My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Wow, I didn´t know there were two types of basil, mine love it and will eat loads of it. The stuff I give them has a lovely pungent smell and it´s their favourite herb. now, I´ll have to google to see the difference between greek basil and normal basil.

I love coffee but can´t drink too much but never drink soda and I don´t miss it at all.

Yes, let´s have a look at the whole of Ellie´s cabinet, she always seems so happy in there.
My mom came over today for a few hours for lunch. Ellie was laying in her pen, like a bunloaf, then she got up and stretched and yawned. My mom was like, wow I've never seen her do that, that was kind of weird! haha. Then she told me that Ellie looked like a cat! And that she was very cat like! haha. I thought it was funny, I was like she doesn't look like a cat! At least I don't think that she does, if she does its because she's been around cats for so long! haha.

I got some stuff planted today and it was a pretty nice day!
Danielle, hahaha, your post made me laugh about your NIC troubles. I can picture myself doing that too and just throwing everyone out a window. Well, really wanting to throw everything out a window, hahaha. And yes, I refuse to say "if"!!

Happy Mother's Day, Morgan! I laughed at your skin babies/fur babies comment. :p Sounds like you had a lovely day! And at your mom's comment about Ellie looking like a cat, I've always thought rabbits looked like cats when yawning! Luke loves it when they yawn and gets really excited when he sees a bun yawn, hahaha. He likes to roar as they do it.
Hahaha. I see her yawn all the time and my cats yawning all the time, so maybe I don't see it. But after she stopped stretching and yawning, she said she still looked like a cat rabbit. Maybe its her white whiskers on her black face or her eyes or something. She's a delicate looking rabbit, so maybe thats it?!

Danielle, I would never mess with those NIC grids, what a huge pain in the ass! I don't like most things that I have to put together like that. You should have seen me putting fence up for the chickens, LOL.

Okay, so this morning has been a crappy morning...well, literally. My husband woke me up in really ******* way because he didn't know where his wallet was. I told him I didn't know, then thought about it and he walked outside and I told him it was in the car. He looked in there couldn't find it. Then stomped through the house looking, slamming our french doors and slamming stuff around in the kitchen. It was 7 am and I thought that I would actually be able to sleep until like 8 because AJ was still asleep. Until the hub stomped upstairs and yelled for me to get up and help him find the wallet. I told him I didn't know where the hell it was and he was like "well, you should you're the last one to get my card out of it and you're the one who loses everything." I was like oh really?! Since I KNOW where MY wallet is!" Then I told him that I took his card out at the walmart in the CAR and then put the card in the door hold of the car and he got it out before he started cutting grass and put it on the counter. I then took it later and went to the store, putting the card back on the counter. So the wallet is in the CAR unless you took it out! He went back to the car and then found it. Came back upstairs and was like I found it, have a good day. I told him to go f himself. I did leave out some stuff that he said to me, because he gets a little rude and takes seriously low blows. He totally ruined my morning and then told me that he told me I ruined his morning. Because I wouldn't find his wallet for him.
AND THEN, I come downstairs and make coffee. I'm very stuffed up right now, so I can't barely smell anything. BUT I can smell poop. haha. I was making coffee and trying to get AJ something to drink, I walk to the fridge and get a big whiff of poop. I look around and see nothing, then realize the smell is coming from next to the fridge. I'm looking on the floor and see nothing. Next to the fridge is where I store Ellie's litter, its in a big 6 gallon bucket thing with no lid. So I look up and there is a huge poop in the litter scooper in Ellie's litter! I was puzzled at first because that meant a cat had to jump up there and poop and then I was thinking why the hell wouldn't they just poop on the floor? Then I saw that it was Smokey's poop and she's the only one who will seek out the litter in the house to use it. I'm thankful that she didn't poop in the floor, but jeez, its the rabbits litter! haha. OMG.

So what a crappy morning. Literally! Ugh. Now time to chug like 3 more cups of coffee and hope that my nose unplugs itself and I can get some stuff done. I pretty much wasted the weekend this weekend and I am behind in some things. Stupid house. But I had fun with my mom and fun shopping. Stupid chores. haha.

Happy Monday! Hopefully it will be less crappy for everyone else!
Sorry your morning has started out bad :( Hopefully it will get a little better.

I hope you had a good Mothers Day at least. It sounds like you probably did. Though I don't know if planting things would consitute a good mothers day for me :) I spent most of my mothers day letting the kids play with my bunnies outside in a playpen I set up on the grass. Though technically, the kids were just watching the rabbits play, and trying to get a little pet in if the buns would let them. Toby and Riley actually did pretty good together. Not too many attempts at humping, so the hormones are fading. Oh, Toby was so funny this weekend. I finally got around to adding a shelf to his cage and now he spends all his time up there flopped out and resting, when he's not eating. In fact I saw his first full flop up on his shelf, and he nearly rolled right off the edge when he did it, haha. Now I just need to get shelves made for all the other buns.... Eventually :)

I can kind of see the Ellie/cat thing. Maybe it IS her coloring. The black and white is kind of cat like isn't it? As long as she doesn't have an identity crisis being around cats all the time. We like our little bad bunny, haha :)
Haha. The cats are bad too, so I guess it just runs in my animal family!
Yes, I think black and white is a cat thing, they're called tuxedo cats. So maybe my mom thinks she looks like a cat because of her "tuxedo" coloring. Who knows, that lady is crazy.
Jenny, its good that your boys aren't humping each other that much anymore. Hopefully you'll be able to start the bonding for them soon! Will you just put them in one big cage? I know what you mean about putting a shelf in the cages, I REALLY need to put one in for Ellie, but I haven't gotten around to that yet. Its on the project list, so maybe one day she'll get a shelf! haha.

Well to add to a crappy day, I set a fire in my oven with a chicken nugget and its a mess in there now! AHH. My husband came home for lunch because he had to go to the doctor because his sinus' are bothering him so bad. He went back to work thank god, because I'm still mad about this morning. But he did apologize. And AJ is being SUPER whiny today. I wish I could just go back to bed and start this day over!
On the other hand, Ellie is being a good girl today! She's chewing on the toys she's supposed to and not the floor or anything weird. So, its like bizarro world today.
I typed up a bunch of crap and it disappeared. It's been a very disappointing and sad day. Hopefully the 'puter won't mess with me any more.

That was the Hoarder episode. The woman's lucky I can't jump through the TV because she really did need an attitude adjustment and the man with the rabbit should be wearing diapers because he acts like a little child.

Keep your basil cut back or it will go to seed. When it goes to seed you will have little baby basil plants everywhere. Unless you would like little baby basil plants.

You probably know this already but what I do with any seed large enough to handle such as corn, watermelon or bean is to place a few layers of damp paper towels in the bottom of a glass baking dish. You could also use a plastic container. I then cover the seeds with a few layers of damp paper towels and cover the baking dish with a lid. You can also use plastic wrap. I then place it in a dark, warm area. In my case on a shelf above my dryer but it can work in a closet or cupboard. Anywhere from one day to three days later the seed will have grown a root if the seed is good. I then plant the seed. It takes a few days off of the growing process and you know what you plant will grow. Most go into our garden but it could be done for a plant you choose to grow in a pot.

I hate when you grow a seedling and it grows wimpy and does not survive or it doesn't make it because of transplanting. I haven't had these problems since I started planting the rooted seeds. Last year we even had some birds pull some of our baby corn plants. The ones that still had the seed attached to the root I replanted and they all grew. We have never had transplanted corn survive before.

You really are having a bad day. I hope it gets better.
Maybe Ellie can sense the mood in the house, and knows she better behave herself today or she'll be in a boatload of trouble, haha. You need at least one creature behaving itself, right?

Yeah, when I bond those two, I'll just combine their cages to one bigger one. Toby will be so happy to have a buddy he can just lick all day :)
Ellie the rabbit cat...that is so funny but yes, maybe it is her colour and maybe she is learning things from those least she was being a good little girl today so she must have know you were having one of those days.

I hate it when someone asks you if you know where something is and you tell them and they tell you it´s not there and then you get up to look yourself and find it....that´s probably just what he wanted you to do so good on you for not doing it. And the chicken nugget...well, I know that feeling when something burns in the oven but I´ve never set it on fire...don´t you wish you could sometimes press the rewind button lol.

Jenny that is so funny with Toby nearly rolling off the shelf, I so hope those two bond really quickly, it´ll be lovely to see them together.

Denise, I wouldn´t mind little basil plants everywhere. Mine absolutely adore it and would eat a plateful every day.
I've never set a fire in my oven either! haha. My husband had a fire issue last year, but it was a little cooking spray on the hot hot burner or something stupid like that. But the chicken nugget fell on the burner thing of the oven and it was like instant flame! haha. I was cussing and SO mad about it.
Ugh, AJ has been SO bad today. He's been whiny AND violent. He keeps hitting me in the face and its terrible. My husband is playing golf and should get home soon, I have to go get chicken feed and take a much needed break from this house.

I'm going to let the basil go to seed thats out by the chicken coops, but the one in the window box I'll keep it so it doesn't go to seed.
I just haven't had much luck with the avocado seed these two go rounds. The new one is outside and in the sun, but the first one I tried to do was when it was still cold outside and I was trying to root it in the window. So it didn't work. Hopefully this second one will root and I can pot it.
I didn't do seeds this year, other than green beans. I also did those in the "wrong" way but they sprouted and they're like 6 inches tall. I left them outside though, in the sun and in the two week rain we had. They've done really well. I should probably plant them in ground, so they actually grow! haha.
Last year I went the seed route and it went well, this year I didn't want to go through all that so I just bought the plants from lowes that were already growing.

I have a headache today, ugh. Thats just added to the bad day.
So I know it sounds like I've been really complainy lately, but I kind of am. haha. Sorry. My husband is sick and good god thats terrible to put up with. So I have a child who is whining at me on one side and the other side my husband is moaning and groaning and sniffling and coughing and asking me to get this and that. I'm just thinking the last time I was sick, I asked you to get me something and you told me to get it myself because I was closer to the kitchen. Really?! haha.
I don't know why men are such babies when they get sick, I'm not like that. I still have to go on with my day and do everything like normal even though I feel and look like walking death. Or god forbid that I have a migraine, which happens like once a month; the hub doesn't care about that. I still have do everything like normal. But if he gets a little headache, he has to lay in bed for a whole day. Its bull****.

Wow, I'm sorry you guys. He's making me insane! I just have no sympathy for him at all. Is that wrong? I feel like I shouldn't cater to everything. I'll do a few things, but I can't take an adult whining at me for a drink and then a two year old whining at me for whatever it is at that moment.
Its just one of those times for me when I feel very overwhelmed by my child and my husband. And when they both get on my nerves. Oh well, it will get better and be okay. They'll stop being annoying eventually!

And out of all of this, with them being so crazy, Ellie has been the one to keep her head about her! haha. How crazy is that?! I'm normally going crazy trying to stop her from doing bad things. But the last few days, she's been really good! She's been laying on her blanket and looking adorable. She hasn't thrown her food bowl around or spilled her water! Shes just been really good, which takes a load off my mind for sure! But next week when I get my head together, she'll probably go crazy and be terrible!

I walked in the kitchen and saw her yesterday and she looked so cute! I took one picture that was blurry so she put her head up. But she WAS laying with her head on her front feet, kind of cat like. haha. She's so cute! And maybe a little cat like.
She has gotten so big! Aww little Ellie is growing up :( Men are the worst when they are sick. I swear they act like theyre dying! Plucks my nerves. But when a woman gets sicks we still take care of the house, the kids, manage to get ourselves dressed and dinner cooked. Men are babies! I said something to my mother in law the last round of shots Liam had to get about how much he screamed and cried and audrina NEVER cried like that with shots. 2 mins of crying and she was done. Liam is like 2 HOURS!!! She said "well he is a little man"....DUH WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT!
Oh gee, well at least Ellie is helping and not being bratty! :) chin up!!!! *lightly punches chin*

That is the sweeeeetest picture what a cutie pie!

I don't have any sympathy for men who are babies when they are sick. I got really lucky with Leo. When he gets sick he says "the best way to get better is to work the sickness out of you" then he goes off to work. He will cough in the middle of the night and wake me up but it's ok!
Ellie is laying just like Rory in that pic! That is Rory's go-to lounge position, all proper with her little feet together in the front, hahaha.

Men are annoying sometimes. A lot of the time. Luke has really bad allergies, and randomly he'll get really whiny about it and be like, "Ughhhh I think I'm getting siiick and I'm so busyyy I can't be siiiick." Then the next day he's fine, turns out it was just allergies. The same thing will happen again, and I'll tell him, "You always say that, then it turns out you just have allergies." and he looks at me like I'm insensitive, but really, I'm just smart! And it usually turns out he's not getting sick. Boy who cried wolf. Cried sick?

I couldn't imagine having a child and a guy to deal with all the time, especially since it sounds like AJ's being a real pill. I get frustrated enough with the rabbits misbehaving! Good thing Ellie is on good behavior right now.
Yes, men are such babies when they´re not well. We just accept it´s happening and get on with things. it´ll go in its own good time. Doesn´t help if AJ is being whiny as well but it will pass Morgan, you have so much patience.

That is a great picture of Miss Ellie, that´s her sphinx pose, royal and unreadable, she is looking great, I just love that little black and white furry bundle. I think she guesses you´re not having a good day and decides to give you a break lol.
Yes, men can be really whiny when they get sick. I don't think I would be able to put up with it. But like Chris said, it'll pass.

That is such a cute picture of little Elvira. I agree with the others she's really growing up. She's so adorable, and I love her cute little pose. Ash sits like that too sometimes. She looks like she's acting like a little queen on her red carpet, haha.
Maybe Ellie has finally grown out of her teenage phase. One can always hope :)
I am sorry your family has been so annoying for you lately. I remember those days and can honestly say I do not miss them. I can remember once in my 1st marriage we all got so sick. I made Dr.s appointment for everyone but me. We didn't have insurance at the time. On top of the fee for three appointments everyone was prescribed 2-3 meds and one med alone cost $75.00!

I was so sick there are parts I still to this day cannot remember. Funny thing was it took me only a day longer to get over it than everyone else with the meds. Hopefully your hubby will start to feel better and stop the whining soon.
My husband came home yesterday from work at like noon, scared the crap out of me. He came in the backdoor and scared me to death! haha. He wasn't terrible yesterday, just a little annoying. I was irritated anyway, so it wasn't really his fault. AJ was cruisin' for a bruisin' yesterday though, he was SO bad. We figured out that when he comes back from one of our parents house, he comes back acting like a loon. He went to my dads on Saturday night and my dads girlfriends boys were there. There wrestle all the time and beat each other up, so AJ came back and now he thinks if you're close to the floor you're fair game to hit and body slam. Its not fun, its making me crazy! So no more going to my dads when the boys are there, because they teach him bad things. Then when he comes back from my MIL's he's whiny because he's used to get everything he wants and it makes me so mad! haha. I told my husband that he's not going anywhere anymore, I'll be the only one to blame for his terrible behavior because no one else can influence him! Just kidding, he loves his grandparents.

My husband stayed home today too, he woke up this morning at like 6 and was really unhappy. He had a headache, couldn't breathe, coughing. The whole nine yards. So I got him a cool wash cloth, he was hot. So he's staying home, hopefully I can be more compassionate towards him and not be an insensitive bitch like normal! haha. But it just throws a wrench in my whole day because its weird having him here and now I feel like I can't do anything because I'm like under the microscope or something. I'm trying out a new cleaning schedule this week, so its really throwing me off. haha.

I don't know if anyone else has a problem or has had a problem with this, but we have moths. That sounds totally weird. But they we do, they get into everything. Like food. They lay eggs in the dry goods and ruin everything. Like today, I was going to make pancakes, but I saw that the box wasn't in a bag and I didn't trust it, so I poured the mix out and it felt gritty like there was stuff in it. So I threw it out and told my hub that I was going to get containers to put everything in. This is not the first time that its happened. Its disgusting! I've never ever had this problem with other bugs, but MOTHS?! Thats a weird thing! haha.

Now I'm off to have a weird day with my hub home when he shouldn't be.
Happy Wednesday everyone!
It's a shame how other people can influence kids. AJ is still young so of course if he plays with boys rough housing he's going to think it's ok. Boys typically act that way as it is. You just have to be consistent with your rules and teaching him how he is expected to behave at home. It sure does take a lot of work and effort though because yes, kids do make you go over and over and over it. Hang in there!

My hubby always calls when he's on the way home. Sometimes someone has to stop by to get something out of the garage during the day and he'll call then to let me know so I expect it. He's funny but I do appreciate it. He scares me all of the time though like just walking up to me when I don't realize he's there.

The farmer guys scared the bejeesus out of me yesterday. I just started cutting grass and I wear ear plugs. They don't block out all of the sound but it's better than not having them. Well between that and the mower sound I could hear I thought I heard a faint noise as I was riding along the very edge of our yard right where it turns to drive way. I looked up and right, I mean right beside me was the farm equipment. I'm not sure what it's called but they used it to spray the fields and has tires taller than my hubby's work van and wide enough apart he could drive under it easily. All I heard was a faint noise and certainly did not expect to see that behemoth and close enough I could have touched it!

It always throws me off when the hubby stays home from work. Not that I mind having him here. I love having him around but like you said it alters your schedule.

We had issues with moths many years ago. One even flew into my ear which for me and my phobia was horrifying! What might work for some of your items and cost less is to use clothes pins on bagged foods. So if you say have a bag of chips then just roll up the top of the bag and then put a clothes pin on it. If your pancake mix is in a bag and then in a box you can also do that. We do that with our bagged food just to keep it fresh and if someone knocks a bag down getting something else then it doesn't spill all over. If you roll the top of the bag several times the moths or any other bug for that matter shouldn't find a way in.

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