Myia's Bunny Blog

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So I castrated the chinchillas today.

Kinda literally LOL.

I trimmed thier whiskers about 1/2 inch. I really hate doing this because I love thier long whiskers, but it helps with aggressive chins.

I clipped but I kept them sepearate and right now I just seprated them and guess what! No aggression! So

They are nocturnal so tonight will be the test.

I lost my bus pass so I had to miss 2 of my classes today..and I missed them tuesday too...and another day when I was sick. So my 3rd absence. It is really stressing me out. THANK GOD James can take me to math class..
Amy, they are my favorite breed. I have heard nothing but great things about Elops. Sheriff really brightens my life.

Don't get me wrong, I love my chewy, but everyone with a dwarf can agree they are independent. She gives me kisses, and runs away.

Not Sheriff..he really is teh best bunny *goes hugs chewy..I still love you!*
Too cute! Are you going to teach him to fetch next? :biggrin2: Word of advice, make sure you don't train him to attack the sock. Hubby once "trained" Sebastian to attack the white sock. However hubby was finished playing but Sebastian decided he wanted to play more. Well he started to attack the sock on hubby's foot andbitit hard!:shock:
Yeah, maybe fetch next! I need to buy a clicker for sure...have him do lots of tricks!

A little update on the chins..Casanova fur was chewed not badly, but bad enough to constitiute a temporary sepration from valentine for at least a month, and then I will try to bond them again. Romeo is still with Casanova, but if I hear any chasing at all, Casanova will be housed alone. dissapointing.
Awwwwww, after seeing the pictures of your chinchillas, I think I want one!! They are sooo cute! Actually, all of your animals are adorable. Awesome blog..I hope someday you are able to open your own rescue/exotic pet store! Awesome tattoos you have, too. Did they hurt? I know I'd feel the same way about seeing abused animals..i'd never be able to handle that. Just seeing those sad SPCA commercials make me cry. =( I'd love to get a job someday working with animals..I love being around them!
I really think everyone should go to page 12 and look at the sleeping photo of sheriff. How could you pass that up? lol

I need to find a clicker..I am really serious about training him to do more tricks.
LoveMyRabbit0910 wrote:
Awwwwww, after seeing the pictures of your chinchillas, I think I want one!! They are sooo cute! Actually, all of your animals are adorable. Awesome blog..I hope someday you are able to open your own rescue/exotic pet store! Awesome tattoos you have, too. Did they hurt? I know I'd feel the same way about seeing abused animals..i'd never be able to handle that. Just seeing those sad SPCA commercials make me cry. =( I'd love to get a job someday working with animals..I love being around them!

Thanks :)

Eh, I have my ribs tattooed, so not really compared to that. :)
So yesterday I went to the Renissance was alright. It was for James friends bday..I honestly think its pointless (You just look at stuff you cant buy, lol)

Well the two best friends (Both girls) got into the stupid high school drama they are soooo prone to and never get out of..I dont' want to go into details but it was really freakin stupid.

Well 4 hours into the drama, I started to get a severe migrane..I used to get them really bad, was on permenent medication and morphin IV drips, the works. I haven't had a bad one in like two years, but last night it was just getting worse and worse
I kept telling James I needed to go home (We were at his parents house and his home city which is a hour drive from our place) and it just was not happening due to the drama.
So I ended up throwin up in pain, and still no go. Then finally I threw up again and was bawling my eyes out..the girls got it through that they needed to leave and solve the drama elsewhere.
James was really worried and started going crazy lol. Running around to get me things, fixing the tire in the rain, ect. It was so adroable.
Now I am feeling slightly better, but I still have a headache.

The rabbits are fine, doing the normal. Sheriff peed everywhere on the liner I have and not in the litter box. It was pretty frustrating.
Chewy is perfect as normal :)

Chins are ok..still seperated. My females Chinchillas look like they will arrive March 20th! So excited!

Nothing else much to report..
Ugh I just made a list of what I need/want to buy for the animals.

Zebra Fleece Liner
2 Chin Spins
1 hidey house or hammock for upper cage
New Shelves because they are dirty
2 metal crocks for food
Glass water bottles
2 hidey houses wood

Super Pet:
Wood Ledges
Fleece liner
Hidey house wood
Hammock and/or cube house
Glass water bottle
Metal crock for food

Pet beds
Metal crock for water bowl for sheriff
Fleece liner for 2nd story

New toys

New matching water bowls
New 20 gallon tank


Thats like $200 right there..ugh..I know I can get a lot for discounted prices. It will an interesting feat.
Ha Ha, Myia you need to cut back on your animal expenses to have some money for your own self, I wouldn't bother getting more shelves if the ones they have do the job.

Anyway good luck.
Ah good luck with all that! I do the same thing, make lists of stuff I want to get for the pets. None of it is stuff they really need, but I love to spoil them. In the mean time, I'm spending all my money on them, and I really need to go clothes shopping and stuff for myself, but I never have the money too.

Sorry about your migraine. I get them pretty bad once in awhile, but not nearly as often as I use too (thankfully!).

Sorry about all the drama too. I would hate that. I had some friends like that, and I just don't really talk to them much anymore.
Myia09 wrote:
I know right? I am out of makeup even. I am a sucker. Its true.
Yeah I want new glasses, And mam said the animals are costing too much, So I have kinda cut down on the luxuries just 1 hay instead of the 2 varieties, Although she shouldn't be using that as an excuse since my perscription on my glasses is outdated and not strong enough Grr :X.
Aw that sucks Paul :(
Yeah, well some of that stuff I need but we will see on the wants and such.

So you all know I am getting a Brown Velvet Female and a Ebony female chinchilla..(although I hate this photo of the brown velvet...because she doesn't look brown lol)


Well I found another breeder in Arizona, and she has two chinwillas I love. A tan male:

and a pink white female:

That I am pretty sure I am going to get. I haven't put down a deposit yet, but so far the convo is going well. These will be the last of the chinchillas, as I have reached my number limit. The great news is all four above are down the road it may be a possibility.
Just wanted to share, even though some people don't agree :p

If your wondering what the differene the brown velvet and the tan are, since I realized how alike they look in those photos, it is not only genetics, but a tan is a ebony carrier that is solid..meaning a solid color.

Brown Velvets (Or black velvets like my Casanova is) have white bellies.

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