First let me say that I have no idea where my camera is. I haven't really looked for it because I'm slack, but I hope that its in my bag that I took hiking or in my moms car.
I've had a cold the last 3 days. My MIL gave us a cold. haha. Wow, she sucks. My ears are ringing, my nose is raw, my jaw is locked from clenching my teeth. My husband doesn't feel well, but my lovely son, managed to escape it. He feels fine, he's just having night terrors. Sweet jesus, when does it end?
The night before last, AJ jumped out of his crib. He was scared and crying and didn't want to go to bed. So he JUMPED out of his crib. The crib is old and has like 4 foot tall sides on it. So he had a 4 foot fall. He stuck the landing and came running out hysterically crying, saying "I did it, I did it" between gasps. "I did it" is what he says when he does something difficult or something good. So my husband and I looked at each other and we just laughed because it was so crazy! And hilarious! So now, he's getting a toddler bed. We are getting one today or tomorrow, not sure when. But I told my husband, if he's going to jump he needs to be closer to the ground because I'm not dealing with a broken arm.
Yesterday was such a long day. I took my hub to work, came home and did the dishes that I neglected the day before, because I was sick. I got some stuff straight here and then went to pick up my bridesmaid dress. Its still too big. But I'm pretty sure they can't take it in too much more. haha. Oh well. Its too big in the bust area, so I have to go get a super-duper padded strapless bra. Should be fun! haha. I think its a little big because I haven't eaten much in the last few days because I've been sick. I've just had NO appetite! So I think thats what it is. Maybe if I eat regularly this week, it will fit? LOL
I went to my friends house after I got my dress. Had a huge issue with wedding bands but I won't go into it. She's just a slob and if her house wasn't so crazy looking, she would have been able to find her damn bands. Lets just say that I took out 30 water bottles from around their bed, looking for ring boxes. There were piles of clothes everywhere. One in the corner, I asked her if it was clean or dirty, she said clean. Just sitting, unfolded, in the corner on the floor. WHAT? Makes no sense. Anyway, we found the rings, all is well. Her house is just gross. She actually told me that she "leaves dishes in the sink to see how long they'll stay there before getting washed." Because she wants her fiance to do it for her. Ridiculous.
Anyway, I had to pick my hub up from work at 7, go pay rent at 7:45 in another town, then go pick up my MIL from the airport at 9. Well at this point I had been up since 6, my hub had worked a 11 hour day and we are both sick. We were insane by the time we circled around to get her. We sat in the cell lot for like 30 minutes because we were early. Ran out of napkins to blow our noses, didn't have a drink and I was HOT! My husband wouldn't roll his window down, so there was only my window and it was so stuffy in the car. THEN he farted and refused to roll the window down. I was SO mad. We get my MIL and she's like, "oh AJ is really warm, does he have a fever?" I was like "NO, SOMEONE WOULDN'T ROLL DOWN THE MOTHER-FING WINDOW AND ITS HOT IN HERE!" Keep in mind that I couldn't hear out of the right side of my head and it came out louder than I thought. hahaha.
Needless to say, we didn't get home until like 10:30, my child didn't go to sleep until like 11:30 because I have to read him to sleep now. I sat in the floor and read 3 books, then the first 4 chapters of Charlotte's Web before he finally fell asleep. My lovely husband abandoned me as soon as we got home and went to bed. So I got in bed at midnight, totally exhausted.
Then his alarm went off at 7. He was like, is it Saturday? I was like, wait...I think so? It is. So we turned the alarms off. I got up at 8, made some coffee and I'm not ready to start my day yet, so I'll drink more coffee.
We're going to watch the final round of the USDGC, its the biggest disc golf tournament of the year. Its the US Open of disc golf. So it should be fun!
Happy Saturday everyone!