to be safe to go higher.

pretty basic... I couldn't find 4 1/2 inch plastic tubing, so I got the 4''. I couldn't find 11'' wide boards, so I got one 10''x1''x8' long board and had home depot cut it into three pieces for me - a 36'' piece for the teeter-totter and two 24'' pieces for the A-frame. it's missing from the materials list on the website, but you also need four bolts - I used #10 bolts that were 1.5'' long (came in a pack of 5) because I already had a drill bit that I knew worked for #10 stuff (13/64). the only tools I needed were scissors and a drill with a drill bit that matched the bolts.

I measured to the dead center of the board and marked drill holes:

then I drilled the holes, put the tubing underneath, held it firmly in place and drilled through the wood and into the plastic just enough to leave a mark, then set the board aside and finished drilling the holes in the tubing. later, I discovered I was stupid about that - when I went to attach the tubing, I found that there were no drill holes in one piece... because I'd put two sets of 2 holes in the other. whoops!


I sprayed this stuff on all the wood pieces (takes 2-3 coats) to protect it against water, since I'm using the jumps outside (plus it can't hurt to protect bunns from splinters!):


once both sides were protected and had dried, I secured the plastic tubing with bolts:


I asked in the agility group section about the 1/4'' wooden dowels being used as slats because I couldn't get the stupid finishing nails to go all the way through the dowel, let alone all the way into the board and was told "We don't use the dowels any more as they were coming off and it was getting a bit dangerous with a risk of toe nails getting caught. We use a rubber grip stuff that is glued down. It works well. I guess the website hasn't been updated for that. You can try gluing them down too. That is a good idea anyway."

I looked around for rubber grip stuff that looked like it would work, but didn't find anything good so I bought this stuff:


(it's kinda like berber carpeting)

I thought about buying glue to glue it to the board, but that seemed potentially messy and a pain in the butt... and what if I forgot stuff in the rain and the carpet got messed up and I needed to replace it? so I used some 5/8'' wood screws that were leftover from building the jump and just screwed the carpet down. it doesn't come all the way to the edges because it was 24'' wide total and the boards are 9 1/2'' across so I just cut it to 8'' to make it easier to cut the carpet stuff. they're not running on the outer 3/4'' anyway, after all.



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A-frame... tools needed: drill (the screwdriver bit + one bit to match the hooks)

I had the two 24'' long boards that I got home depot to cut for me, and I bought two hinges. this is the kind I got, because they were the cheapest ($2-something each):


of course, I realized when I went to put it together that the screws that came with the hinge were too long - they have to be screwed in ALL the way to hold the hinge securely in place and if I screwed them in all the way then they came out the other side ><

I had 5/8'' screws left from making the jumps, but the heads were too small so I had to buy a packet of #10 wood screws... conveniently, they came 12 to a pack and that's exactly how many I needed :p I also needed two screw hooks and a bit to drill holes for them (the bit should be slightly smaller than the hooks so that when you twist them in, they'll be snug).


I guess I failed at taking pics when making this thing... anyway, I sprayed it with the same protectant stuff I used on the teeter-totter, used the hinges to connect the two boards and screwed on strips of carpet just like I did before.

Home Depot sells chain by the foot, I found some that was the right size for the 5/8'' screws from the jump to be able to fit through but still have the screw head hold it in place. I had to go back and have them cut the length of chain in half for me, 'cause heavy-duty wire cutters didn't touch it.

one end of each chain gets screwed in (leave it a teeny tiny bit loose so it can be twisted to match the height you're setting the A-frame at). for the other end, you drill a hole and then twist in the screw hook... it ends up being able to go REALLY deep into the board even though the screw ridges only go partway up:


then you hook the loose end of the chain on the screw hooks - you can attach the very ends, or you can make the A-frame steeper by pulling the chains shorter.

I made the jumps a bit differently than on the site. first of all, I didn't realize Hobby Lobby sold the things used to make the feet for the stands (or feel like scouring the store to find something I didn't know the name of), so I got a 2x4 and had Home Depot cut it into 1' lengths for me (which is enough for 4 jumps). it's not as pretty, but it's cheaper and it works. secondly, I had no idea where to find film canisters in this day and age, so I improvised :p

tools used: dremel and drill

in addition to the 2x4, I also got a 1x2 (cut into 2'' lengths, enough for 2 jumps)

my drill was cheap and didn't like 1 1/2'' screws (what I used to connect the 1x2 to the 2x4) and wouldn't put them more than 1/2'' into the wood so I had to pre-drill holes with one of the bits I already have... I forget if it was the 11/64 or the 13/64... if you don't buy the cheapest drill, that probably won't be a problem, lol.

because I didn't have film canisters, I used these (from hobby lobby):


I took off the lids and used the dremel to cut them in half:


then I used the drill bit from the dremel to put a hole in it for the screw:


I used a box of 5/8'' screws to attach them to the jump (one box of 50 screws is just enough for 2 jumps with 4 bars on each, the 2 screws for the chain in the A-frame and to screw the carpet pieces onto the teeter-totter and A-frame):


I also got the dowels from Hobby Lobby 'cause they're lots cheaper than they are at Home Depot even though everything else at Hobby Lobby is overpriced. they're 36'' long - I cut each one in half with the dremel so that I only needed two total per jump. I painted everything with cheap acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby (and cheap foam brushes), then sprayed that protectant stuff on it.

the jump:



so far, Gazzles has gotten up to 6'' and Nala to 9''!
the course (I used a spare playpen to make an interior fence to keep them on the course):


I ran them each through it a few times, offering a craisin at the end. I ended up trying out the harness so they couldn't run off too far when we were arguing over whether they were going to go over the obstacles or cheat and go around (for obvious reasons, we skipped the tunnel when they were wearing the harness and leash :p).

the whole thing was surprisingly easy to make (thank god Home Depot will cut wood for you!) considering I've never built anything all by myself before except for the NIC condo and the bin cages.
Oh freaking A! My laptop is totally toast. It has to stay plugged in all the time now to work.(my MIL is supposed to get us a new laptop or tablet for Christmas, but I'm not going to hold my breath. *rolls eyes* she's a b**ch.) So I had this really nice response typed out to you and I was like two words away from being done and knocked the freaking cord out and it cut off and went away! AHHHH! I just want to throw it out the freaking window.

Anyway...Your agility course looks awesome and your jumps are really cool! I think you're super crafty! You could probably build a house with your dremel and drill! lol
I had this whole cute thing about neighbors think you were crazy and if I had neighbors, they would think I was crazy too. But now its lost its humor because I can't really remember it! Stupid piece of crap computer.

Do your gliders actually play with all the toys that you've made for them? I have no idea how they behave, are they playful or timid or what do they actually act like?
They're really cute though. Are those bite marks on your thumb? Holy hell.

I see what you meant about the oats being a little ridiculous. Gaz couldn't have all those oats, she would be like a ball with legs. lmao I have a small bag of oxbow and its really oaty too. I have to share about last night, Ellie was out and found just the oat part of the hay on the floor. She picked it up and I realized a little too late what it was. But she didn't eat it. She picked it up and put it back down. I was so surprised she didn't eat it. Normally they really like the oat parts. It was funny.

I can't remember what else I had written out on the other response, but oh well. If I think of it I'll let you know. hahaha.
Oh and in the bag of hay, I can see the oats in there. lol thats pretty bad. You should call them and see if they'll send you a new bale of something else! Complain like crazy about all the oats! I would do it.
Wicked cool course! You are the best animal mother ever!
Your gliders look adorable and happy with their toys and the bunnies, well, they're just always happy it seems!
I like the picture with the pen outside and Gazzles' hair stuck to it from the furminator, it looks like something bad happened out there...
Poor Gazzles! :p

Call me crazy, but I bought the small bale of oxbow oat hay and I didn't see very many oats... Next time (if there is one) I will definitely pay closer attention.
The agillity course looks great though and you're pretty handy :)
I had this whole cute thing about neighbors think you were crazy and if I had neighbors, they would think I was crazy too. But now its lost its humor because I can't really remember it! Stupid piece of crap computer.

Do your gliders actually play with all the toys that you've made for them? I have no idea how they behave, are they playful or timid or what do they actually act like?
They're really cute though. Are those bite marks on your thumb? Holy hell.

sorry your laptop sucks >< mine's a piece of crap too (*shakes her fist at Dell*)

I'm pretty sure the neighbors think I'm certifiable... while I was building the course, people kept slowing down as they drove past to stare. apparently it's weird to do craft projects in the bunny pen on your front lawn... good thing I don't give a damn if people think I'm weird! :p

I was curious if the toys were really more for the humans than the gliders, as they didn't seem inclined to climb on all the bead strings that people use in toys so much - that's why I put so many fleece ties on the barrel of monkeys toy, so that they'd have something they could grip better. in the last week or so, though, they've really found their confidence when it comes to climbing and they climb all over strings of beads with no fleece ties needed! they're crazy little wall-monkeys, lol. they were all over the mesh sides of the tent today, too, which they never used to be able to do.

and yes, those are bite marks on my thumb... freaking Trouble!

speaking of gliders, they have weird sleeping schedules for nocturnal creatures!

at 9:30 this morning, Trouble was sound asleep in my hand, I was *trying* to go to sleep and hyperactive Hurricane was keeping me awake 'cause she kept dancing around on my bootie. (I slept in the tent with them today)

I fell asleep before Hurricane did, so I don't know what time she went to bed... at 12:45 she and Trouble were curled up in my hand (which was inside a pouch), sleeping soundly.

when I first woke up at 5:30, Trouble was tearing around the tent and using me as her personal jungle gym. I went back to sleep and kinda dozed until 8 (with Trouble running around the whole time)... when I got up for real, Hurricane was still sleeping in my hand.
Their names are so fitting! Wow, I don't think you could have chosen better names if you tried.
You have the most strange sleeping schedule of any human I've ever met. lol But I bet your animals really love it.

I think its really cool they play with and on all those awesome toys you made for them. Thats so fun, I bet its nice to see your hard work being used! Is Trouble still crabby? How's you're little hammy runt doing?

I live on a pretty busy road, its the main road between two towns, so we get a good amount of traffic. Yesterday I was standing in my drive way on the phone(yelling, so I was all hand motions and theatrical) at one point I looked around and realized that there were 4 cats around me and two chickens. In my front yard, where everyone could see me as they passed by. A few times I saw people looking at me like 'wtf is going on at that girls house? Why does she have so many animals around her and why are her arms so loud?!' I had my back to the road for most of that conversation, so people wouldn't be able to see me in case I saw them in town. lol Sometimes I have to hide my face. My neighbors also think I'm nuts, thank god they're like 100 and hopefully don't see well. BUT I know my neighbor saw me throw my slipper at my rooster yesterday and him attack it multiple times. lmao Thats what its like at my house.
your rooster attacked your slipper?? hilarious!

yes, Trouble is still crabby... and bitey. she lives up to her name more than I ever dreamed she could >.>

Lucky was 55g last night, so he's still growing well :D

Lauren, I bet you could, it really is quite easy once you get going! I was asking the hopping club folks if there was somewhere to buy stuff because I *never* thought I could just throw it together myself... but once I started planning out the project, I realized it would actually be doable. aside from needing a dremel to cut the plastic cups (not sure if anything else that's cheaper would work, you might be able to melt it in half with a cheap soldering iron), all it really takes is a shopping list, a helpful Home Depot employee (which there seem to be a ton of) to cut the wood and chain for you and the ability to use a drill. it wasn't any more complicated than building a NIC condo :).
:tears2: another bunn-life has ended far too early

binky free, Little-Marge MacBunnington! we barely even started getting to know you, and already you've been taken from us... your sad story brought many of us to tears and the happy ending warmed our hearts! now you can be reunited with Benjamin MacBunnington the First and binky together with no pain, suffering or scars from your pasts. you were the face of a wonderful rescue that snatched you and so many other creatures out of a miserable existence and showed you a better life.
Your jumps are purple. Q-tip approves. She loves purple. She says "Mommy, don't you want to move up your trip to about now and let me go to the bunnysitter's??" Methinks she's jealous of Gaz and Nala!! We can't do stuff like that in our yard because there are lots of outside dogs (none of them ours) and a sweet barn cat with quite a hunting instinct. I guess that's why she wants to go play at your place!!
your rooster attacked your slipper?? hilarious!

yes, Trouble is still crabby... and bitey. she lives up to her name more than I ever dreamed she could >.>

Lucky was 55g last night, so he's still growing well :D

Yes he did. I bet its even better when they see him attack ME! lmao. That happens too. Its not fun, its got these spurs that are like 2 inches long, on top of his regular claws. He got me really good once. bastard.

I'm SO glad Lucky is doing so well. He's such a cutie. We need more pictures!
I'm sorry Trouble is a little crabby-pants. That has to be hard to deal with.

(hahahaha the filter on this new one isn't very good. lmao.)
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