My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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I've tried to put everything in bags and that didn't work. Apparently my moths are sneaky and they chew through plastic bags and into boxes. I just took a box of cream of wheat out of the cabinet and there were little holes in the plastic bag and then they got into the box. So I pretty much just threw everything out that wasn't new and put everything else in plastic containers. I also got some airtight glass containers from the dollar store, they're pretty cute! haha. I put my tea bags in there, just in case the moths decided they wanted some tea this go round. So now everything they can get into is in a container and I'll keep getting more containers for the new stuff I get. Damn crafty moths!

My husband hasn't been too difficult today, thankfully. I've been able to get some stuff done. My throat is a little scratchy right now, which is a little concerning to me. Hopefully I don't have what my husband does, that would be terrible!

Denise, I can't believe you didn't hear that huge piece of farm equipment! Thats insane. I probably would have pee my pants.
I have had moths! They are the worst! You have to throw EVERYTHING AWAY! Even ramen noodles, cereal, sugar, spaghetti noodles, and if they can't get into the packaging they will lay their eggs in the crevices of the cardboard!!!! Grrr! Then if you get them out of the pantry they make your house their home. Upstairs we have a high hall type thing and they made eggs in the crevice between ceiling and's sooo ugly. I hate it. Luckily we painted the walls as the guy got most of them but he sucked bc he's Leo's uncle so they are still there under the paint I'm sure. Everytime I see a new moth I'm full on ninja on it's A$$!!!!
I wonder what kind of moths you have. Mine didn't chew through bags. Oh wait, I lived in Pa. then down here in the south the bugs are badass. Ha!

Hopefully it's just pollen or something bothering you. My nose went nuts yesterday and I was afraid I was getting whatever the girls have but it was after I cut the grass and I'm fine today so pollen or dust from cutting grass.

Well it wasn't very noisy just driving along but it was noisier when it was spraying the fields plus I go into what is as close as I can get to meditation when I mow. I told the hubby I kept an eye on him though because I cut one corner of our yard and he started backing up in the field and was headed towards me...I said when we are in our expedition we can't see the cats on the ground. Well I was the cat and the farmer guy was us.
Yeah, its probably weird for you when your husband stays home when he should be at work. Hopefully he'll get well soon and you can get back to your normal schedule. Hopefully you and AJ wont catch it and get sick too.

I haven't ever had a problem with moths. Well okay, once and a while when I take something that's been in the shed for a while it has a moth cocoon on it, but nothing like what you have. Hopefully you'll be able to get rid of them. Dealing with moths ain't fun.
I know what you mean about the moths, we get them over here as well. I had a problem a couple of months ago and had to throw loads of stuff away and had to take everything out of the cupboards and clean them all. They just get in everywhere and it´s difficult to get rid of them all. I found one yesterday in the bathroom and I couldn´t rest until I´d got rid of it.

That must have been scary suddenly finding that enormous farm vehicle upon you. I´d have been terrified.
I think I've gotten everything taken care of that the moths can get into. Every time I see one, I flip out. I will chase that sucker around until I find it and kill it! haha.

I took an allerga to help with my allergies. I hope that thats all it is, I feel a little bit better now. My nose is running like crazy, but my throat hurts a little still. Like, my nose is literally running down my face! haha. I'm blowing it like every 2 minutes, how annoying!

Oh I forgot to tell you guys that I got new paint for the coffee table, that I still haven't started! Its a nice color. I always go for the mis-tint paints, because they're cheap. So I got a gallon of Valspar premium paint for $5 rather than $30. I think thats a pretty damn good deal! I got my kitchen paint for $10 instead of $30 too because it is a valspar paint too. So all in all, I've spend $15 on paint for my house projects and gotten some dang good paint!

I also have some pictures of Ellie flopped out. I'll post those later.
That's what happens to me anymore when I catch a cold, for the first day or two all it does is run. I have to stop what I'm doing every two minutes to deal with it. After that it settles down though. Well if your sinuses are draining from your allergies that could make your throat hurt.

Good for you on getting a bargain on paint!
Here are the pictures of Ellie flopped out! She still isn't totally comfortable staying flopped when I walk into the kitchen, so she gets up. I hope one day she'll stay flopped out when I walk in.


So my husband went back to work today! Thank god! haha. Now I can really get some stuff done! Like when he's here during the day, I feel like I have to stay in the kitchen and I don't know what to do with him here because he's throwing my whole routine off. LOL is that totally nuts? I've said it before, I know that. But it just makes me feel weird. I did get the oven cleaned the other day, what a strange thing to clean, but after my chicken nugget fire it had to be done!
And I'm going to reline my cabinets below my sink and where my paper towels go. I got some cheap paper from the dollar store the other day and I'm going to modge podge it down.

OMG MY HUSBAND IS BACK! AHHHHHHH! NOOOOOO! I'll never be able to get anything done! I love him but jesus christ almighty.
Usually when I get a cold I get a runny nose and plugged up ears. Hopefully you'll get cleared up soon. Its not fun to have a runny nose.

Yay, I'm glad you got a deal on the paint. Its always nice to find deals like that. That's why I usually like to shop at thrift shops.

I loved the pictures of little Elvira all stretched out. She is such a pretty little gal. I love her little white markings on her feet, like little white ballerina shoes, lol.

I know, I'm sure having your husband home does throw things off.
Does she look skinny to you guys? Maybe its because she's stretched out like that, but I was just looking at the pictures again and to me she looks a little thin.
Maybe she isn't. She's getting like 1/2 cup a day of feed. Maybe, I actually haven't been measuring, but I've been giving her a small handful a day, like the size of my inner palm so I think like a 1/4 cup at a time, twice a day. She eats A LOT of hay too, and all her food.
Maybe its just me. I don't know how much she weighs, but its not much and she's so small! haha. Just a tiny rabbit.
Now she has decided that she doesn't like one of the litter boxes. How weird is that? She goes in the one in her cabinet, but won't go in the one thats in the pen. Its strange. So she's pooping on the floor intentionally now, not just strays! I guess its that time for her to go nuts again, a week of peace from her is all she could give. Now she's going to be crazy for like 3 weeks!
I'm going to sell the chickens on Saturday and that will be some money towards her spay! YAY! I'm so excited! I bet she'll feel much better when she's not crazy in her brain anymore. I just hope she survives it! But she's young, so I'm going to keep my fingers and toes crossed.

Happy Thursday!
Goodness. Just got caught up. Suddenly I'm hungry, need a nap, and have the urge to paint something.

Ellie's coat does look awfully shiny. Most Dutches I've met seem to have that shiny coat. I love their looks and personalities.

Ellie seems a little above average though with all the things she's eaten
She does look maybe a little skinny, not too bad. But she's a hyper bunny so I don't know if its just her burning off all her fat. If your worried about it maybe you can feed her a little bit of oats per day until she's a bit fatter, or you can give her some extra pellets.
Well, I guess Ellie's good behavior couldn't last forever, haha. I don't know that she looks skinny. I always check my rabbits by feeling along their backs to see if it feels boney at all, and I also look at the rump area to make sure it looks nice and rounded. For a bunny her size, and the fact that she's not growing much anymore, 1/2 cup should be more than enough pellets. Roo, who is probably just a little smaller than Ellie, gets no more than 1/4 cup a day. But of course that all depends on her metabolism. As long as she doesn't feel boney then she's good.
She looks fine to me, she´s a lovely little girl. She´s probably a bit bigger than Snowy and a bit smaller than Houdini but she looks healthy. Mine are probably eating a bit less than she does, they get two egg cups a day but have two servings of veggies a day as well. She´s a funny bunny, hope you can save for the spay and get her hormones sorted. She´s never boring though :spintongue
I think she's fine. When I see pictures of her laying out like that, it makes her look a little thin but feeling her she feels fine!

I know that I keep showing pictures of Elvira flopping, but I think its so cute and its taken her SO long to actually flop in front of me! haha.

Last night, she sprayed all over the floor in her pen! I came down and there are huge spray marks on the floor from her! haha. I don't know what her problem is, but jeez! So now I have to really scrub the floor under her pen because she's a brat and sprayed the floor! I wonder if a cat got in there or something or was on the outside of the pen and she was trying to spray the cat? But at least when I'm cleaning the pen, I can open it up all the way and she'll have a little bit more room to run around. There are still like 2 panels that can be opened and I'll probably leave it open all day or at least until my hub gets home. So she'll have a bigger area to run in for a while.

So yesterday, I lined one of my cabinets with that stupid sticky cabinet liner stuff. The self adhesive contact paper stuff. What a pain in the ass that was! haha. The cabinet looks good, but it was just for my paper towels and my cake stand! haha. I also cleaned out under the kitchen sink and good lord there was a lot of useless unused stuff under there! haha. There is also A LOT of water damage that is from the people who lived here before us. I forgot that the wood was so bad because it was full of stuff, so I'll have to replace that. The people before us had a clog in the pipe and then poured all kinds of chemicals in the metal pipe and the chemicals ate through the pipe and the water was just going into the cabinet. I actually don't know how they used the sink or if they did. We had to replace the whole sink when we got here. So once the wood gets replaced, I'm going to paint inside of the cabinet. Screw using the contact paper again! haha.

My husband is at work today! YAY! It wasn't terrible having him here, it was just weird. It made me realize that the weekends are special because its the weekend and thats "our" time, but the week is "my" time and I NEED that to get stuff done and keep my head together. LOL
Oh and my nose is still running, but I think its allergies. I took an allergra last night before bed and it made it stop running for the most part, so I took one this morning and its made everything stop running. Thankfully! My nose is raw from blowing it. Ugh. But allergy pills are great!

Happy Friday everyone! But as I like to call it, Wineday. I like to drink some wine on Friday evenings and with all the calories my wine has, thats probably all I'll be drinking for dinner! hahaha. Two glasses makes a meal with a whopping 600 calories! But I haven't been drinking any, in the last few months actually. I have two bottles of wine that are unopened! haha. So I think its time to treat myself this evening.
Enjoy your evening! Between crazy Ellie, whiny AJ and your baby of a husband you deserve it! Just kidding. :)

It makes you wonder about people at times. Whoever before lived here touched the door frames with black fingers. Yep, black finger prints all over the door frames and it was a flat paint so would not wipe off. Plus someone had painted like 1/3 of our bathroom ceiling but never finished. I'm thinking though that maybe the people that had to sell just ran out of time. And the bath tubs had wood trim around them, up the wall and everything. The wood trim like for around doors. WTF?

I thought I heard someone earlier and so did the dog. I was thinking maybe it was hubby stopping home. He's at work but now and then he'll run home if he needs a tool or part but he usually calls first. I was so sure someone was here and it sounded like they were in the garage which was locked so I let the dog go out with me. I know he'd eat anyone that tried to mess with me. There wasn't anyone but it had us both fooled.

Shame on Ellie for spraying!
I know, it makes me wonder about people too. I've done some things in this house, like we did the most important things when we moved in, like the shower and the kitchen sink and some other things. But our room upstairs is atrocious. Its little mermaid aqua blue, but not even painted well. Its like the people had one gallon of this awful paint and they thought it would cover this huge room with no primer, but didn't take into consideration that the room is huge, the ceilings are vaulted and that when you put paint on drywall, the drywall soaks up the paint. So it just looks terrible, not to mention I live in a fish bowl because its SO blue. haha.
I haven't repainted up there because I wasn't sure what colors I wanted and because the ceiling is vaulted I wanted to do different colors that complimented each other. So now I think I'm going to do avocado green on the bottom part of the wall, with a chair rail molding where the wall bends and then a cream color on the vaulted part of the ceiling. I think that will look good! haha. Well at least better than aqua blue.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people touching the walls. I HATE THAT! Like, why are your hands on the wall? Why do you need the wall to walk or stand up or do anything other than hold your house up? I have a friend who has hand prints on the wall going up her stairs, like a strip of 2 feet of dirty wall and hand prints. Its like 8 shades darker than the rest of the white walls. Its terrible. I just want to be like, theres a freaking rail, use the rail NOT THE WALL! That stuff grosses me out, how do you even get that off? You can't, there is no way, no mr clean magic eraser will fix that! You would have to paint your wall to get all the hand prints off of it. Ugh, so bad. And then she has the balls to talk about someone else's house having dirty hand prints going up the stairs, like they can't see the prints on their own walls!

I clean all the door knobs and the doors like once a week. I make sure I wipe the hand prints from my hub off because he's gross and was raised by wolves. I also made sure to paint my door jams with gloss paint instead of the flat my walls are, so I would be able to clean!

I'm sorry, I just totally went on a wall rampage. I just really hate that. It makes me insane when I see dirty walls like that, I guess because I just don't understand why there is a need to even touch the wall!
Ellie is just gorgeous what a great flop, she´s totally relaxed, her little tail is drooping. Spraying is so gross, Houdini used to spray everywhere, worst is where it hits you.

I hate people who touch everything. you´d be amazed at how dirty windows, mirrors and walls get with people inside apartments, I feel like leaving notes say...WTF do you have to touch every single part of the wardrobe mirrors. They put trims on the doors so you can open those so USE THEM....and people are always really careless about dragging suitcases and end up leaving marks all down the wall....oh, please don´t get me started at the way some people leave just wouldn´t believe it.

Denise, bet you were a bit spooked by the false alarm. I used to hate it when I was at my friend´s house and the dog barked and then I couldn't see anything. I used to be restless for ages afterwards checking the doors and windows.
We went to the chicken thing yesterday and sold 3 hens. Didn't do as well as I thought I would, but still did okay for the first time around! I sold the 3 hens and was left with 5 roosters, people don't want roosters. haha.
So I have a plan for the next time I go, I'm going to sell them in pairs and charge more money! There was a guy that was next to us that said that we could be charging more money for laying hens like mine because they're a nice breed of chickens! haha. I think I have a pretty good plan for the colors and stuff, I need to clean house though! haha.

So this morning has been rough. I woke up with a headache and had to go back to bed, my hub watched AJ while I was sleeping. So he brought me some motrin and let me sleep until like 10. Then came up and bothered me until I got out of bed, because he wanted to do something outside. Ugh. So I come down and there is coffee made and NO coffee creamer and NO milk. So I put some sugar in the coffee, took a sip and then left it on the counter because I'm not drinking that crap. LOL I haven't gone to the store yet to get the creamer because I don't want to change AJ out of pyjama's. Is that ridiculous?
Morgan, good that you sold something and even better if you get good advice and some good tips on what to do the next time.

I can totally understand you not wanting to get AJ dressed to go to the store. Sometimes, I feel like I can´t be bothered dressing myself to go out like today. On some Sundays, if I don´t go out, I wear my pyjamas all day.

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