My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Sorry you woke up with a headache. That ruins the whole day from the very start. I can understand not feeling like getting AJ dressed, sometimes it's so much easier just to hop in the vehicle and go yourself. I had to run to get some burger buns yesterday because we decided to have pulled pork bbq for dinner. Luckily we have a dollar general not far and I know they have buns because I would not have drove 25 minutes each way otherwise. Usually if one of us runs somewhere we will take one of the girls with us that way they get a little one on one time but I just went as I didn't feel like waiting around for them to get there shoes and a jacket on and I just wanted it to be quick.

Whoever owned this house must have gotten a deal on an ugly green because the majority of the rooms were painted that. Although there were a few walls that were an ugly orange. I can't even describe the orange color. We always use a semi gloss so it can be cleaned easily. I clean the doors especially around door knobs and the light switches and around them all the time. Then it comes right off. Ours don't get bad between that plus we are clean people and wash our hands when they get dirty.

That's what I don't get, why touch the walls at all and why with black hands especially when what you are touching is flat white paint.

Chris...I wasn't too concerned once I knew nobody was around. There's no where outside the house for someone to hide and I looked just in case. My dog is big and extremely strong and likes people but is very protective when he thinks he needs to be.
I actually did suck it up and dress him and took him to the store. Sometimes the only time to get him to stop acting like a crazy, is the take him somewhere. Before I left he was going crazy, hitting me and being ridiculous. So I took him to the store and he was fine, then we got chicken nuggets, he ate and took a nap. Thank god. I laid on the couch and watched SVU. Thats how my whole day has gone, on the couch. I've done like maybe 3 things, but other than that nothing. I did put a pork roast in the oven, so that counts for something.

So my cat has totally ruined 50 lbs of rabbit litter. I'm really pissed but its my own fault. She took another poop in the litter and peed in it...again. I can't find the top for that stupid container and now the litter is RUINED. Ugh. Thankfully, its really cheap. I'm still not happy because I really wanted to clean Ellie's litter boxes today. I'll have to wait. Sometimes, I really hate having cats. I love them, but they do the most ridiculous things sometimes.

Ellie has been thumpy today. I don't know why. She probably wants her litter box cleaned! LOL I think it could be because I've been watching so much SVU, she was especially thumpy when a kid was freaking out on the show. Maybe she didn't like that. Oh and I'm pretty sure I fed her like 3 times yesterday. What is wrong with me? I was a little crazy yesterday and every time I saw her bowl empty I put a little handful in there for her. haha. Oops. I gave her a new little box today, shes loving it.
Wow, good for you for selling some hens. I'm glad you got some advice. I hope you make a lot of money next time.

I'm sorry you had a headache they aren't fun.

I love to just relax on the couch and watch tv, lol. You can just sit and forget about the troubles of life. Its so relaxing. I also like to crochet to relax, it puts me in a mode of meditation.

Ugh, that must be so annoying that your cat ruined Ellie's litter. Somtime's cats just do things like that. Its annoying. It reminds me, one time when we had a dog the first day we got him we kept him in the house. We drove pretty far to get him and it was night time when we finally came back. Anyway the next morning we found poop on the floor, lol.

Ellie is such an active bunny. No wonder she's eating so much pellets she's probably burning off a lot of fat. Or maybe she's just being a little piggy, lol.
So Ellie has broadened her herb variety in the last two days! haha. She has had rosemary, greek basil and rose petals. She LOVED the rose petals right away, but she was unsure of the basil and the rosemary because they have such a strong smell. But she ate them and I think she liked them! No soft poops either, I probably shouldn't have put so many different ones together but I think she did okay.
I wound up sleeping on the couch last night and Ellie thumped all night. haha. I don't know why she was thumping, but she did it like 10 times in a row and I went into the kitchen to see what was up and as soon as I turned the light out, she thumped like 3 more times in fast succession and I just had to laugh at her.

I slept on the couch because my husband is a ******. For the last few days he's been really jerky and its making me crazy. He's the kind of person that if you say anything to him, he gets on the super defensive and attacks you over nothing. Like yesterday, I said something to him and he totally bit my head off, over nothing. Its not like I was yelling and screaming, I was just having a conversation with him and he attacked me. Jeez. So I went to bed early at like 9 and I was just laying in bed. He came up at like 10:30 and was a jerk then too! So I said screw it and went and slept on the couch. But ohmygod the couch was terrible. Who can sleep on these things?! haha. I feel like I'm going to be crippled later in the day from this terrible thing. We need a new couch...bad.
But seriously, I don't know whats going on with the hub. I think its because he quit smoking, but I can't handle him being such a jerk. He's like on his high horse right now, like he was outside all day yesterday doing whatever and then came in and started talking junk to me about my parental skills and because I didn't throw something away. I was just thinking "really, you haven't been in the house at all today, to show off any of your wondrous parental skills or your house keeping abilities, so why don't you shut that pie hole?" I didn't say it because I didn't want a fight, but jeez don't come into my house and criticize me for something you don't know anything about! haha.
But I really think its because he quit smoking. How annoying, I would rather have him nice and smoking than a ****** and not smoking. LOL Is that bad?
Sorry to dump the weird stuff on you guys. haha. Its nothing serious, but I have like zero patience for adult tantrums and for anything other than AJ. And most of the time, AJ wears my patience down to a negative number and by the time another adult comes in, theres nothing left.

Anyway, he said he would stop and get me another bag of litter from TSC, but they close at 8 and after his golf round he won't get there until after the close. So no litter today, I'll just have to go tomorrow. I do have yucky pine bedding, I think its kiln dried and phenol free, would that be okay to use? I really need to change the boxes! haha. I needed to change then on Saturday but I wasn't really here, so Sunday was a bit of a stretch and now its Monday and they're gross to look at. No smell, but who wants to look at that?! haha.

And now I'm so done. hahah. Happy Monday!
Pine litter should be fine if it is kiln dried. That's what I use. I tried the pellets but didn't like it. We tried using it for the cats not long ago when we ran out of litter and the litter box just had to be hanged. It could not wait because Isabelles poo stinks to high heaven and I can't take it. The cats wouldn't use it. Ridiculous. Yours uses it when you don't want it to and ours won't when we do. Yah, they can go outside but they don't they use the litter box in the garage. When they do go outside it's in the driveway I guess because they think the stone is large litter.

Our couch is comfier then our bed. How sad is that. We'd probably sleep there but we both don't fit comfortable. We can take a nap together but not for the whole night. Sorry your hubby's being a problem. That's why I won't quit smoking, I'd probably kill someone!LOL

I'm glad Ellie handled the extra meal and the herbs fine. Two days in a row I fed all of Thump's pellets to him in the AM when it's supposed to be split into two meals. Maybe Ellie didn't like all the bad vibes in the house and that's why she was thumping. Plus you sleeping down stairs might be to her like it is for you when the hubby stays home from work.
Hahaha. You're probably right, I was encroaching on her night time thing! I don't know what she does at night, so maybe she likes to be secretive?! Who knows with that one!

I quit smoking too. I go back and forth though. But we've never quit together before and my god, there is a reason why. He's terrible! But he's been smoking the whole time we've been together, and now I'm getting to know a new person. And this new person is a bit of a jerk. LOL I'm naturally quite the bitch and I know I haven't been overly pleasant the last few days, but I've been consciously trying to be nicer this weekend, but he's making it hard for me to keep up the nice facade.
Like last night, I was starving. I made a pork tenderloin, so I decided to make an open faced sandwich for my meal. I actually made MY plate first, which is unusual for me. So my hub was standing there watching me make my food and like hovering over me. I was like, 'what are you doing? What do you want?' He was like, 'I want my food!' I told him that he was making his own plate because I was making mine! He got MAD at me for not making his plate! Can you believe that?! He was like, 'you never make your food first, you always make mine and AJ's first, you always make my plate! How was I supposed to know that you weren't making mine first!' So he started to make his own food and he looked so put off and confused by what he was doing. I was like, 'what have I spoiled you so much because I do everything for you that you're incapable to making your own freaking dinner plate?!'

How ridiculous is that?! I mean, I cook dinner and make his plate every night. Is that wrong? haha. I totally get he's an adult and everything, but its easier to just make it and then hand it to him rather than have him hover on me. Even if I don't cook and we get pizza or fast food, I still get everything ready for him. Is that wrong?! Seriously? Is that too much? Sometimes, I feel like its the most ridiculous thing that I do.

One last thing. AJ is watching this cartoon, Super Why. So there are 4 characters, one boy and two girls, then a pig. But what gets me is that 3 of them are "real" kids and one is a PIG. No one seems to notice that he's a pig or that he's talking, walking on two feet or can read. But the rest of them are real people with real people families and he's part of a talking pig family. Wh...what?! I know I over analyze cartoons, but sometimes they just blatantly don't make sense to me. What happens when a kid is like "why is that one a pig?" how do you answer that? I'm all for diversity, get an asian kid or something, not a talking pig. Thats just confusing for kids. I do like this show though, it has lots of words and how to sound them out and spell them and all that. So its good for AJ to watch, as long as when he's older he doesn't ask me why there was a talking pig in the bunch. So how does a pig catch? They don't have anything near a thumb, they have cloven hooves. Gah, someone take netflix away from me.

I need a nap, too bad is dusting day and the whole house needs a good once over with the swiffer duster.

Oh and someone got in touch with me, that bought my two black hens on Saturday. He said they're settling in well and he is interested in my blue rooster! How exciting! So I might have him sold. Everyone thought he was really pretty on Saturday, but no one would take him because he's a rooster! If I brought Bluebell, she would have been gone in 3 minutes flat! haha. Next time, hopefully I'll have lots of blues to sell! I have a plan.

Ugh. Dusting.
Sounds as though you´ve had a stressful few days and your hubby quitting smoking hasn´t helped. I´ve never smoked but I´ve had friends who´ve given up and it´s like they´ve had a personality transplant, really grumpy and always in a bad mood.

I agree, he should be able to make himself a meal or a sandwich, you´ve got him too used to doing it for him and he just assumes you´ll always do that. I've been feeling the same for the last couple of weeks with friends, you do so much for them that they just assume you´ll continue to do it and then get annoyed the first time you say no.

My couch is really comfy but when I sleep on there the buns make so much noise during the night that they wake me up so Í don´t do it much. I bought some greek basil for mine today cos they absolutely love it, I´ll get some more at the market tomorrow and more dill which they also love. They like most herbs.

I use the pine pellets and they´re fine. That´s a real pain your cat peeing is little Miss Ellie´s litter. I was coming round the back of the supermarket today and saw a cat with three tiny kittens. They were just adorable and obviously wild. I was going to take a photo but momma gave me such a wicked look, I ran back to the car and left them alone. can be hard when they get so used to you doing something all of the time. They start to take it for granted. I so want to get the chance to experience life as a man so I can have someone wait on me. Ha! I'm like you. He works I stay home so feel that my job is to take care of the house, the kids and do all those little things you do but sometimes it would be nice to not do something and it still be done without having to discuss that it needs done or why you are not doing it this once or what have you. My hubby's really good about letting me know he appreciates all I do and thanking me for all I do and I know if I asked him to do something for me he would (too bad I'm so self sufficient so it rarely happens ) but yah I do things like make sure his drinks are stocked in the fridge that he packs in his lunch and he's just so used to me doing it that he never even checks to make sure there are some in the fridge. I always make my plate last so I could see something very similar happening in our home.

I'm sure he'll be back to his old self once he has gotten over the worst of quitting. Hopefully that won't take too long. From what you have said previously it sounds like the two of you have some good times and laughs together.

The girls don't watch much tv here so I'm kinda out of the loop as far as the newer cartoons go but I've had the same reaction in the past. Like some cartoons I like or cartoon movies like Winnie The Pooh and most of the Disney movies but some make absolutely no sense to me or they have things that I just don't get but I have that problem with older kids shows as well. I Carly. The girls aren't allowed to watch it here but I know they have seen it and I was curious and watched like two shows. The one girl is a bully who threatens everyone to get her way and they have a talking bra that floats around. And people wonder what's wrong with kids now a days.

That's great that he wants a roo. Maybe you need to create a facebook page or something for the chickens you plan to raise and sell so people that are really interested in that breed can find you. I know I went through heck trying to find someone that breeds Flemish Giants and I finally found the breeder I went to by searching online. Although next time I get a flemmie I plan to search harder and find a breeder who is more involved.
Oh don't get me wrong, we laugh all the time. Even when we're bickering we still laugh because something ridiculous always happens while we're in the middle of whatever and we just have to look like ...what? haha. I call it bickering because we haven't gotten into an actual fight fight in several years, but we do get at each other every few months or so. You know, like normal people. I'm not the easiest person to live with sometimes, so I get it.
I never ask him to do anything, theres not point to. I ask him to take the trash out, but thats it. Other than that, he works and I work at home with the child and the animals and the house, so I don't expect much from him when he gets home. But sometimes, I'm totally shocked at his behavior. Like, last night when I didn't make his plate first, haha. It was like he didn't know what to do, like the world crashed down around him. I make AJ pick up his toys and put them away, so why don't I make my hub pick anything up? haha. Hopefully I don't make my son into the same person that my husband is, in terms of being taken care of his whole life. haha. My hub works hard, don't ever get me wrong on that.

I really hate facebook, but that is a good idea for the chickens. Once I get more to sell, I'll think about that or something like that for them.
I hope the guy wants that blue roo! That would be great! haha. Its good when someone is thinking about my chickens after they've already bought some and gone home. Thats says that that boy is PRETTY! haha.

And now, to watch my 30th episode of Law & Order SVU. Good lord, someone take netflix away from me.
I completely understand. I know all couples have their moments. Ya'll sound like us. We rarely ever have a spat and when we do it doesn't last long. Neither of us like it and we both just want to get back to how we normally are.

I'm the same way. The house, kids, yard, animals are mostly mine to take care of since I stay at home. If he wants coffee or kool aid or something else I get it for him although he will if he's inside. I feel it's my job and I don't mind.

I'm not a fan of facebook myself much but I go on to keep in touch with several people. I'm old fashioned and prefer just talking on the phone or in person. You could just do a webpage. Just some way for interested people to find you or stay connected if they buy from you and want to again. It drove me somewhat crazy though with Thump's breeder as she had both but it was still so difficult to get a reply and I know she is busy but still. I didn't ask but so many questions as I was already here and learning. And she didn't update things. I spent a lot of time trying to fine somewhere near me to buy the same pellets she uses only to find out she stopped using it because she was losing buns but she hadn't updated.
If I did put up a FB page for the chickens, I would definitely update it. It really sucks that the breeder you got Thumper from didn't update it regularly. That really sucks. My friend's fiance does the same thing with his pool company. It makes no sense to me, he doesn't save numbers in his phone, doesn't write out anything, doesn't keep up good records and yet he tries to run a company. That stuff makes me insane! I write down everything. Like all my chickens, I recorded everything for them, all their wing bands and then the band numbers of the ones I sold. But thats just me. haha.

My husband came home with a present for me yesterday. Its a hanging thing, that you put in the tree and it spins and has a shiny thing in the inside. I'll take a picture because that description was like trying to describe a jelly fish to the blind. haha.
It was a peace offering. LOL We haven't even been bickering that much, but he saw me looking at them the last time we went to TSC and I guess remembered and got it for me. It was really sweet of him! I can't wait to hang it up. I never get anything special like that! haha. It was a really nice gift. Then I made his plate for dinner and all was normal again. LOL

Last night Ellie got out of her pen. Haha. My husband was like "why is Ellie loose in the kitchen, going crazy?!" She was running around and then realized that he was standing there and ran back into her pen through the crack she got out of! haha. It was so funny! She's such a nutty bunny.
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That is so pretty and he remembered something you liked...points to him.

I laughed out loud at Little Miss Ellie, like, don´t worry I´m going back in there before I get into trouble lmao.
That is so pretty. I'm sure it will look really cool spinning around in the wind.

Haha, I laughed about little Elvira escaping from her pen and acting crazy. Its funny that when she saw your husband standing there she ran off, lol.
Thats the look she gave me too! She got back in her pen and stood up and was like "what mom, its fine! Nothing happened! I'm back in now!" haha. I gave her a craisin and she laid back down. She's crazy.

I know, I really like the thing too. Its going to look good outside in the tree.

Ugh, its been such a lazy day today. The coffee just isn't doing it for me. I think its because it tastes like crap. We need a new coffee maker because ours is making the coffee taste weird and taking forever to make the coffee. I clean it out like once a month, but its not working. So a new one this weekend, is in order. haha. Then maybe the coffee will taste better and I'll feel better! We've had this maker for like 2 years and its definitely done its job! I've complained about it before, but its done a good job. I don't know what to get now though! I'm a little excited about getting a new one. What should I get? I'm not getting a kureg, those things are crazy expensive and seem like a pain. My hub wants one of the commercial Bunn makers like what they have at work, but I think thats a little excessive. What do you guys use? Whats good?! haha. I'm excited!
I love the Nespresso coffee makers and not just because George Clooney advertises them. I did a course last year and they had one in the break room. The coffee was sooooo good and they´re so easy with those little capsules but so expensive....I probably wouldn´t pay that for one but I can dream. I have a little expresso maker which I´ve had for years. it does make really good coffee but I hardly ever use it now, I´m a tea person like all the English haha.
Hahaha. I have a kettle, which I boil water for tea in. But I'm more of a coffee person. haha. I do enjoy a cuppa in the evening though!

I don't really want one of the ones with the capsule things. I think those things are over priced. They do have a thing that you can put your own coffee in, but still. The machines themselves are crazy expensive! haha.
I found my new coffee maker! Its AMAZING!
This is it. Its got a hot water thing, for tea or whatever you need instant boiling water for! It self cleans and it has adjustable carafe temperature. I'm pretty excited. I don't like that its $100 but if it self cleans, then I can do that like once a week without thinking about it too much and hopefully it will last a little longer than this one we have. But the one we had lasted over 2 years with cleanings once a month.
Ahhh, whatever...I'm excited! hahaha.

My hub said he heard some of the baby roosters crowing yesterday morning. I didn't hear them, but I did hear them Saturday morning. Big Boy crowed and then one of the babies would crow, it was kind of funny. The babies don't have the really nice crow yet, they sound a little wonky. But soon enough, I'll have 6 roosters crowing from 4:30am until 8pm. hahahah. My neighbors are going to HATE me! I have to find somewhere for these boys to go.

Okay, so this is going to be totally inappropriate so if there are any youngin's reading, turn them away! haha. I watched this documentary last night about these two Dutch prostitutes. It was called Meet the Fokkens. Thats actually their last name. hahaha. It was great actually. They're the oldest pros in Amsterdam, when the documentary was made they were like 65, they just retired in March of this year at the age of 70. They were pros for 50 years! Could you imagine! They had some crazy stories and some really funny ones. It was actually pretty great to watch, as weird as that is. I told my husband that if we went to Amsterdam I wanted to meet them because I bet they are the funniest people to be around. Oh and the red light district of Amsterdam is insane! All the girls were just in the windows and showing all the goods! It was crazy to watch. And they had to pay taxes! hahah. Other countries are crazy.

And now I'm totally done! How did I go from talking about coffee makers to hookers?! hahaha. Sorry y'all.

If the weather holds up, hopefully I can take Ellie outside later! She'll really like that.
It is so sweet of your hubby to get you a gift and one he remembered you wanted. I don't get things like that either. I'm pretty practical and so is the hubby. For him tools do it or the gift will sit around collecting dust. For me I usually prefer just getting something that is on my list of wanted/needed things. I got a new kitchen sink for Christmas two years ago. Our feather bed was my mother's day gift. Hubby got me a Kureg for Christmas this year. It wasn't on my list but he knows how I drink coffee and thought it would save us money as a coffee pot uses a ton of electricity. This way making one cup at a time I use less electricity. I use Maxwell house coffee though and use the refillable filter. The packs are crazy expensive and hubby did buy me a pack of mixed and most I did not like. But I would love to get pretty things as well.

Lil' stinker escaping her cage! She definitely keeps you on your toes.

Definitely time to find new homes for the roos before they really start to crow.

Prostitution is legal in Germany as well and they get health checks regularly and pay taxes. I remember one that used to hang outside of the army base. She was older, probably 50 at least and always dressed in red when I saw her, red top and red shiny spandex like pants. I guess she made a living.
Love the coffee maker Morgan, it´s really compact and looks really chic.

I went to Amsterdam a few times back in the 70´s, god am I old lmao. I was about 15 the first time I went and it was fascinating seeing all the pros in the windows and all the sex shops with the, was that an eye opener. however, up until last year, there were quite a few pros touting their business on the local business park in Malaga. I remember about 3/4 years ago coming back from giving classes at the university and seeing them at the side of the road...and they were wearing G-strings, pants and bras in the middle of the just wouldn´t believe it. They cleaned things up in the last two years so there are some still about but very discreet now although you can always spot them.
I know, I like getting pretty things! Most of the time I get practical things, because thats what I want or what we need.

I just went out to check on my garden and it looks like I have a bunch of strawberries growing and some squash flowers opening up and a bunch of tomatoes starting and a pepper or two. I have a handful of blueberries too. I can't wait for everything to come in! I'm so flipping excited now! I can't wait for those tomatoes! My husband has cleared some of the field out, so I think I might plant some more things out there for us to eat.

I'm thinking about starting the paleo lifestyle. No grain, very very limited dairy products, limited staches, no pasta no processed food, no processed sugars, just lots of lean meat, fruits and veggies. The caveman diet! I've been looking at some good recipes for paleo and I think it will be pretty easy to transition. It really clinched it for me when my husband went grocery shopping on his own the other night. He came home with so much crap! Cookies and chips and poptarts and fig bars and frozen onion rings and chicken nuggets, just junk. I was like, you didn't pick up anything out of a package or green, no fruit. Thats pretty terrible. And that was the day AFTER I had the conversation about eating nothing but whole foods no more processed junk like that. haha. Shows how much he listens or cares. I don't want to eat that stuff anymore and I don't want my kid to eat it. My husband...well he can do whatever he wants and eat whatever he wants. LOL
I found all kinds of recipes for snack bars and snack stuff that is healthy and that AJ will love. So I'm going to start making things like that for us to eat during the day, no more junk for him! haha. Just a better way of living all together.

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