Well, Kinobe is going to be fixed first, then Chewy. Kinobe dropped his testicals early and there might be a small chance she is preggo..but it looks doubtful, but I can't afford the extra charge if she is for her spay.
So I am waiting the 30 days, which will be done next week BUT I can't afford it then anyways
Which leads me to this rant:
My apartment complex TOWED MY SCOOTER. That is right. They towed a tinsy itty bitty neon yellow scooter, for expired (By 1 month) tags. My scooter doesn't even need a plate (It is under 50 cc's) and I was in the process of getting it un-registered...which is why I didn't get new tags.
But they towed it. And it will cost 1/3 of the scooters value (170) to get it back.
So I am going to convince James to get Kinboe fixed anyways, and pay his mom (We always have her for emergenceies) with the next subset of paychecks.
After I pay her back, I will get Chewy spayed.
Anakin shouldn't be ready by then anyways, as he is now only 10 weeks old. (Or maybe 11..I have to check)
I don't fix my rabbits "as soon as possible" for my own personal reasons (I think fixing young bunnies is dangerous as well as hormone problems for a huge spike to none..it is my personal opinion, I know most people dont' agree, but my vet does, and I do, so eh.)
I like to wait until they are fully mature and then nueter so it evens out the horomone levels.
Chewy is def overdue for her spay, but she won't be one for another month, but we couldn't get her fixed due to her head tilt she had and then we moved, which caused a financial strain. I will have her spayed by the end of June, no doubt.
Well back on my original rant...can you belive they freaking towed my scooter? A SCOOTER.
I abosolutley hate my apartment complex. Only a few more months and then I am GONE. No more AIMCO company ********.
Well, I have seperated Anakin and Chewy but will let them have play time for the next couple weeks until he is about 12 weeks old, then sepearte them completley until they ar spay/nueterd.
But the funny thing is..this has zapped my animal want. I don't want another bunny, chinchilla, or hamster.
This may sound mean..but I am tired of all my money going to the animals. I want some money to spend on myself..on the apartment. On furniture I don't have.
I can't promise I won't get a 4th bunny..I really want my mini rex, but I don't think I will. (Unless Chewy does have a litter..I would have to keep one

I don't want any more chinchillas.
The only thing I want is my leopard gecko breeding colony.
I have reached my personal happy limit.
And what is funny, is that I am happy with the personailites of my three buns, therefore it has diminished my "Aw I want a mini rex" urge.
Kinobe is a great free roam bun...he is goofy and playful.
Chewy is affectionate but independent
And Anakin so far is shy but the type of adorable I can't get enough. But he is getting used to me and warming up.
I caught myself wishing I stayed at two..but then I realized 3 is perfect. Chewy well..chews too much to be free roam (And anakin is showing teh same tendicies) so they are good bedroom buns..
And Kinboe is my cat! The free roam goofy guy. He likes to be pet (Even though we have not got any bunny kisses from him

It is mothers day, and James and I are spending it apart. My mom had to work, so I am watching the kids, which coincides with his family. So he is just going to spend the night in Peoria with his family, which is a little nerve clenching because we don't usually ever spend a night apart, and I have trust issues..ugh. I have faith in him, but it is still weird.
I have major cleaning to do once I get back to the apartment..
Oh..and the geckos still have not laid thier eggs! What is it?! Your like a week overdue!