I talked to 2 vets (My vet and the TT vet) and they said four..not sure where your getting 8.
Helen, no that isn't the mini maze. It is the maze haven. It is $10 MORE than the mini maze, but is way more economical. the Mini maze is $20, adn the maze haven is $30 and is practically 4 mini mazes.
So we got the new
mouse cage!
It is a bin cage...it is 34 1/2 inches long, 16 inches wide, and 12 inches tall. I can't wait to get it all fixed up!
My spending habits are horrible..so bad in fact after spending more money on the animals, I am short on paying back some money I owe.
It isn't a huge deal (which is probably why I was prompted to spend it in the first place) but it is so irresponsible. And I hate living dollar to dollar.
But basically, I got the bin cage. I also got these for the mice:
I also got the chinchillas some lava perches. Expensive but they LOVE them.
Then I got two new litterboxes (I did have the money for these, I sold my mirror on craigslist) that are large enough for Chewy and Anakin.
I put that cat carpet condo in Anakins cage and he really took to it. Since he is a bit skittish, he loved haveing something to hide in. However, he could jump on top of it and get out of his cage. So I bought him this ADORABLE house..its like a pop up tents (It's sold for cats) and is so cute! and it was only $11!
I volunteered at Tranquility Trail today, and go back sunday. Nubby and Radar have been adopted (The three legged himi and the blind/deaf bunny) which made me really sad. BUT I quickly fell in love with a REW NZ female that I think Kinobe will love...we will see in all good time