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Please let me out of the cage?

The Regal bunny

When Sheriff was out for play, I heard a loud noise. Thinking he tipped something over and broke it, this is instead what I found, bunny in a bathtub
Since I had to seperate the chins, I re-did the levels.

Level 1: (still needs a hay rack and such, thats what the list was made for)

Level 2: Sorry for the mess..but Valentine is such a darn messy chinchilla.

As you see, they still need hay racks and metal crocks along with wood hidey houses. Valentine needs a fleece hammock or cube house still.
Hmm, more random postings. I cant "edit" my last post, so whatever.
I have 2 cages for the new chinchillas, a large one for the females and a small one for the lone male. But I am going to be buying another Ferret Nation for the females.
My plan is to bond the Tan male with one of the males (Be it valentine or another) so all 4 males will be in 1 FN.

The females will have the other FN. I am going to do a Leopard print theme, since the boys is Zebra. The set up will be pretty much the same (I love the fleece tubes and such) I am again confident I can bond all 3 females (The ebony and brown velvet are already bonded) but if not, I can just seperate the cage.

I am going to save a lot of money this time because james is going to make all the shelves and hidey houses.
As for the fleece, I am either going to have Amy make me some, or do it myself. I can do the FN liner myself, but not the hammocks or cubes.
So the only thing I really need to buy is the fleece tubes which will only be about $23 dollars.

A friend of mine chinchilla has a case of impaction from eating plastic. It scared the crap out of me, my chins have never chewed on plastic (Their dust bath is plastic) but now I have removed everything slightly plastic lol, which encases just the dust bath. I really hope her chin pulls through.
JEALOUSY all those chinchillas are absolutely perfection, My question is as I'm confused are you getting 4 more chinchillas or more then 4 lol, CONFUSION to the MAX?

I really love Ebonys.

I'm excited, Fingers crossed I can get a ferret nation.
4 chinchillas, lol. I already have 3 (casanova, valentine, romeo) for a total of 7. All four are pictured in that post above.

The girl with the pink white and tan also has 4 breeding pairs that she said she would take photos of to send me, but I am not interested, I could only take in 1 more female and that would be at my max, so yeah.

I hope so too! I love my FN.
Cute picture of Sheriff in the tub. Hope he doesn't learn to turn the water on next!

Nice cages for the Chinchillas - they look so inviting! What lucky little chinchillas to have such a good caretaker (parent...slave....??) :)

And I can't leave out the "Regal Bunny" ... such a pretty bun!!

Chewy's hair looks so neat in that pictures, compared to how messy Barnaby's hair usually looks!

So many new chins, how exciting! Do you have any name ideas yet?
Nope, no names, lol. Well, I may not get the tan. She told me he is very aggressive twoards other MALE chinchillas..and while yes I can seperate him in his own cage, what about play time and other things? It makes me really nervous.

Thanks Never2ManyBunnies...yes slave is a good name.

So I got my "Official Guide Book Raising better Rabbits and Cavies from the ARBA today.

What a great book! So full on great information!
I am REALLY dying for a textel guine is james! lol!
They are so adorable!

The rabbits are the same, Chewbacca chewed through my phone cord..I haven't told James. I am not sure what I am going to
Sheriff was giving major cuddles yesterday, but I really need to break him of his "love kisses" habit.

Well..I think thats it!
Nope, no names, lol. Well, I may not get the tan. She told me he is very aggressive twoards other MALE chinchillas..and while yes I can seperate him in his own cage, what about play time and other things? It makes me really nervous.

Thanks Never2ManyBunnies...yes slave is a good name.

So I got my "Official Guide Book Raising better Rabbits and Cavies from the ARBA today.

What a great book! So full on great information!
I am REALLY dying for a textel guine is james! lol!
They are so adorable!

The rabbits are the same, Chewbacca chewed through my phone cord..I haven't told James. I am not sure what I am going to
Sheriff was giving major cuddles yesterday, but I really need to break him of his "love kisses" habit.

Well..I think thats it!
Oh Myia I totally love Texel Guinea pigs another reason why Ireland sucks and America rocks >.< .

Oh and the petshop hasn't heard anything from suppliers about ferret nations Grr.
That sucks about your phone cord! I know the feeling - when Zeus was alive he chewed through like 5 of them.

Guinea pigs are cute. I've never had one before but I have a friend who is obsessed with them.

I've been meaning to ask you, what kind of incubator do you use for your leopard gecko eggs? Do you have any recommendations?
I used to have a incubator from llreptile...just a basic $40 that worked great. I sold it when I was done breeding, and have not bought a new one yet since my females are not ready to breed yet.

So, James and I were going through rabbit breeds and such, and we really have our heart on English Angoras

Now, I wanted to rescue a LARGE bunny..for Sheriff down the road when he is retired from showing. I guess I am feeling "purebred" guilt, but James and I have decided we want an Angora as a partner for Chewbacca.

While they are slightly bigger, I think due to same body size they will be a great pair (Of course assuming they get along)

I have not found a single breeder in AZ, so it looks like we will have to keep our eyes open at the April 17th Rabbit show in Tucson, and when we go to Bunny Fest in September.

James really is in love with getting an angora..and it make me feel really great! Its so nice when he is not only suportive, but intersted!

We also talked that if we can't find an angora, a Jersey Wooly would be a great substitute.

The rabbits are fine, as usual. Both of them are peeing ON THE MATS though..not even on thier fleece blankets..its calls for a lot of washcloths and vinegar, lol.

Chins are doing well, parakeets, and geckos too.

Fat Hammie as lost about 1/3 of his fat wieght...I wish i had a gram scale (My last one broke)

Well..thats all I guess.
OH HECK you steal everything from My wish list FIRST chinchillas then ENGLISH ANGORAS Grr.

I can't wait till you get one, And when you do I DEMAND daily pictures lol.
Hahaha I guess I do Paul!
Well, it really does look we are going to have to wait until september to get one, IF they are for sale at the show in CA..if not I shall die. lol
Your buns and chins are beautiful... I never knew chinchillas came in so many different colours - really stunning! English Angoras are one of the buns on my 'someday' wishlist. A lady I know through spinning has them and they have the funniest little personailities!
Bunny Fest in SD, CA isn't a rabbit's like a huge meet up of rabbit people - vendors, rescue bunnies for adoption will be there, rabbit grooming booths, etc. Its probably very pro-rescue since its put on by the San Diego House Rabbit Society.

Have you checked Petfinder for an English Angora for adoption?
I've seen Angoras on petfinder before, you should take a look!

Jersey Woolies are one of the breeds that my fiance and I plan to get in the future :)