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So I have to post a quick rant...
My boyfriend's best friend..the one who I don't get a long with..
already has a tortise she inadequatley provides for. But I can't say anything because she is a "c" word and really defensive..I have tried mentioning it but she gets really defensive.
WELL she just bought a rat..a single rat...on impusle..I haven't seen the cage but she is super cheap so I know it is probably a hamster cage.

To say I am upset doesn't even compete.
Anyways...we didn't go over to her house last night so I am still unaware of the rattie situation.

Bun Buns are fine..can't wait to get Kinobe nueterd..I was going to set up the kit when I realized it was still set :p
The summer is going to be hard on the rabbits (and me) since there will be a couple times a week I will be gone..never for too long, but I think during the 1-2 days I am gone I will bring either Kinobe or Anakin/Chewy at a time to make sure they are fine.

Chins are fine...I guess I am not getting Amy's I am just going to save so I can buy my own..I like they way they look a lot better. James is going to buy some wood on Monday and make new shelves for all the chins! He has been prorastinating on it for like a month :p
I don't know how to cut wood, so it is kinda up to him.

Erika has me dying for a new hammie cage...and just giving in and buying a type of long "under the bed" type container..I already own 1 but I don't think it is tall enough for him. So I will start looking around. I really want to make it two 20 gallon tanks..because my current cage is the same dimensions as a 20 gallon tank.

Well that is all for now!
That's one reason I hate going away, leaving my buns. I'm like the nervous parent, calling in every couple of hours to check on them.
I am happy to say I have set up my MOUSE cage! That is right!

Long story short..I saw these 2 females up for adoption at Petsmart..but decided not to get them.

Well, I had James run to another Petsmart to get Bird food, and he saw a little male mouse and decided to get him! Problem is, we counted our ducks too soon...he came back to get me, we went to the petsmart, I held him, but realized we didn't have a cage for him! (We were in Peoria at his mother's hour drive)

So we had to leave him, even though we knew we were coming home tonight :(

It is 2:30 am..and we just got home about a half hour he would have been in a box (If we waited from closing) 9pm-2am.

Worse part is, we don't go back up to Peoria till Monday! This guy was an older guy, and he may still be there, but the pet girl said another family came and looked at him earlier.

I don't have my heart 100% set on him because I only held him for a small bit..but I am definatly set on getting a male mouse. We are going to call tomorrow and see if he is still there..and maybe take a look at some other boy mice down here.

The funny thing is, I literally didn't have to buy a thing for him BESIDES the fact I got this cool bird toy ladder thing for 0.60 cents!

In the cage:

Wooden house, small igloo house, wheel (May have to replace, it is just what I already owned), paper tube, "couch", a loofah, finger trap chewer, birdie shredder, birdie bagel, some wood chews, dixie cup (For chewing), food bowl, water bottle.

Bedding: First layer is Aspen, second layer carefresh, then I put a small amount of hay and some toilet paper.


And you may be stuck with crappy phone photos until I can find my memory card! :(
Looks awesome, he's going to be one lucky mouse! Hopefully if you don't get him you can find another that you like. They really are just the best little pets you can get :)

Just make sure he's big enough that he can't fit his head IN the fingertrap; I've heard a couple of horror stories about people's meecers sticking their heads in them and getting them stuck, subsequently stressed out very badly. I use them for hamsters/rats/birds/etc. but I'm too nervous to use them with my mice unless they're cut up into smaller pieces as part of other toys.
The tank looks great! Where did you get that little wooden house thing? I saw one kind of like it at Walmart (maybe its the same one), but was worried that Dex would just pee all over it and it would be a waste of $5.

Don't forget to buy some fleece and make braided fleece can string those all over the cage in criss-cross patterns and mice have a lot of fun climbing all over them :).
Bad news :( The other family got him! I am so upset! He was super friendly and cute...I mean, it is great he got a home and what not, but first off the pet care lady didn't know anything about any of the animals, but ugh! So James is taking me to another petsmart to see if maybe there is another one who catches my eye. :(

Ren, I think I will just cut it up then! lol! That is too scary!

See, that is what I am afraid of..I been on funmouse all day and night but I still don't know a whole lot since I have never owned, or wanted to, mice.

And Amy..I feel so our convo I kept saying "pine" and I meant aspen..I think aspen is okay sincce I saw a bunch of people on funmouse with it! lol!

I got it at is like $6. I got it a loooong time ago because I thought my hamster would like it..but he was too fat for it..LOL. (It was my obese hamster I was getting down to size) and when he did lose the weight, I couldnt' use it because he had arthritus and couldn't use the top shelf anyways. But it is pretty nice...I will let you know if he pees on it too much. But I do know I had something similar with my other hamster, andh peed in the corner of it, but it wasn't too bad..I just rinsed it off.

I will def do that will the fleece..I ran out of paper clips! And the "toy" clips I have are too big to hang from the wire mesh. I still have some left over fleece from making the chinchillas fleece cage liners.

I am still trying to get a hood for the bettas..but it has been no luck to find one for cheap..

Kinobie is doing MAJOR binkies today! lol! I mean from last night to tonight, it has been binkie time! It is sooo cute!!!

So while getting out the mouse stuff, I found an old lava type bird perch I bought for the chinchillas a long tima ago, but their cage at that time was not sturdy enough (It is really heavy) but it works just fine on the FN! I put it in with Valentine since he is the biggest chewer. He loves it!

Anakin has started a habit of "thumping" when I am go into the room like he is scared of me. Silly bunny. But he is warming up...doesn't run away as much..and he actually pushed my hand away today when I took him out of his cage! lol!
I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll find another one. Great set-up!

I love bunny binkies! We used to call it "Yahoos." That's what Sebastian seemed to be saying when he did them b/c he was so happy.

Baci started thumping in the morning as soon as he comes out of his cage for the day. But not b/c he's scared, more like trying to get our attention to do the Bunny Nascar with him.
Myia09 wrote:
And Amy..I feel so our convo I kept saying "pine" and I meant aspen..I think aspen is okay sincce I saw a bunch of people on funmouse with it! lol!
Even aspen is one you shouldn't use with the mice, as a lot of pet store mice have allergies and wood beddings can cause hot spots. Of course, a lot of people use it anyway....but I'd rather not risk it for Dexter and just use Soft Sorbent. Maybe you are seeing UK people using aspen on the mouse forum? For them, it is okay because their mice are better quality and are A LOT different from US mice....their mice are bigger, males can live together, they don't have the allergies our mice have, and they are generally more friendly due to proper breeding.
Hmm..I don't know. Most of the cages in the photo thread have aspen. I didn't see if they were UK or not.

Anyways, this is the story. We call to 6 different petsmart..3 sold males. All three were sold out. The guy on stapley and baseline told me thier supplier was out.
Well, we ended up going to the Tempe Marketplace Petsmart and the two original females were still there! So I adopted them! :)

I did really only want one..but I couldn't resist.

One of the females is orange and white, and the other is a gray/lavender with a white stomach and a white "Scar" on her face. I named the orange and white Crouton and the grey Olive.

I found my memory card, so I am going to wait to share photos until tomorrow night when I can post better photos.

They really love the cage. They have been nibbling on everything, running on the wheel, they seem really excited.
Crouton is very very friendly, Olive is a tad bit more shy.

And they are hilarous to watch!

But what upsets me is at the parking lot there were two males who were selling puppies from their was like 6 puppies per small crate. WITH NO WATER. In Arizona heat..and it is super freaking hot today. I called the police, waited, but they left before the cops got their (Someone else also called the cops on them at the same time..I think they got the idea)

It makes me really angry.
So, most of you my brother is special needs, and he used to do therepy with like tents and such (It is a sensory thing to go under them and what not)

Well he has this long tube that he hasn't used in years and my mom gave it to me for the bunnies! It is great! It is about 5 ft long and plenty wide enough.

Kinobe is scared of it, but Anakin and Chewy LOVE it!

So, I think Anakin is Part Angora.. if you saw my post, she had a "Female" angora..and the thing is..Anakin is already about hte size of Chewbacca. His mom (sable point lionhead) is the same size as Chewbacca. I didn't see the suppossed father.

Well, he is also super fluffy..he either is a great lionhead type or I don't know.

His fur is also incredibly silky. Not like baby fur either...but like Angora fur. The problem is, I haven't felt an actualy Angora rabbit, since her "female" was heavily matted.

AND it would explain why he is already so large and so silky.

My buns have two cat tubes. They love to run through them, nap in them and dig in them.

I'm looking forward to those mice pictures.
The way Anakin looks reminds me a lot of Barnaby, before I give him his haircuts. Barnaby is crazy fluffy too, with very soft fur, and has the long fur on his ears and all that. So Anakin could still be a lionhead, but you never know! Maybe the angora she had wasn't really female.

Congrats on the new mice! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of them.
Yeah, maybe I am just being paranoid :p LOL.
It is just so wierd..he keeps getting fluffier and his fur longer.

Kinobe is flopped..and I mean flopped, right next to me. It is so cute. I love how much he trusts me. I hope he can forgive me when I nueter him LOL. Only 4 more days!

I can't wait, but I know I am going to get super nervous about it too. We will be up in Peoria, and he will be spending the days we are there with us, which is great :)

So, in leopard gecko news, I lost 2 more eggs. They was the 1st lay of the blazing blizzard. Sigh.

So now I am down to the orignal two..going on week 5. They still look great. The blazing blizzard has enough weight to probably breed again, but I am just going to wait. Going to buy crickets and worms today with the little bit of money I do have.

It is my sisters birthday this saturday AND James and I bill time :p
Yeah Barnaby's hair is crazy long/fluffy too - I actually cut it shorter for him because it gets kind of hard to deal with sometimes when I leave it long. Hay sometimes gets caught in it and it drives him crazy, and his mane goes in his eyes, so when it starts getting too long again I trim it.

So sorry you lost more eggs! That's disappointing. At least you have the two good ones though, you're doing better this year than I am!

Good luck with Kinobe's neuter. I'm sure he'll do great, but I know how nerve wracking it is.

Happy birthday to your sister and happy anniversary! Are you doing anything fun to celebrate? I hope you have a great weekend!!
Our Anni isn't for two more weeks, but I am not quite sure what we are doing ;)

I got photos!

Olive has this wierd color/sheen that makes taking photos really hard!






And I have some really cool news! As a belated bday present, my aunt got me this KILLER fish tank!

It is a 5.5 gallon (Odd shape) and it is so cool! I am cycling it for my white betta right now!

I have to add background, take out said decor and put in betta friendly decor.

So, doing research on the mouse fourm they told me that the mice would smell very strongly for the first 2-3 weeks due to the petstore diet..and boy do they! The cage stinks! At least it isn't the area around it, but man!

I left them alone until today and only took them out for a short time. I just want to make sure they feel comfortable and safe.

And Amy, they are peeing on the wood house. But I am just going to wash it..

It is funny though, because Olive is very shy and she will run on the wheel to run away from James or I! LMAO!

The bunnies are good...I cleaned the carpets today. They were a mess from Sheriff. There was 1 little stain from Chewy and Pinball (I miss him!) but it came I would say 90% up.

Then the spray marks Sheriff left ALL OVER (I really should have taken a photo..) came up 100%.

There is some stains still in the crease of the wall/carpet, but I feel confident I can hand wash it up.

And I am out of hay until Monday early afternoon for all the animals..but I can't justify the $5 on cheap petstore hay. They can wait a day :p

Tomorrow James will be gone for the day/night for Peoria, and because my friend is flake, and I have no am going to do a SERIOUS bonding session with Casanova and Valentine..I mean shut in teh bathroom with exotic treats serious LOL. I can't stand them being apart!

I realize it is Saturday..I usually am in Peoria so it feels like a boring weekday! So odd!

So, I feel better than 1 of my bettas will be in a bigger tank. I still need to find that hood for my 10 is so frustrating! I have filter, heater, ect ect. All I need is a hood and a DIY divider.
But at the same time, it seems like so much room for a betta! I think I would like to get a pygmy catfish, but then I remember most of them have to be in three's or more.

So my options are some ghost shrimp of a dwarf underwater frog. I am thinking frog :)

I am going to cycle for I think only 2 water is pretty good and it is such a small tank.

I am going to go and get a PVC tube, macaroni shaped lol. Then some felt plants. Then I am hoping I can get a small asian looking ornament that is both betta and frog friendly.

I also cleaned out my extra cage just in case Amy can figure out a way I can foster the ratties..

I fed crickets to the geckos and they ate them all, but they didn't want any mealworms. I will try again tomorrow..they are "giant" mewealworms and they have only had "small" ones..I wonder if it is confusing them.

Well, I got to "refill" Casanova's pine toy..and spend the night online because I am bored! lol!
Cycling - especially fishless cycling - can't occur in two days even in a small tank(especially without live plants); I think you might be confused on what cycling is - it isn't just letting the water sit! Once you put the fish in, chances are it'll cycle while he's in there, and for bettas that generally means ammonia burned fins since their fins are so sensitive. This article has pretty decent instructions on a proper fishless cycle.

That tank is SUPER cool. I really like it. I think your fish is going to love it! If you do get dwarf frogs (I don't suggest ghost shrimp as they often eat them, makes for a pricey snack!), be sure there's a few hides - preferably one only the dwarf frog can fit under. Some, though not all, bettas tend to harass the little guys and it can literally stress them to death. You may have to feed them under there, because bettas loooove to steal the frogs' food. Alternately you can just cup the betta when you feed the frog. Also make sure the filter in any tank with dwarf frogs is REALLY gentle, as they have a very difficult time dealing with currents. Finally, and I'm sure you know this, but just make sure you're not being selled an african CLAWED frog. The albinos are definitely ACFs so that's easy, but sometimes they have natural colored ACFs mixed in with ADFs. Look for that front foot webbing to make sure you've got the right thing.

You may also want to consider some sort of snail. They're a little more resistant to betta bullying, are less likely to have their food snatched, and actually are surprisingly active and cool. I used to have tanks devoted JUST to snails! has great info on them, and they come in some beautiful colors. I also have a care sheet if you'd like; it's basically applesnail's info, but more condensed and geared towards casual keepers rather than serious breeders and enthusiasts.

Enjoy your weekend! :)

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