Myia's Bunny Blog

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Ahhh those ears!! :inlove:

My real name is Michelle, by the way! Or Chelle is fine too, that's what I have under my name section on my profile here.

That's good that they have to give you notice before checking the apartment! That would really stress me out if they didn't have too.

Crested geckos are cool! The tank you have planned sounds awesome.

That girl sounds so annoying. I hate people like that! I guess all you can do is ignore her...she'll learn (hopefully) someday.
WOW this girl has problems lol a waste of time if u ask me. she seems to have self-worth issues and is making herself feel better by putting everyone around her down...I wouldnt get worked up over could always resort to violence lol

OH btw u have mentioned that u do roller u have a video of yourself...I have seen it on tv and it looks so cool

ETS: whoops i missed the pics wow they r great!!!!!
Ahh you're just gonna have to ignore that girl, Everyone has to face horrible people but not able to do anything because they are important to someone else in their lives! Just smile and nod! Oh and maybe spill a drink over her by mistake!

Cute pictures, Are you gonna neuter Sheriff if he can't be shown in hope it corrects his behaviour problems?
Of course! He has 3 more months to put on 2 inches on those ears. I haven't measured them again, but I probably should.
Chewy was suppossed to get spayed next week, but due to my rent problem (long story..fueding with my bank to get it resolved) I can't, and James doesnt have his half either.

So we set her appointment for early April, which is fine, she will be around 1 year old then. I wanted to do it before she turned 1.

His behaviour problems really aren't that bad..I mean the first bite is because I broke up a fight between him and it wasn't his fault

The scratches were because I didn't clip his nails and big bunnies don't like to be held.

This bite I am sure was because I haden't seen him in 2 days, and he pretty much got no attention during that time besides from my mother who just coos at them, lol.

BTW Paul I want to see your bunny photos :(

Well, I am off to school for a long day of nothing. We are building the new NIC cages tonight FOR SURE I told James no excuses lol. And he is being nice and buying all the supplies :)

I of course will post photos!
(FYI, Chew doesn't have outside photos like I posted of Sheriff because the next store neighborhs dog was barking really loud and I knew it would scare chew..Sheriff didn't mind lol)

OH and so this morning I go to my Chinchilla cage and I didn't have time to put all the shelves up on the cage (Which is fine, they are such great jumpers they just jump from level to level) last night, and I didn't see ANY CHINS! But then I noticed on the botoom level fleece liner one really large bump. All the chins were under the fleece liner! lol!
400 zip ties later, not even done. Sheriffs cage is done, and looks great for a NIC cage. Its 4 long, 2 high, 2 wide with a second shelf. I need to put fleece on the 2nd level and what not.

Chews cage doesn't have a roof of her shelf yet due to the fact James and I are exhausted, but hers is a 3 long, 2 high, 2 wide, with a second shelf.

The cages are huge, and overwhelm my bedroom. I can't wait until I get a 2nd bedroom.

I am tierd and sore. Bedtime.
Good job on the bunnies, I'm glad that things are going great with the re-caging He He!

I really should start a blog work in progress, Although it was one of my new year resolutions....
Sheriff's cage is "done" in the sense its built, Chewy still needs her 2nd story and roof. We should have finished it today, but we were busy and its now 2 am. lol.

I had a pretty good day, and I am exhausted.

I decided to post some other photos that were sent to me of the female chinchillas. THey are coming from OKHLAHOMA not the weather is pretty bad lol.

Well goodnight!
I know right??? The only think is I hate the way the Brown Velvets veiling looks a little dull. But in the other photo it looks a lot better, and she promised it was.
She is now saying it will be the "first half" of it like a waiting game LOL. I am so excited.

So in 2 weeks (march 12 and 13) I have orientation for volunterring for both the Arizona Humane Society and the SPCA of Arizona.
I am more excited for the Humane Society because they have exotics and I decided to foster. I don't care what James says, LOL. I would like to foster the small animals, hamsters, ect. I don't think I want to do anything larger than a rat however.
I decided to only see how I will like the SPCA, since I heard that voluntering there isn't always great.

I will be going 1 a week for each group in the mornings before work.

The only problem is that I may be taking a second job as a Dog Trainer at Petsmart because I want to have some more money, and I would have to work the days I volunteer. So I would have to figure out when I could volunteer, which probably would only be 1 a month instead of 1 a week.

I really need to is not so much dirty, but we do have a smaller apartment so it is hard to keep things organized, so it gets clutterd quick.

So, is there a problem with my blog?

I am really concernd I have only like 3 followers lol.
I try to post photos all the time, in fact all of my pages excpet for 1 have photos on them.

I also try to post halfway interesting things, lol.
I also post in other's blogs. IDK, I feel like it is lacking.
No one posts in my blog, really, either Myia :(.

I like how you are going to volunteer with the small animals at the HS and SPCA. I know the HS desperately needs people who know how to handle bunnies, etc. It would be so hard not bringing any of them home, though, LOL!

Eh, I think I will be fine. I realized now with the cages we have, I really don't have any room for even a foster in this apartment.
It will be the hammies I fall for though. I had 2 hamsters all my life so it is wierd only having one.

Well I read your blog

Yaaay :) Its literally like 1/4 of a way from being 21 inches. Just barely! That means he is show ready! Whoot!

The next show is in 2 weeks in Tucson..So IDK if James will make the drive, or if registering is open, but I am hopeful!!! Sooooo darn hopeful.

Ahhhh scritches


Streachin the ears

I sleep

Pet meeee

I sleep wherever.

They are sparkley since they just got a dust bath

You woke me up!
What a great day! I finally got my official ARBA card!
Whoooot! There was a delay because I forgot to put my aparment number, lol.

I am official and ready to go!
Happy to hear that Sheriff made the requirements, Also The chinchillas are amazing, Makes me want to get more NOW, But I first need to get the new cage, AND then save the money for the new chinchillas lol. Good job on the volunteering hopefully it works out, Oh and hopefully you get the extra job.
You might kill me when I say this, but I always thought Chins looked like such boring pets. I must have it all wrong, so now I have a ton of questions....

Don't Chins live to be like 20 years?
Are they cuddly or just like to be pet?
How much do they weigh when adults?
Do they have to be kept in pairs?
What is their personality like?
Can you litter box train them?
Why can they only have fleece fabric?
Are they generally healthy? If not, what is their main health issue?
Can you let them run around a room? If so..what needs to be "chin-proofed'?
Do they make any vocal noises?

I think that is it. Oh....can you post a video of them?

OMG I am so glad you asked. LOL.

They can live 10-15 years. I am glad :)

The cuddly fact..let me tell you. They are not still creatures. They like to jump, play, all over the place (Which is why they are SO entertaining) MOST chinchillas don't like to be held. Casanova has no problem being held for short periods, but Valentine and Romeo do. They also will run away when you try to get them LOL. But they love what I call "Chin scritches" which is scratch under the chin. they make and ADORABLE "Chinese" face. LOL. But they are independent. They will run up to you, jump on you though.

A good adult will weight about 800 grams. Sometimes it can be lower, like Ebony chinchillas tend to go as low as 600 grams. They really are the size of rats, but thier fur is so thick and plush, lol.

They don't have to be kept in pairs, they do fine, but I reconmend it. It gives them a play mate when your gone. Bonding can be hard, although I have had no problem with it. It is easier than bonding buns. A lot easier.

No litter box training here. They just poop, I have been told (Not 100% on this) they can't control when they poo. As for peeing, its is relativly oderless (they are very oderless animal)

Personality is just like trying to describe a bunny. Each Chin has a different personality of course. Valentine is a sneaky, michevious little devil. He likes to steal treats and show me his testicals (LOL no I am not kidding, thank god they are not noticable)
Casanova is such a sweetheart, gentle, kind.
Romeo so far I am still deciphering.
I would say overall: Sneaky, playful, outgoing, troublemakers (in a good way), active

Chins are great chewers. The worst. They are very suspectible to impaction, and you must be wary of what you put in thier cage. Plastic is a HUGE no-no as MOST chins (Mine don't) will chew on plastic, and either chock or get long-term impaction. Fleece is popular because its a harder fabric to chew and the fibers are a lot more degradable than other fabrics (Even cotton) My chins don't chew on it.

They are super healthy. But they are fragile..don't grab them too hard. It is not a fragile as a new born baby, but you do have to be careful. The most "common" is poor skin due to not enough dust baths (Although I have heard of too many!)
They are also can get ringworm very easily or other skin problems, but with proper care and dust baths these can be avoided.

You can let them run around, but they will chew. I would suggest the bathroom since there is no carpet (My chins don't chew carpet, but it does happen) and its easy to clean the dust from thier dust bath. They have chewed on the cabnients (Not major however) and the love to destory toilet paper. They are jumpers too, literally Valentine once jumped 4 feet from the ground. No joke.

As for noises, the are pretty much quiet but some they can make noises. Here is a great website that is pretty accurate.

I will work on the video..I never posted one before but lets see!

Other facts:
Rabbits carry Pasturelies (Sp?) dormat that is deadly to chins, so I wouldn't reconmend housing in the same room. Obviously I live in an aparment, but the cage is also high enough to wear Sheriff can peer over, but other than that there is no contact.
Buying wood for them to chew on CAN be expensive.
Dust is realivly cheap, but you have to order it online (Pet store dust is crap)
Cages are expensive because they need a high quality cage. They also can't have plastic shelves, so you need to buy/make wood shelves (Easy to do)
Great brands of food are Purina Show Rabbit, Mazuri, and Oxbow. They also get unlimted timothy hay.
They are very sugar intolerant. Treats must be giving sparingly, but there are some treats (Rosehips) that can be given daily
They are nocternal mostly, but do play during the day. My chins are most awake 6pm-1 am. But with good shelves, you can barley hear them play.
Very oderless, clean animals
Umm..I think thats it! LOL!

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