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ya i was inda surprised to see she openly warned how aggressive some nethies she bred were...but because they made good brooders she kept them.
Your bunnies are doing to do great with the neuter! I have a good feeling about it. I cant imagine having unfixed rabbits. Both of mine can really be quite feisty as it is, so I think it would be hard to deal with the raging hormones.

I have to say I'm really jealous of all your pets! It looks like you have an incredible little zoo over there. I used to keep rats and I really miss them. They were such clever silly little souls.
Yeah I am a bit more calm But I keep thinking..three more hours..three more

I set up most of the mouse cage! It is really awesome! But I feel like it isn't big enough! :( I mean it is..but it just fits the stuff I already ahve..and I orderd another hide!

I will take photos once I get the final hide in the mail (Sometime this week)!

The boys are just fine! I am so happy to have them home! Here is a pic (Sorry I only have my phone camera!) of kinobe relaxing afterwards:


The nurse raved how "Cat like" kinobe was! All he wanted to do was be held and get pets! Hehe!
Thanks Theresa! I really appreciate it!

So..TMI right here..

but why on EARTH do they leave the..ball sack? LMAO. It is like they sucked it all out but left the skin! It is sooo gross and odd! LMAO
LOL... because it's so cruel to take them away and expose them to an even bigger incision than necessary to extract the testicles inside. They'll shrink and become barely visible after a while. You're so funny!

I figured as much! But it was so odd to see...deflated.."ballons" LOL

So, if you didn't see my facebook post, Anakin jumped over 28 inches out of his cage. Twice. Oh yeah. So I am freaking out. I had to put him in the bathroom because I have no NIC panels to build a roof.

He is acting completley normal..I even saw him mucnching on hay.

Kinobe on the other hand is so drowsy and calm. I feel so bad for him. I just want to cuddle him and make it all better.
Quick update:

Desptie how tired Kionbe is; he munched on some hay.
he is drinking a lot of water..shoudl I be concerned?

Anyways, I am super tired. It is only 10:15pm but I want to go to bed so bad.
not sure about drinkin a lot of water...maybe surgery dehydrates them a bit. i know the pain meds prob will.
Good news is Kinobe seems a lot better today! He def doesn't look as "Sad" or drowsey. But I am still not going to take him out of his cage, just in case.

However Anakin isin the living room (I can't keep in in the bathroom all day) and I am trying to make sure he doesn't run or do binkies. I am thinking maybe just putting a sheet over his cage but I have nothing to clip it to. Ugh what a bunny this little boy is!
i liked my bunnys after the nueter. they were so cuddly for a short moment before they got their spunk back

lol sounds like anakin is a ball of energy. i like my big buns, less to keep up with. well sorta :) to big to run much
your bunnies are so sweet! when my 2 boys came home after surgery i was really worried for one of them bc he seemed just like you said "sad" and just like out of it for a while which is totally opposite of his usual self. but it sounds like they are getting back to normal now! c:
Thanks Sam! Yeah Kinobe was just like he seems a lot happier, but still not as active.

They seem to be doing well!

So, I have some news :)
I got two more female micers! From a lady selling them for free on craigslist...I have to keep them in a 2 week quarentine, but I am excited to bond!

I don't have a camera, but I did take a phone shot.

Basil is Black and white 9(Mostly white) and she is so adorable!

Pepper is a broken agouit..AND MAN is she FIESTY. And a Jumper! She jumps like no other! She is really realy young as well. Def will have to work with her.

So, if your not friends with me on facebook; I was really upset last night.
I was putting food into the tank where pepper and basil are and pepper was in a cardboard tube I had to lift up.
Well she jumped out (It is amazing how far they can jump)
And ran into the kitchen.
So afraid that she would escape and get lost and probably pass away; I grabbed a tuberware and go to "trap her"
Well she moved and I caught her body midway. She squeaked, I let go, and trapped her.
It wasn't very hard, but after that she would let me hold her and was still and lethargic like.
I was worried I seriously injured her :(

But this morning she was out and acting completley normal and fine. Running around and such. So I am pretty relieved.

If you didn't see my thread in the behavior section, the boys are diving me nuts. They are 10000 WORSE than is like instead of removing the horomones they added more. They are doing crazy things and new things they have never done before! Ugh! Boy bunnies.