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Cute pictures!

I thought the maze haven was more than $10? I only looked a few places online, so maybe their prices where just inflated. I was thinking of getting it for my crew, but the way they chew threw cardboard, it'd be in tiny little pieces on the floor in less than a month. I like making them box forts though. I get the boxes for free, so I don't care if they chew threw them really quickly.
I meant $10 MORE for the Maze Haven compared to the Mini Maze. It was $30 for the Maze Haven.

It got chewed, but I have to say it is really sturdy..I think it was well justified. Plus there was an extra piece so I can replace it (which turns out to be the most chewed piece)

I don't get cardboard boxes very often and honestly they ahve never before touched them! I think the construction and type of cardboard really helps.

Day 2 of photos! They are of the Super Snow Enigma Baby!

Die Paper!

Your next!
Great pics of the maze haven! I thought about getting it and now I think it would be a great addition to the rabbit nation. Once the cottontail cottage gets torn down I may get that.
I finished “Stories Rabbits Tell” and it was amazing. Good history book, and a good look into meat/fur/lab rabbits, which you may not really want to read but really should. It is a classic in my opinion. I am now reading Tempe Grandin’s first book, Animals in Translation. It is already really good.

So, I am trying to ban Petsmart/Petco from my life. I am going to post a topic on the forum instead of writing here so I can get more feedback.

So, Kinobes/Anakins neuter was for tomorrow. We ran into one tinsy problem..the second carrier we have is too small!! So we had to cancel until we can get up to Peoria and take Jame’s dog carrier. So it is now scheduled for Tuesday. I was so angry and upset I told James if Tuesday isn’t the day, I am going to kill him or somebody. I am so tired of it! We have the money, it is just so difficult to get there! But I am for sure going Tuesday otherwise I will die. But I am so nervous also. Ugh!

Real quick, can anyone answer how long healing is? When can I put chewy and Anakin back together?

So another person from craigslist bought a mirror of mine, so I finally have money to give the rabbits bigger litter boxes!!! Yay! Lol. And maybe a toy if they are lucky…lol.
So, I feed the mice and hamster biweekly mealworms to get their protein in. This is the second time the mice have not eaten the mealies! It is getting frustrating! Fat Hammie however has no problem..he loves mealworms! Lol!
Day three of pics!

Here are the Mice! Appropriate as I am making thier new MANSION of a bin cage! (Well trying to find the bin right now, lol)






nueter took aout 12 hours for drugs to wear off and the boys were up and going a couple days later.
That was the mini maze? It seems big. Once we finish the floors on the girls' room, I look into the maze or cottage. Right now I went box shopping at BJ's and found a box for them!

Poor buns and you with the neuter nightmare. Could you have borrowed one from the shelter you volunteer at?
I talked to 2 vets (My vet and the TT vet) and they said four..not sure where your getting 8.

Helen, no that isn't the mini maze. It is the maze haven. It is $10 MORE than the mini maze, but is way more economical. the Mini maze is $20, adn the maze haven is $30 and is practically 4 mini mazes.

So we got the new mouse cage!
It is a bin is 34 1/2 inches long, 16 inches wide, and 12 inches tall. I can't wait to get it all fixed up!

My spending habits are bad in fact after spending more money on the animals, I am short on paying back some money I owe. :(

It isn't a huge deal (which is probably why I was prompted to spend it in the first place) but it is so irresponsible. And I hate living dollar to dollar.

But basically, I got the bin cage. I also got these for the mice:

I also got the chinchillas some lava perches. Expensive but they LOVE them.

Then I got two new litterboxes (I did have the money for these, I sold my mirror on craigslist) that are large enough for Chewy and Anakin.

I put that cat carpet condo in Anakins cage and he really took to it. Since he is a bit skittish, he loved haveing something to hide in. However, he could jump on top of it and get out of his cage. So I bought him this ADORABLE house..its like a pop up tents (It's sold for cats) and is so cute! and it was only $11!

I volunteered at Tranquility Trail today, and go back sunday. Nubby and Radar have been adopted (The three legged himi and the blind/deaf bunny) which made me really sad. BUT I quickly fell in love with a REW NZ female that I think Kinobe will love...we will see in all good time :)
Aww, this so sweet! Your pets are all amazing and adorable and they are blessed to have you!

Hey, I've seen that tattoo before on D/A! It's so cute! I'm gonna get a bunny tattoo myself one day! Hahaha!
What's D/A? And which tattoo? Lol the one I have already or the one I am getting for my birthday?

My birthday is three weeks away..ugh! My mom told me to wait to get the tattoo on my birthday week because it will mean more :p If you are all wondering why it is I have not got it.

Seems not to be a lot of readers of my blog anymore :(
That is okay. I still like updating it, I guess.

I realized I need to buy the mice a new wheel, and I am debating to get them the same one they have or a spinner. Olive isn't big on the wheel so it might work out. Plus with almost 4 feet of space I am sure she can run everywhere :)

I orderd some Specturm Betta Pellets...I do feel guilty about the twos passing..I do wonder why it was. My remaining betta is in the 5 gallon tank, but I believe I need a new filter (Or tubing..the tubing might be the problem) but hopefully he lives a long life.

Oh! And more photos! :)



Thanks Ali :)

I am actually thinking of uprading him to a 10 gallon...I found one with hood for $10 on Craigslist. If it is still available, I am going to buy it.

I actually have a way better filter, but it won't fit on the bamboo 5 gallon, but if I get teh 10 gallon it will and it will work great.

I only have 2 small plants and a PVC hide, so if I upgrade I have to buy more decor.

In a couple of weeks I am going to buy a aquatic frog too, but of course if I get the 10 gallon I will have to wait a lot longer.
love your budgies so pretty..and ya i feel like my blog doesnt get much traffic at all anymore either.

can you get khuli loaches around there? a few in a 10g would be neat, i always loved mine when they did come out :)