Well-Known Member
Ah! Your mice are sooooo cute! They all have such pretty markings! I wish we had such neat looking ones here! lol I'll have to keep my eyes peeled, mice are such entertaining pets.
Absolutely! Let them adopt and give to you, haha. Dang.I may ask a friend to go do that too Crystal..see what they say to them
I am planning on going in tomorrow. So I hope we can have a civil conversation..although I will no longer be supporting this organization at all. I would like to leave on good terms. She did delted her comment, and me as a friend.. but that is my point..FB is so stupid..why didn't they call me instead?I feel like on FB a lot of things get misconstrued, either by her or by you, or maybe a combination of both and it just snowballed into this horrible decision to like, fire you from a volunteer organization...? It's so weird that they would do that. I have definitely seen where people who "own" or founded these rescues get such a power trip from doing things exactly the way they want, and they do play a bit of the discrimination game. After all, it's their game and they can play it how they want. I'm not saying all rescues are or any particular ones are, but there definitely seems to be politics behind the scenes and it comes out in the weirdest ways. FB is so not the place for these disputes and concerns to be aired out. I think if it makes you feel better for closure or if you want to repair the relationship (because it does sound like you're the bigger person here!) that a face to face chat or a nice long phone call would be a better channel. Set FB comments aside if you decide to go that route.