Nala and Gaz

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yeah, she's the mom :)

I have my doubts about him making it past a couple weeks - he's still around the size the rest were at a week and a half old and he seems a bit shaky on his feet these days, though his appetite's still good. I'm honestly shocked that he's made it this long and that mom didn't cull him early on.
Yeah I guess that is a little surprising that she didn't. She must be a really loving hammy mama!

I just saw on another thread that you posted a link about how to make your own carefresh, what an awesome tutorial that was! I think I'll make my own carefresh for just in case situations. Thanks for sharing that!

Oh and earlier I saw another thread where a girl got a harlequin lionhead that looks just like Nala, named Peanut. The first thing that came out of my mouth when I saw that little ball of fluff was "holy ****, she looks just like Nala!" They look as if they could be siblings. How adorable!
the face markings are very different, but beyond that the other bunny looks SO much like Nala!

and yeah, Misty's been a great mom... like not caring if I touched them from day one which is such a no-no with some hamsters. I think she's ready to be rid of the little buggers, though... and I'm about ready to have them separated as well, since I'm suddenly having to clean the cage every few days at the most due to 13 hamsters living in it (which uses up a ton of carefresh due to the bin's size). she seems to desperately want her wheel back - I'm sure she'll run like mad once the babies are gone and I can return it.
so I was looking at this site: and it says "At Locke Hill Pet, Feed & Lawn Supply, no matter your order size, it’s always in stock. We can handle even the largest orders of hay, feeds and other essentials for your livestock." and lists oat hay as something they sell. I thought, "holy crap, a place that actually sells oat hay by the bale!"

I get all the way over there and the only oat hay they sell is the dinky little 3 lb or whatever oxbow bags for almost $5 each >.>

it wasn't too far out of the way, at least - the place is basically down the street from my sugar gliders' breeder, who I had to visit anyway 'cause she likes to have a visit after 2 weeks to check up on everything, teach you how to trim nails, etc.

I had to come home with a bale of coastal when I promised the girls oat, though, so they'll be none to happy about that :( (I'm having to wean them off of alfalfa now, which isn't going over well at all)
Sorry to hear about the runt :( We all know that you do the best for him possible. (my parents would NEVER take a hamster to the vet. I even had a hamster that had a tumor 1/2 the size of its body and they still would not take it in [RIP Cuddles]).

As for the feed store, did you ask if they sold oat hay by the bale or if they could get you a bale of it? Often times you can special request something and they will get it for you.
the only way they can get a larger thing of oat hay is through oxbow, where they get the small bags. they're gonna find out how much it costs from oxbow and then give me a call... but, seeing as how it has the oxbow name attached to it, I know it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than the $10.50 per actual bale that the coastal costs.
I took Nala and Gaz outside yesterday evening to romp in the yard... eventually, my neighbor came and joined us. it was a bit chilly (60F, maybe, or a little cooler) and the bunns got pretty snuggly after they were done running around! Gaz always lets Jeanne hold her for ages, but Nala normally gets antsy after a few minutes. surprisingly, Nala let me hold and cuddle her for a good half an hour!

I also realized today I can't even remember the last time I found pee outside the litter box. hooray for spaying!

on the downside, somebunny chewed through one of the cords on the hammock, so now I have to wrestle it out of the condo and try to fix it up >.>

the hammy babies are super cute, looking more and more like real hamsters. the runt is up to 13g now, which is a pretty big improvement considering he was 9-10g the other day. he's still eating well and playing/snuggling with his siblings. I have them in a separate cage right now so mommy can get some alone time and play on her wheel.

one of my gliders now has almost-normal poop, though the other's is still pretty bad. with some tips from the breeder, I've gotten Trouble to (mostly) quit biting me. they're also crabbing less.
I decided to give mommy hammy a break/some alone time with her wheel, so I put the babies in a new bin cage and took them to the bunny pen to play with them. I ended up leaving them in there and came back a while later to find Nala staring into the bin cage's window like she was watching hammy TV! amazingly, she stayed in that same mesmerized position long enough for me to rush back to my room for the camera AND the pic came out pretty good despite it being totally dark in the room aside from the TV being on.



the bunnies' project for the week... I think they're done with it, as they haven't worked on it for a couple days now:

more pics:






when I lifted up the wooden bridge:


some pics I took of the runt and the cream-colored girl the other night... poor little runt is so precious.


trying to shove a piece of green bean into his already over-filled cheek pouches:


next to a normal size sibling:



Awh that runt is precious. If he is gaining weight do you think he has a chance of survival?

I think it is sweet the way Nala waa so into watching the hammies..

As for your gliders, is it just a stress thing that's making their poop so runny? Are all gliders like that when they change homes? (aside from trouble of course because I know she has an infection)
well, the infection is/was something that can be passed between gliders, hence why the vet had me giving them both baytril - hurricane started showing symptoms a day or so after the vet trip, iirc. stress *can* cause diarrhea in gliders, I believe... but it's not a "normal" thing to have happen when they're rehomed.

as for the runt, I really don't know... he's a little trooper for sure, but since I hadn't been weighing him before, I have no idea whether he actually stopped growing at some point or has just been growing very slowly all along. I'll check him again in a day or two. I'm not holding my breath, though.

and yeah, I laughed my ass off when I walked into the room and saw Nala watching them, hehe. they're very intrigued by all the fuss over the new babies. they're also more affectionate/attentive than usual lately because I've been "starving them to death"... or so they'd claim. (I'm weaning them off alfalfa which means once veggies/pellets are gone, they're stuck with coastal other than a couple handfuls of alfalfa each day which always disappear in minutes)
Nala is so funny :) The babies look like real hamsters (they have for a while). Also I love that picture of all 12 of them when you lifted the log :) Hope that trouble gets better soon :(
I really need to stop forgetting how stupid it is to go to walmart on the weekend. no offense to those of you who breed, but if I ruled the world there would be a strictly enforced leash law for children. not that *all* children would be better off (from my point of view) if leashed... but definitely about 90% of them. while it didn't apply to this trip, children would also be banned from stores between the hours of midnight and 4 am as they especially irk me in walmart when they're cranky in the middle of the night and parents shouldn't be hauling their poor kids around at that hour anyway.

if I ruled the world, it would be legal for me (and only me... plus anyone I personally deputized) to bring a cattle prod into walmart and use it on people who shop in small groups and get so wrapped up in talking about stupid stuff that none of them notice they're inconveniencing half a dozen people who would like to get around them (also if they're walking side-by-side very slowly and spread out across the whole aisle making it impossible for anyone wanting to walk normal speed to pass them).

while I'm plotting my dictatorship, I'd also place a moratorium on music in stores, build some sort of noise-reducing force-field around myself (because some people are prone to sensory overload and would prefer not to have a panic attack in the walmart, tyvm) and require any store the size of wal-mart to have at least 3-4 strategically placed water fountains instead of just the one in the very very front and the one hidden in layaway that I always forget about when I'm dying of thirst after being in there for two freaking hours.

I'll update on the pets later, I'm worn out from shopping and being awake a bit too long.
People at my school walk like that, and it has made me late for class before.

They're all so cute! Poor hammy runt though, at least he can spend his days with lots of love surrounding him!

I also have sensory issues(I pass out when there is too much noise). Nala looks exactly like my dogs at Faith's cage.
Your Walmart rant makes me wonder if you and I are actually the same person. That sounds pretty much like something I say every time I leave the house.
If I had it my way, every family in the world would only be allowed to have 1 child... Guess I would be alive then but, eh.

Walmart is always packed, sometimes I stop in on my way home from work and regret it.
Imbrium wrote:
no offense to those of you who breed, but if I ruled the world there would be a strictly enforced leash law for children


lauratunes12 wrote:
People at my school walk like that, and it has made me late for class before.

They're all so cute! Poor hammy runt though, at least he can spend his days with lots of love surrounding him!
god, I remember highschool... I was always griping about idiots walking -5 miles an hour spread across the whole freaking hall.

my runt is suddenly gaining a LOT of weight! he's up to 25g now!

holtzchick wrote:
If I had it my way, every family in the world would only be allowed to have 1 child... Guess I would be alive then but, eh.
more like some of them shouldn't be allowed to have ANY... there are others that I feel are ok with multiples.

agnesthelion wrote:
Imbrium wrote:
no offense to those of you who breed, but if I ruled the world there would be a strictly enforced leash law for children

in my defense, I was counting you in the 10% where it wasn't actually needed - from what I know of you, I just can't see you allowing your son to run amok in a walmart, pissing off all the other customers ;)

it's just one of those things that would be a blanket rule because it's easier than sorting out who needs the leash and who doesn't... not to mention having to hear all the kids on leashes b*tch and whine about "well how come HE doesn't have to be on a leash??"
Imbrium wrote:
lauratunes12 wrote:
People at my school walk like that, and it has made me late for class before.

They're all so cute! Poor hammy runt though, at least he can spend his days with lots of love surrounding him!
god, I remember highschool... I was always griping about idiots walking -5 miles an hour spread across the whole freaking hall.

my runt is suddenly gaining a LOT of weight!  he's up to 25g now!

holtzchick wrote:
If I had it my way, every family in the world would only be allowed to have 1 child... Guess I would be alive then but, eh.
more like some of them shouldn't be allowed to have ANY... there are others that I feel are ok with multiples.

agnesthelion wrote:
Imbrium wrote:
no offense to those of you who breed, but if I ruled the world there would be a strictly enforced leash law for children

in my defense, I was counting you in the 10% where it wasn't actually needed - from what I know of you, I just can't see you allowing your son to run amok in a walmart, p*ssing off all the other customers ;)

it's just one of those things that would be a blanket rule because it's easier than sorting out who needs the leash and who doesn't... not to mention having to hear all the kids on leashes b*tch and whine about "well how come HE doesn't have to be on a leash??"

Lol yeah.... Awh I can't believe the runt is gaining so well!!!
I'm rooting for him :)