My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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What is Wineopoly?? It sounds like I need it, hahaha. Are you a fan of Jeopardy? Luke really got into Jeopardy awhile back and occasionally likes to play drunk Jeopardy. It goes like this - If you answer a question and it is correct, the other person drinks. If your answer was wrong, you drink. Pretty simple. When played with wine, very dangerous. Once we played with a bunch of people the night before I flew to see family for Christmas, and my stomach was a little nervous to get on that plane!

Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning the Father's Day baskets awhile back! I like putting presents together, too. You'll have to show us some of the stuff you make! And you should try and get a picture of AJ in his box. That's so funny that it's smaller and he's kinda cramming himself in there.
Wineopoly is Monopoly but with wine! hahaha. We were playing last night and I said the only thing that we could improve upon was the drinks, we needed to get a big bottle of wine and play! haha. Everyone agreed, so I think next time we play, we'll play Wineopoly. haha.

Yes, I love Jeopardy! I've never played it as a drinking game, but I could see how it would be a great drinking game. I do alright at the regular rounds, but the College addition is my s*it! I will get like 9 out of 10 questions right on that one. Regular I'm like 5 out of 10. LOL

Oh Happy Wineday!
Well Wineday beat my ass! hahaha. I knew halfway through my second glass of wine that I shouldn't have poured that glass. hahah. I went to bed and got a terrible weird nights sleep.
I had weird dreams, I woke up cussing myself for drinking wine, then cussing the wine, then wineday, then myself for making up wineday. LOL I slept intermittently between waking up and tossing and turning.
Then at 5am my cat got in the bed with us and I smelled poop. So I got up and went downstairs and had to clean up cat poop from the floor. Then I took the trash out. I was not happy. Then I got back in bed and realized I was REALLY awake and could probably get up and start my day, then I remembered it was really early and I didn't want to wake AJ up. Then because I had smelled poop, I had that smell in nose, so I was tripping out thinking there was poop everywhere.
Then I turned into Samuel L. Jackson in my own head and was like "I'm sick of these MFin' cats pooping in my MFin' house!" hahaha. But it was in my head.

And thats when I realized that I can't drink wine before bed.

I got a new rug today! Yay. I love rugs, my husband says I have a rug problem. Hopefully we'll go to Lowes and get a new screen door! That would make my whole summer. haha.
I also spent $16 on wild caught salmon from the healthy grocery store. We're going to have a nice dinner tonight! Maybe someone can watch AJ and we can go to see the new Fast & Furious movie, I love that franchise.

I hope everyone has a good Memorial Day weekend! We're going to a cookout tomorrow, I think I'm going to make a fruit, angel food cake and whipped cream trifle. Yum!
Happy Saturday!
I laughed hysterically when you said you turned into Samuel L Jackson. And I even did the voice when reading it lol!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
I am so sorry you had a terrible Wineday experience! I always sleep well on a couple glasses of wine. Too many glasses of wine is a different story. :p

I am getting better at Jeopardy. All the really historical categories are difficult, as are most literature and really sciencey things. I love it when music and music history categories come up!

Can I laugh at you for legitimately like Fast and the Furious for a second? In the nicest way possible, of course!! Hahahaha. I saw an ad for it on a bus the other day and couldn't believe they're up to, what, 6 now? The first one was good, but then they kept going. I can't really talk because of some of the stuff I enjoy watching, we all have our things. Speaking of "things" and watching weird stuff, my friend and I watched a special on TLC our last night in Florida on the town that "caught" tourettes. It was crazy! These girls from the same high school all started getting crazy verbal and physical ticks like tourtettes patients have. It eventually went away, though half of them did one treatment and half did another, for two completely different things.

Have fun at the cookout! Your trifle sounds amazing, I love angel food and fruit.
Yeah man, I like the Fast and Furious movies! haha. Except the second one, that one was weird. But the other ones were okay. I'm going to stand on a soap box and yell that they were the greatest movies ever made, but they're alright. I like the cars and the action and stuff. haha. I also like seeing Vin Diesel with no shirt on, thats pretty nice. Plus the Rock is in the last two of them and well...he's pretty nice to look at and he's pretty funny! haha.

Lyndy, I bet you are really good at the musical stuff! haha. I'm not. I do okay with some stuff, but mostly because I know A LOT of totally useless things.
Now, had I been on the show Cash Cab, I would have won all the money. I watched that show and got every single question right. haha. I'm like Cliff from Cheers, filled with useless trivia answers. LOL

I'm going to make my trifle in the morning. I got a new trifle dish today and I think its going to be delicious. I asked my MIL what grandma put in hers and she puts pudding in hers along with the fruit and angel food cake. So I got all the stuff and I'm excited to eat it! And I'm going to make pigs in a blanket too, I hate going to a cookout with no food to contribute; even though my dad said not to bring anything...thats now how I roll. I'm a lady and I make a bring my own food!

Oh and Ellie is a fat glutton. When I thought that she looked skinny the other day, it was a lie. She's a perfect ball right now. She's REALLY soft, I think she's about to molt. But she's a fat little ball. AND all she does is beg for food. And I know this is totally terrible and not good for her, but she really loves applejacks and I always give her one when I make AJ a bowl. haha. Maybe thats why she's fat, too many carbs and sugar. But she really loves them! haha. People feed cheerios, whats the difference between cheerios and applejacks? So either she's about to molt or she's about to go into a nesting phase and she feels the need to pack in the food and then she'll pull her fur for the nest. LOL Either way, she's a fat ball. Seriously, she was pretty round to begin with and now she's all ball. ha
I thought for a second you typed that you have actually BEEN on Cash Cab, and I freaked out. Hahahaha. If I ever get on Cash Cab for some reason, I really hope I'm with other people so we have a better chance. But I usually only take cabs when I'm out drinking so.. I probably wouldn't win, hahaha.

I always have to bring something, too! I also just really enjoy baking, so it gives me an excuse. Plus all the baked goods won't be lying around my kitchen tempting me if I give them away! It really bothers me when people don't bring something, especially to a potluck type of situation, and then they literally eat everything. I have one friend like that. She's also the skinniest thing ever, but she's really moochy in general and always wants to try what you're eating. Also she constantly asks for rides even when she knows she's out of the way. Also once I paid for her lunch when she forgot her wallet and she said "thank you," but not "thanks, I'll pay you back/buy next time!" and I never got paid back.. I guess that sounds lame of me, but hey, starving student/artist!

I laughed at your description of Ellie. I love it when they look all fluffy and poofy like a little ball! Aurora has definitely gained a little weight since I brought her home. When she loafs, she's definitely a lot more poofy, hahaha. Also her fur is SO SOFT, so now that she's a little bigger, I just love petting her. She's kind of a powdery soft, where as Doc is a thicker/longer fur sort of fluffy, and Dora was really silky soft.

Where is everybody? I feel like the blogs have been less chatty lately! Hope everyone is doing alright. I guess everyone else just has more exciting things going on in their lives! :p
An apple jack a day sounds healthy to me! I think everybody is out doing stuff this weekend, plus summer is setting in so I'm sure everyone is doing fun outside stuff :( I miss everyone too
I love Monopoly although I´m sure I´d like Wineopoly better lol, sounds good to me.

Oh, we have Cash Cabs here, it´s a regional programme but I´ve never managed to catch well, well I never take cabs anyway so that´s not likely.

I was on a quiz show on national tv in Spain the year before last but didn´t win anything. The worst thing on the show is if you get picked first and guess what...yeah, I was picked first so didn´t get anything but it was good fun and I fell through the whole in the floor and got a flying visit to Barcelona.

I like some of the Fast and Furious films and yes, Vin Diesel without a shirt is worth watching. They´re good action films, not great but pass a enjoyable couple of hours.

I always spend ages picking presents for people and getting something I hope they really like. I hate it when people buy just anything for you and you can tell that they haven´t given it any thought. Those kind of things usually get dumped in a cupboard or taken to the charity shop.

I've stopped baking so much lately cos I ending up saving some, eating more sweet stuff and putting on weight. I´ve started buying more fruit and veg, much healthier and less fattening.

Yes, poofy and fluffy lol. I always think they look much rounder when they´re meatloafing anyway, Bandy always looks bigger with all that fluff.
Good lord, its been a few days since I've been on! It was a busy weekend.
The cookout was great, we had a blast. AJ had a really good time with my uncles daughter! He gave her hugs and kisses, apparently he likes older ladies because she's 3! haha. It was really funny. They rode around in her barbie jeep and she buckled him up each time they got on.
But mama drank too many beers and got a little tipsy! hahah. I don't always drink beer, but when I do I drink about 2 too many. haha. Seriously, I don't really drink a whole lot of beer and I forgot how much of a punch budlight platinum packs. But I swang on a tire swing--amazing. I told my hub we really need one! It was really relaxing. Then the hub and I bounced on the trampoline, he popcorned me and I swear I threw my back out because the next day I was broken. haha. I scored an amazing amount of holes in cornhole! haha. A guess those beers agreed with me, because the more I had the better my aim got!
We ate so much food, we had ribs and chicken/steak kabobs and potato salad. Then we had all kinds of desserts, pound cake, blueberry pie, ice cream, and my trifle. The trifle went over really well, it was SO good. I actually just finished it a few minutes ago! LOL

Ellie has been really good and really gluttonous still. I don't know why she wants to eat so much or why she is eating so much, but between her and the chickens they're eating me out of house and home. haha. Oh and she keeps escaping the pen and getting behind the washing machine. Thankfully she hasn't chewed anything. Its bunny proof now, that sneaky little critter.

So today I went to my best friends house to spend the day with her. She works third shift now and its hard for us to hang out. She has a fiance who's pretty lazy and a little ridiculous. I got to her house at about 8 and she got home from work at 7. She said when she got home from work, this is what was wrong with the house; there was dog poop and pee in the kitchen from him and her sister not taking the dogs out, there were to-go cups all over the coffee table, there were wrappers everywhere from food, there was a mess from pancakes he made the morning before, and the dog was colored green with magic marker. Her 16 year old sister, decided she wanted to put a green smiley face and green dimples on the beagles face and then make a green patch on her butt and neck. She's 16, almost an adult but clearly...mostly a child. haha. I walked in and was like "why does the dog have dimples?" haha. Her mom is coming home from New York tomorrow and the house was trashed. I helped her clean up because she was totally exhausted and he didn't do anything, knowing her mom was coming home. We did some husband bashing and I helped her pick up his mess because her mom doesn't deserve to come home to a frat house. I just think its ridiculous that he didn't care that her mom was coming home and didn't even attempt to pick up anything or her litter sister. Just useless. It makes me nuts.

I drank two cups of coffee from her kureg today and they were so weak and not good. It was like 2 cups were really 1 cup, so I'm so tired today! haha. I actually just drank two homemade iced coffees so I can get some stuff done tonight in my own house! haha.
My husband mentioned something about redoing our counter tops in the kitchen and replacing the bottom of the cabinet under the sink. So thats pretty exciting.
And I want a new screen door, but I think my dad is going to fix my old one and make it useable again. My husband put his ass through it the autumn before last. hahaha.

Now I'm done, my house isn't going to clean itself. But I really wish it would, that would be magical.
I wish my house would clean itself and if only I had a clone to do my errands, that would be UBER magical!!!! :faint:
I would have slapped that little sister, poor dog. The dog is not a freaking art canvas! Take that S**T somewhere else! And as for the rest of the house, how rude and thoughtless of her hubby and sis to not help! She should be lucky to have a good freidn like you to help her. I know my friend wouldn't help me.

That is good that the little 3 year old girl is buckling up everytime they get in her Barbie jeep! Safety first!!! ;D
Yes Katie, I wasn't happy about the dog either. How ridiculous. I don't care how bored you are, watch TV or get on FB or something, don't color on the dog! AND she had just gotten a bath like 2 days before.
And yes, her fiance is an idiot too. I hate it. The way I see it, is my job is my house because I don't have a real job. My husbands job is his work and taking out the trash(thats not that much). My friend works and her fiance works too, so they should be splitting it up as evenly as possible. But nope, she asks him to do certain things and he just ignores her or "forgets", how convenient. So she comes home in the morning to a huge mess and he's like "oh, I was supposed to let the dogs out? Or feed them? AND you wanted me to do these dishes that I made? Sorry, I can't do any of it...I have to go to work!" Then he runs out the door like the little kid he is. Thats what happened yesterday morning, as he was wearing still damp clothes because he didn't let them dry all the way because he didn't do his wash the night before he did it that morning and ran out of time. Stupid.
My husband isn't even THAT bad! hahaha. Although, my hub and I have been together for 4 years rather than 1 like my friend. So I've been slowly trying to train my hub to do some things to help me out a little! I don't ask much of him, but there are somethings that even he can do to make it easier for me. Like, rinse out the bowl of cereal, when that stuff dries its like concrete to get out of the bowl! Or put your clothes in the hamper, not the bedroom floor. Or don't leave your plate on the end table like an animal. And stop wearing your dirty sneakers in my god dang house! hahaha. He's done most of those with no problems now! hahaha. Sometimes he forgets and its like I have to start all over. But oh well.

I wish my house cleaned itself. That way I wouldn't have been vacuuming last night at like 9. AJ was still awake in his crib, so I said screw it and just vacuumed. hahah. Then I cleaned the bathroom, did a load of rugs in the wash and washed the dishes and still got in bed by like 9:40. It was awesome!

And now some pictures!


Thats Ellie's new box, she loves it. She was so happy when she got her new box. haha. Now she likes to sit on it.



Something happened with my SD card and it won't upload the rest of the pictures on it. Its being annoying.

I forgot to tell you guys what my husband said the other day. I've been watching Law&Order SVU for weeks now, haha. Anyway, I've been watching it from newest seasons to oldest, like in reverse because I've seen pretty much all of them. Sometimes its a little weird, but oh well. Anyway, my husband was like "you know the best thing about watching SVU is reverse?" I was like "no what?" He said "because the more we watch, the hotter Mariska Hargitay gets." I laughed so hard at him, because he's so crazy! I think she's great, and I think she looks great all the time! But we watch Justified too and Timothy Olyphant is very handsome. I love that show because its a good show, but he's pretty good to look at too. Yesterday we were talking about the show and this is what happened; husband 'do you mind if I watch an episode of Justified?'
me- I was making dinner "no, just turn it up loud enough so I can hear it, I don't need to see it"
husband- "oh well, I NEED to see it because Timothy Olyphant is such a good looking man, I just gotta look at him." In a really matter of fact way.
I like leaned into the door way, so just my head was sticking through the doorway. I had my puzzled eyebrow up and I just stared at him. Me- "really? Is it like that? Is he your man crush?"
Him- "what? Is there something wrong with that?"
Me- "nope, just don't try to leave me for Timothy Olyphant."
Well, that was awkward. hahha.
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Morgan...Your hubby sounds like a lot of fun but I think just an hour with the two of you would wear me out! Ha.

Are those pellets in Ellie's bowl? Is she that small or are they just really long? I don't think I really get her size.

Good thing he's not my fiancé because I would be long gone.
The pellets aren't super big, but she is pretty small. She could probably sit in her food bowl. haha. I'll have to figure something out to show her size properly.

My husband is exhausting sometimes, even for me. haha. We just have really ridiculous conversations a lot of the time. My husband is really funny and says some crazy things, then I get a little weird without enough coffee and you put us together and we have strange conversations. hahaha.
I always love to come on here as it always brightens my day or night as it is now.

I so get how little Ellie is as mine are really similar, everything looks big at the side of them.

I hate it when people don´t clean up after themselves as though it will all magically do it itself. He is just so selfish and I wouldn´t put up. So good she had you to help her especially as her mom is coming.

Sounds like you had a great time at the cookout, I did laugh at her buckling they say, it´s never too early.

I thought I´d seen everything on the roads here but this morning, I was driving out of town and looks like someone has seen a parking space on the opposite side of the dual carriageway and couldn´t be both to drive up and turn round and just drove down the wrong way with all the cars coming in the opposite direction and then he parked...I was gobsmacked, I was still talking about it this afternoon with my friend....unbelievable what some people will do.
Hahaha. I can't believe he drove the wrong way down the road to park! Thats crazy!
I had someone back into my car one night, they were getting onto the highway ahead of me and decided that they didn't want to get on the highway so they reversed into me. LOL They saw a sign for an exit off the highway that said "wrong way" and thought they were going down the wrong side of the road to get onto the highway. I got out and yelled at them and told them to learn to read the map! I was not happy. It was so funny though and crazy!

And Ellie is really little. I wish I had a scale or something to put her in to show her weight and size. I never got around to getting a food scale, which is unfortunate. I'm trying to think of things I could put her next to to show her size, but I can't really think of anything. haha. I'll figure it out and take some pictures of her.

I'm going to be honest, I've had a totally lazy day today. I have really, done nothing. My coffee hasn't been working and I'm still dragging today. Ugh. Maybe I'll drink another cup. I wish I had some instant coffee so I didn't want to make a pot or make hot coffee, I just want a cold coffee. I have some stuff to do, but just no motivation to do anything. I have things to paint and a room to organize and dishes to wash but I don't want to do any of it! haha.
hello peeps, i have been reading a few of these posts about not getting dressed and people being messy..and you need flylady! at first you think "shine a sink?"this is nuts, but sooner or later you realise it's healthy routines. hated that word all my life. but getting dressed every day early saves a lot of embarrassment with unexpected visitors. a lot of people report their husbands and kids get in on the setting the timer thing to see what can be achieved in 5/10/15 minutes, and it becomes a game. my husband thinks our male neighbour reads it, lol, coz he is always doing little jobs in his lunch hour and after work. check it out.
Do either of you drink soda or pop whichever word you use? You could sit a bottle of that next to Ellie.

There's nothing wrong with weird conversations. We've had quite a few over the years, makes us glad that no one can over hear us because I'm sure most would get the wrong impression.

I've been ready for a totally lazy day the past two days. Hasn't happened yet. I can only drink hot coffee so yah it's 90 out and I'll be drinking a hot cup of coffee but I can't live with out it. At least not happily! Ha.
No we don't drink soda, but I could put a milk jug next to her or a tea jug. Something like that.

I love my hot coffee but I really don't enjoy sweating in my house because of the coffee and the air outside being the same temp. haha. So I make my own cold coffees at home and they're delicious! My mom doesn't like cold coffee either, but I do. I just love it.

Oh, I am so glad that no one can hear my husband and I talk to each other. Neither one of us are very serious about anything and we use sarcasm to talk to each other, so if anyone heard us they would think we hated each other. haha.

So my husband got a new game for the PS3 and its been downloading/updating for an hour. I swear to the sweet baby jesus, I might throw this PS3 out the damn window. You can't do anything on the system while its doing its thing, so we just watch the loading bars.
And my hub is being really annoying about it. Sometimes...I just don't know about him. :foreheadsmack: And now he's yelling at the playstation that says 40 more minutes left to install this game. :faint:
Ellie's, new pictures are adorable. Her fur is so shiny. I agree with the others she does look small. Maybe you can take a picture of her with your hand on her for size comparison. I also like the milk jug idea.

Haha, your husband sounds funny. And so do the conversations you guys have, lol.

Ha, that game sounds annoying. I didn't know he still played games, lol. I guess adults do play games sometimes though.

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