So yesterday I went to the Renissance was alright. It was for James friends bday..I honestly think its pointless (You just look at stuff you cant buy, lol)
Well the two best friends (Both girls) got into the stupid high school drama they are soooo prone to and never get out of..I dont' want to go into details but it was really freakin stupid.
Well 4 hours into the drama, I started to get a severe migrane..I used to get them really bad, was on permenent medication and morphin IV drips, the works. I haven't had a bad one in like two years, but last night it was just getting worse and worse
I kept telling James I needed to go home (We were at his parents house and his home city which is a hour drive from our place) and it just was not happening due to the drama.
So I ended up throwin up in pain, and still no go. Then finally I threw up again and was bawling my eyes out..the girls got it through that they needed to leave and solve the drama elsewhere.
James was really worried and started going crazy lol. Running around to get me things, fixing the tire in the rain, ect. It was so adroable.
Now I am feeling slightly better, but I still have a headache.
The rabbits are fine, doing the normal. Sheriff peed everywhere on the liner I have and not in the litter box. It was pretty frustrating.
Chewy is perfect as normal
Chins are ok..still seperated. My females Chinchillas look like they will arrive March 20th! So excited!
Nothing else much to report..