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I can't believe they actually towed a scooter! That stinks.

I like having 3 bunnies too. I don't know why, I always pictured myself having more, but I've been happy with my current 3 and don't really have any plans of getting any more anytime too soon unless something unexpected comes up.
Right? Who tows a scooter.

Well, my Super Snow laid another two eggs (She laid the previous two also) but they look like duds!
Well, one might be okay, but I don't know about the other.

I incubated them anyways.

My blazing blizzard still has not laid her eggs.

Kinobe was angry that I had things on his couch cushion. So he improvised.

So I have my mothers camera today!
So no more crappy phone photos! lol.
And I really want to take photos of how fluffy Anakin has got.

Aaaaand photos of the gecko eggs..although no photos of the geckos because my poor Super Snow lost a lot of weight with these two eggs so I have to fatten her up before she goes for a photo shoot :p
Myia09 wrote:
Kinobe was angry that I had things on his couch cushion. So he improvised.

So cute! When I had a couch up against the wall my buns used to run back and forth from one end to another. I guess they don't feel secure now that the couch is set away from the wall by around 2 ft.

Myia09 wrote:
And check out this epic tounge picture!


OMG don't do that to me without warning!!!! I can't actually breathe for the laughing at the cuteness of it!!!!

Also that video is adorable- I want to bunnynap Anakin, the fluffy little munchkin!!!!

Yeah, it was totally an accident. I was just taking a general photo of him and BAM I saw that on the screen! I have to return her camera tomorrow however so I am a bit sad.

I wish james would find his camera!

Well, I took some of the last photos tonight and got some good ones!

Enjoy! :)





Cheese its?


Doesn't he?!

Well, I had to throw out two of the leopard gecko eggs, they had mold. OH WAIT..

I didn't post about the eggs :p

I got four more..2 from my super snow who already laid and 2 from my blazing blizzard.

The 2 from my super snow appeared to be duds, and sure enough this morning I found mold on them, so I had to let them go :(

I think it was because she didn't have enough weight.

So I fed her another pinkie and gave crickets, but neither of them have really touched them besides the initial attack, lol.

My store was out of wax worms, and I refuse to buy them at petsmart because usually they are there for a long time and are bad..

And I can't afford to buy them in bulk right now, but I will probably next paycheck, okay, lie, I will probably buy mealworms in bulk. For 1000 it is 7.95..with shipping it turns out to be like $20 (I have to pay for more expensive shipping since it is so hot in AZ I have to get overnight priority)

So now I have 4 healthy eggs..the 2 initial eggs are now at 4 weeks incubation..halfway there! It is aggravating how long it takes! But I want females, not males..but I might be tempted for the next batch (Since I am taking a break to have the females gain a ton of weight) to incubate at 85 to get "mixed" babies..which should only take 6 weeks instead of 8.

I just *hate* when they become beetles if they don't get eaten fast enough. The geckos can eat the beetles but I can't bring myself to touch them. Uggggh.