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Myia09 wrote:
She hasn't liked a rabbit since, and I don't think it has anything to do with her not being spayed.
I can bet you the cost of her spay that it does :p. Before Molly was spayed, I had her playing in the hallway at our old house...Morgan pushed the gate open from the bunny room and Molly instantly attacked him (he did not provoke her). Now that Molls has been spayed for 2 months, she will no longer attack Morgan.

So, spaying & neutering does make a huge difference in a rabbits hormones. Of course, both rabbit needs to be spayed and neutered before attempting a bond...otherwise, its just too risky.
I agree, spaying/neutering does make a huge difference!

Oh and I mentioned 4-5 lb bunnies working out with my 2lb Barnaby, because of the mini rex comments.
I'm certainly not an expert on English Lops and have never shown any. But, I don't think a lack of fur on the back side of the ears is an issue. I have an e-lop that has thin fur on the back of his ears. I haven't shown him, but did get him from a breeder and he was sold as "show quality".

I have also been going to rabbit shows, just to observe, learn, and dream. lol. At the last show I went to a few weeks ago, I tried to watch the judging very closely, and did not see or hear the judge comment on lack of fur on the ears. They did comment on ear shape and size, of course. And while I did not get to check out each e-lop closely, I did see at least a few that had thin fur on the back side of the ears. (I was checking it out because I was curious about this, for some reason!) Of course, if you find out otherwise, please let me know!
Hehe yeah I love sleep time photos.

Well I have some Bad news.
It makes me pretty angry, so I am keeping it short. Amy kind of knows what going on, so yeah.

James is taking off band practice this week to go to the Renissance Festival for his friends bday.
He also has gone to Tucson (hour-2 hour drive) twice this week by himself, once to go to a conccert then the other to a family birthday party which he ended up hanging out with his friend pretty much.

Well he would have to take band practice off again the following week to take me to the show, and drive to Tucson again, so he said no.

I have no way of getting there myself; even if I could drive his stick shift, I do not have a license (long story, well not really I just have not got it)

We will see if it is a for sure no..I really can't tell. But I am pretty sure it is.

Whatever. We will see.
James makes me want to :boxing and I haven't even met him yet.

:hug: to you. Do you know of anyone from the PHX area who has room in their car for you and Sheriff to travel to the show? I bet if you posted on the Yahoo group "AZBunnySwap" you might find someone willing to help you out :).
Well, were not going. But I told him we are 100% going to the next show on April 17th and he agreed.
I am really tierd of doing things for him, and that sounds horrible to me. But I feel like I do everything for him, follow his schedule, and wait on him and I get nothing. He barely asks questions about me volunteering or anything.
We talked last night, and I think it helped a lot.
There is a 'Pretty Thing Peepshow" tonght, and were going despite him being sick, which makes me feel better.
Its a sideshow/burlesque show (I am totally into that kind of scene) and I am excited.

Sheriff really got me angry last night. We put down some plastic carpet protectors last night, and he wouldn't stop "Digging" them. I have a fleece blanket and towel in there, so IDK what he was doing. Then he was just making TONS of noise..doing god knows what. We have never had a problem with this. So at 2 am I put him in the bathroom with water and food. I was really frustrated, but I felt awful this morning about it. I just can't wait until they get thier own room.

Then the chins were doing a lot of "Chasing" but it was making me nervous how bad it was..
What is going on is Valentine is always been the dominant one, but I think Romeo wants to be, or soemthing with dominance. So I had to seperate Romeo and Valentine. So Casanova and Romeo are in one level, and Valeninte in the other. I hope this is temporary. Then this morning I went to pet Romeo and he "barked" at me (Its like saying "Back Off") and I thought he might bite me, which I have NEVER had a chinchilla bite me. He didn't, and I pursuaded him with some major chin scritches.

I am going to be gone until late today, so there is no bonding time I can spare. But James will probably take of work tomorrow since he is sick (Which is frustraing on my part due to finances) and he can keep an eye on them.

My mother has a hamster that used to be mine, but I gave it to my sister because she fell in love with him. He was a rescue, an older Syrian. Well my mom went out and bought a CHINCHILLA cage for him. Its huge! I had to tape the ledges and ramps because the spaces were way to large for him. Literally a CHINCHILLA cage..She was just complaining about money to me, and this cage is $110 cage! Well, at least he is livin the good life. I wish I could get my hamster that..but I don't have $110, and I would buy it for the chins who need it more. I keep looking on craigslist, but there has been nothing good.

I am royally screwed..The same person has French Lop babies and two are does. I almost got a French Lop when I wanted a Flemmie, but passed it up. Now I am dying over here.
Then she also has a blue VM lionhead buck. Sooo perfect for chewy.
Haha good luck with that! I think I'd have a very hard time resisting that lionhead! Then again, I don't need anymore boys. If I get another rabbit anytime soon, it has to be a female!

I think you should take a picture of the hammy in his chin cage! I'd love to see that. That's one lucky hamster!
1.Your moms hamster is quite lucky.
2.Sorry James wont bring you to where you want to go..
3.I was looking at your pictures of the chinchillas-OH MY GOODNESS THEY ARE TOO CUTE! It makes me want one.
Yeah..they are adorable.
They were chasing really bad last night. Or Valentine was chasing Casanova. But now they are doing fine, so IDK. This girl on the chinchilla fourm was really negative about it saying I need to seperate them them or they will fight to death. She is pretty high ranking, but I don't know about that.

Soooo I really debated putting this on the blog, but I will.
My 2 female chins will be here in 3-4 weeks, she said the "First half" of March.
But in the meantime, I found another breeder in AZ. I am pretty excited about this, but even more she has a pink-white female and a violet female, great additions to my herd (and future breeding)
And a tan boy. If the tan male is a dark enough tan, I might get him too.

But this is all hypothetical. I am waiting on photos from her and prices which should be given this weekend (She works a lot during the week but told me she would have them by the weekend)

I have also decided to get Chewy a dwarf partner for sure, just probably not right now. I am just going to wait it out and see.

Well, not much to report :/
No, no it doesnt. lol.
Well I gave all 3 chinchillas play time, they did well, then they all went into the cage, did well but twoards the end of the night they were chasing a little bit, so I seperated them again.
Ugh this is going to be hard work.

Plus I ran out of dust bath so I have to quickly order some because its a tad humid outside so I am worried about it (Pet store dust = trash, I have to order mine online.)
I guess I should explain above said photo..this morning I found Sheriff on the bed as usual..but this time he made his way under the sheets and found him a little nap place!

It was sooo cute. So I sat there with him and he gave me a bunch of kisses and I petted him. Just like a dog!

I am going to buy beds for chew and sheriff..I think they would most appreciate it.

BTW..on the topic of getting Chewbacca a mate, James wants to get a netherland dwarf, but I am still so hurt from Pinball's passing, IDK. Plus he was soo independent.
I want something small, but I Decided to take votes!
Some breeds I am thinking..Nethies, Hollands, another lionhead, mini rex ,ect. Something no larger than a Mini Rex.
Myia09 wrote:
BTW..on the topic of getting Chewbacca a mate, James wants to get a netherland dwarf, but I am still so hurt from Pinball's passing, IDK. Plus he was soo independent.
I want something small, but I Decided to take votes!
Some breeds I am thinking..Nethies, Hollands, another lionhead, mini rex ,ect. Something no larger than a Mini Rex.
The best thing you can do it take her to an adoption event for BHRR AFTER she is spayed, so she can pick her own bunny (no matter the size). You don't want to get one for her because it may not work out (kind of like a planned marriage).

Now you also have to ask yourself if you will have the time to bond the rabbits between shows with Sheriff, bonding multiple Chins, breed/whatever the geckos, school, work, etc. Bonding is hard work....I'm currently trying with Molly and Morgan and its tough to find the time to do it.
Well..this would be my..fourth bond with rabbits?
I have done this before ;)

I bonded Chewy and Pinball, Simba and Miss Kitty, and Simba with Chewbacca (Although they were seperated because my mom wanted to keep Simba..they were only bonded for like a couple weeks, and thankfully it wasn't a problem seperating them)

Its the same with Chinchillas..everyone talks about how hard it is, time consuming, ect, and really I don't find it that hard.
I feel people are so afraid of it, at the little bit of signs of fighting, they seperate the animals. Some dominance humping/chasing/ect needs to happen in order for the process to go.
None of my rabbits or chinchillas have even been hurt during bonding, and all of my bonding has been successful.

The chins "chasing" right now is the most difficulty I have had.

Again with the is going to be done..patience! I feel like everyone is on my back about it, and I really don't see why. She doesn't have behavioral problems or health problems from it.

And again, I dissagree with it making a difference. She was bonded to an unspayed female before, as well as Miss Kitty and Simba were unspayed when they first bonded for months. Spaying doesn't change PERSONALITIES, it changes habits.

Another thing, there is no rabbits at Brambley that I feel would suit me or chewy..but this isn't planning for right now. This is for planning when we move and get the rabbit room.
Yeah I agree Myia I think people are too afraid of what might happen when bonding, Being honest my rabbits have been put out in the run left have a little scrap sort out who is the top dog and now there all happy, You need to let them fight it out before they can be friends, If you don't let them pick a top dog through a small fight it is only going to get worse with time.
Did everyone miss that adorable photo of Sheriff or something????

lol. I thought it was adorable.

Rabbits doing fine, Chins are bonding right now, going semi-decent.

Found a GREAT place for produce..will be posting a thread about it.

That Chinchilla cage I told you my mother got for the hamster? Well the hamster wasn't using the I got the cage! Whoot! It will be a great cage to use. Right now the females are going to go in a Super Pet (Not the rabbit kind, the ferret kind) but it has a bar broken and what not so it is only temporary until
A. I can afford another FN
B. I can put a FN somewhere lol

Rabbits got some oats today which is there favorite treat, but they haven't had any in about 3 weeks. They gobbled it up, they were so happy! lol!

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