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Congrats on more eggs!

I ordered wax worms in bulk once, I order my bugs from big apple herps, but I think the smallest amount they would ship was like 500, and most of them ended up dying before my geckos ate them. So no more bulk wax worms for me!

I thought all live things had to be shipped overnight? I've always had to pay for overnight shipping.

With the hovabater, is it easy to keep the temperatures constant? I am thinking of getting one, and was reading reviews and such online, and some people said that the temperatures sometimes fluctuates in them. I'm kind of worried about that, because we've been having such crazy weather the temperature in the house is so different from one day to the next, I don't want it to mess up any eggs.
Did you not feed them (The worms)? Their larve state is actually pretty long..and when you turn them to moths you can also feed those to your geckos.

Mine is a tad different than just overnight. It is priority overnight..there is a slight difference. It arrives no later than 9 am. By 9 am it is usually 90 degress in the summer, and 100 degrees by 11.

No, mine has been really stable but you have to get it going. I fired mine up the day I got eggs and it fluctated, but only by a couple degrees. Other than that, it works perfectly!
Thanks I'll check out that site next time I need to order. I like ordering a lot of meal/super worms because I can get those to last a long time, but if I ever ordered waxworms in bulk again I wouldn't want to order a lot.

I didn't feed the waxworms because they died, and neither of my geckos would eat them dead. I guess I didn't take care of them right or something?

Oh - I usually get overnight shipping and they get here before 10:30am the next day. But I just noticed that the cricketsdirect site lets you use Standard 2-3 day shipping. The other sites I've used only ship live items overnight. Maybe I can save money on shipping using this site now, unless they recommend that I get overnight because of how cold it's been here lately.

What kind of box does ship the bugs in? Because one time I ordered bugs from another site, and they came in a see through box lol. The landlord saw the package of worms and got grossed out. :rollseyes
Honestly it has been so long I don't remember!

Well, that is standard overnight to get there at 10:30..priority overnight gets their earlier.

BUT is NOT guaranteed 2-3 day if they arrive dead, you are out of luck. Cricket directs shipping is expensive, but flukers is really good.

I know I can't do that because of how hot it is IDK.
Great news! James and I pooled all our our ASU textbooks and sold them back and got enough money for Kinobes nueter! Heck yes!

I called to make the appt on Monday but nobody I am awaiting a call back!

Which will be great since he is digging/tearing up the carpet near the bedroom door to "get" to Chewbacca. Sigh. Silly bunny.

If you didn't see, I have a cute thread in genreal chat of Kinobe intitled "What?"

It is pretty cute :)
So Chewy may be pregnant. Remeber James left the door open? She feels heavier...ugh.
I feel so stupid because I get so angry at other people who do this, and it is so silly because I could have prevented it by checking to see if he had testicals. I had this convo with Jen that he is really really young to be such a early developer, but I should have checked.
Unfortunatly, I don't have a scale.

So now i got to rigg up a nest box for her, since I don't want to pay the $20 for a wood box. Now time to find homes :p

Everyone is good..and normal.
Which boy do you think would be the father? If she is pregnant, I hope everything goes well!

I'm sure the babies will be adorable. Maybe when they are ready for their new homes, you could charge an adoption fee and use the money towards getting all the buns fixed.

Ah, Jynx.

Guess what. She is a chinchilla who doesn't know how to jump.

Here is the story I posted on the chinchilla fourm:
WELL I took out the ramps because we all know there is no need for ramps for a Chinchilla. Then I noticed something. She didn't move all day (Like in a 12 hour period) from her upper shelf.

At first, I thought she just might be scared and proceded to place her on her food/water shelf

She quickly drank a little bit of water (She was obvioulsy thirsty) and ate an insane amount of hay. She obviously wanted it!

And then proceded not to move from that shelf for the entire night..then morning..then afternoon.

I then tried to coax her by pushing her little behind to jump to the next ramp (The cage isn't big..the shelfs are a small leap away) and she wouldn't do it.

Then as soon as I put the ramps back in, she was up and down her cage exploring and doing the normal chin thing!

I did this for the past 3 weeks..she will not move w/o the ramps!

Worse is that it is the same in playtime..she doesn't jump around like my other chinchillas do! She just walks! I put her on my bed, couch, ect..and she will not jump down from them..or jump up to any other place.

What on EARTH do I do here!?

I mean..the shelves are not even that far away!

She is really eager to come out for playtime..but won't jump from the upper door..she will follow the ramps down, and walk out of the bottom door.

I don't know what to do! Hopefully they can give me some good advice!

Oh, and here is Casanova too :)

Dragonrain wrote:
Which boy do you think would be the father? If she is pregnant, I hope everything goes well!

I'm sure the babies will be adorable. Maybe when they are ready for their new homes, you could charge an adoption fee and use the money towards getting all the buns fixed.

Well, Anakin is too young (All of what..10 weeks lol) it is Kinobe. I have sepearted Anakin and Chewy anyways.

Kinobe dropped his testicals like 2 weeks after I got him..and he was only suppossed to be 10 weeks AT THE MOST. So I was shocked. BUTI seperated them...and it had already passed the 32 day mark...

I was getting money to get Kinobe nueterd first (Chewy has had a long line of health problems making spaying her really nerve racking for me..I guess I am procrastination on it, and you all know about me losing my job for practically a month..I jsut started working againthe firstfull week of May) when James left the door open and he got to her..

That was like..2 weeeks ago..3 maybe.

I have money to get teh buns fixed..Kinobe is getting fixed Monday, and Chewy will be as soon as the 32 days are over and she isn't preggo, or after she is done weaning. Anakin is too young.

The only adoption fee will go to the babies getting nueterd and spayed :p
MCatCar wrote:
What color Lionhead do you have?

They are all adorable!

I have a Black tort female and a Sable Point male :)

But my tort female is pregnant by a tri color holland lop.
Myia09 wrote:
But my tort female is pregnant by a tri color holland lop.
That would be a very interesting mix. I only sawa lop with partlionhead onPetfinderonce and the rabbit was adorable!
hln917 wrote:
Myia09 wrote:
But my tort female is pregnant by a tri color holland lop.
That would be a very interesting mix. I only sawa lop with partlionhead onPetfinderonce and the rabbit was adorable!

I think they will be hedious :p LOL

BUT it would be cool to get another tri colored bunny..because WE ALL KNOW I am keeping 1 baby. Let's be real here.
Myia09 wrote:
I think they will be hedious :p LOL

BUT it would be cool to get another tri colored bunny..because WE ALL KNOW I am keeping 1 baby. Let's be real here.
No, not hedious!! Think of a lop with a little mohawk. It was so adorable!