My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Blankets or towels..I could watch them rearranging these for ages, it just makes me laugh so much and you wonder what is going on in that little head.

I love watching them running and jumping. I laugh sometimes cos they´ll come from behind the table and you´ll see this bunny in mid flight which is quite scary, Houdini did it yesterday and he must have jumped 2 feet off the floor.

I love the Eagles, they have some great music. Sounds like you´re going to have a blast camping, I´d love to do that, an open fire, cold weather, sounds great.

Not really cold here yet but the summer will definitely be over this weekend as our clocks go back so we lose an hour and it gets darker an hour earlier. Having said that, it will get lighter an hour earlier so no more getting up at 8.30 in the morning in the dark. However, hate it being dark at 6....roll on winter.
Ellie sounds so cute and like a lot of fun to watch.

Maybe I should try Thumper with some fleece. The girls would probably just eat it in moments as they are crazy chewers and diggers evidenced by my carpet and so far they are outsmarting me when it comes to my ideas for stopping them.

We also have plans to camp at the last race in November but if it's too cold we'll go to a motel or whatever since the girls will be with us. We are taking our closed trailer, heater and generator so we'll be prepared if it's also cold during the day but we're hoping it won't be too cold to camp. Kids will enjoy that more and it's free. But it's cold here right now, dropped below freezing last night and killed what's left in the garden.
Yeah it got COLD last night. Its still only 44* right now. I can't get the fire hot enough at the moment, so I'm chilly. Just drank some tea to try to warm myself up.
Its warm in the house, but I'M cold. I told my hub last night that its going to be COLD when we camp! Like cold cold. haha. He just don't get it, he never camped in a tent when they camped as kids. They always had a pop-up camper or something like that. I was poor and we camped in tents! LOL So I know, the ground gets cold and its going to be freaking cold! So we're getting a blow up mattress to get us off the ground, bringing the furry/fleecy blankets and possibly buying some sleeping bags. I'm also going to get myself some knee high wool socks because cold feet is the death of me. LOL And some boots because we'll be doing a lot of walking around. It only got to be 50 yesterday and where we're going is out towards the coast but its still the same weather. So it will be the same as it is here.
I hate winter and I don't do well in winter time weather.

AJ is acting insane today! Hes standing on the arm of the couch and jumping onto the comforter on the couch! Doing belly flops and being crazy! But we're teaching him what hot is because we don't have anything around the wood stove right now. He isn't going near it because I think he can feel the heat, but I think he will at one point, stick his finger to it and feel its freaking HOT, but that would teach him right? Maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way? I think I wasn't meant to parent in this era, where everyone is so sensitive. LOL But he knows what hot means, so hopefully he'll continue to respect the wood stove. I do keep a constant eye on him, but it only takes one time ya know!

Happy Saturday! I hope everyone has a nice weekend! I have to finish up some chores before the man gets back from disc golf. Then we're going to the store for groceries and camping stuffs. AJ is picking up his toys, on his own! Its a Saturday miracle! I might be able to vacuum after all!
Yay for AJ picking up his toys!!!Ha.

I am used to camping in tents as well. We have a large tent but the trailer works well for colder weather as it blocks the wind better and a heater can be plugged in. We do have a blow up mattress which gets you off the ground but the material does hold some cold so flannel sheets, blanket, comforter or sleeping bag between you and it is a good thing. I do not like the cold at all and it will make me grumpy if I have to be in it for an extended period of time.

Get some hot chocolate, tea or any other hot drinks ya'll like for the trip.

I think when kids are that age the only way they truly learn to leave something alone that is hot when you tell them to leave it alone is not until after they have been burnt. It just seems to be the way their mind works and of course we do everything to prevent it from happening. We used to remind the girls when younger all the time about hot things including light bulbs. After two of them on separate occasions made the mistake of touching something hot, then they learned and we did not have to remind them anymore.

I would be more worried of Aj possibly tripping and falling or such while near the wood stove. I would think otherwise he would feel the heat as he got close and would stop before he got too close.

So right now, looking out the window, I see my little hen and Demon out of the fence in the front yard! I swear, they are the worst chickens for getting out! I think its because they're the smallest and they can pop through the gate and the others are giant brutes and get get out and don't quite know how to go over the top! LOL At least they come back to me though, that little Demon does! He's my baby, he follows me in. The hen is super flightly though, she's terrified all the time!

We're watching all Halloween related cartoons today! We've watched the Thomas the tank engine Halloween special and now we're watching Eloise's Halloween whatever.

AJ is being a hobo tonight, but I swear, I'm having second thoughts on it. I'm actually thinking its a little insensitive. But it is Halloween and he's a baby! I don't know, I'm having mixed feelings about it right now.

Well, I'll take some pictures of AJ tonight, but here are some pictures of the chickens. So you guys to see how big and beautiful they're getting!

Big Black, with the little hen in the back.

Big White and Big Blue.

And one more of Blue. He's my favorite looking, he's a beautiful boy!

Happy Halloween!
They are attractive for chickens!

The hen looks so small compared to the roos. Is she really that much smaller or does it have to do with the camera angle?

I was hoping you'd have pics of AJ up. I love seeing kids dressed up.
So I'm waiting for my hub to send me the picture he got of AJ in his costume. Because me, being the disorganized scatter brained lady I am, forgot to bring the camera with me! I totally failed! LOL
The costume went over really well though, it was so easy too! AJ started out having an issue with the trick or treating, but after he had a part of a candy bar, he got the hang of it and started to enjoy himself more!
I hope my hub sends the picture soon!

Denise, the hen is a good bit smaller than the roosters. When they fill out completely she'll weigh about 5 lbs less than they will. The angle might make her look smaller than she really is, but she is smaller than they are. They're all really tall!
Love the chickens but big boy is so handsome, lovely colours. Every time I see your chickens, I would love to have even a couple but no way I could here. If I win the lottery, I´m going to buy a house in the country and have all sort of animals and plant my own vegetables and fruit so I can become self sufficient lol.

Bet AJ looked great, he´ll be such a cute hobo. Can´t wait for the pics.
Here is the picture of AJ! It was such a difficult thing to get the picture from my hubs phone to any computer or other phone. Jeez, it made me so mad!


I really need to put a bunch of pictures on a flash drive and take them to be printed. That way I have them, in case any of the computers was to crash. LOL

So tired today, because of the time change? I have no idea. I just want to doze on the couch. But I have chicken coop stuff to do. Maybe the cold will subdue Big Boy enough that he won't attack me when I go to put the sand in there and rake all the leaves out. And I have to figure out where to put the solitary coop for him, but put it close enough to the other coop that he isn't alone.

Oh yesterday! I was getting all the vines off the top of the coop and I had to walk around the fence, into the field to get to one side of the coop. I had on flip flops because its just the easiest while outside. I was walking with my rake and clippers and I saw this MASSIVE spider! I walking around him, then saw another one! Then another! Then I turned around and walked the hell out of the field! HAHAHA Because if I can SEE the spiders in the tall grass, and see that they're the size of my hand I will NOT walk out there with flip flops on! And there was something rustling in the tallest grass, which is about 10 feet tall. I didn't know what it was but I didn't want to find out. So I got out of the field.

I have to go get my list to find the things I need to do! And have a cuppa so I have the energy to do the things I need to do!
Have a great Sunday everyone!
Your little boy is just so cute, love his stick and hanky.

I don´t mind spiders but if I saw a bunch of them, I´d run as well, quite creepy.

First time I´ve given the bun enclosure a thorough clean since I got back from the UK, it was hard work as it´s now so much bigger but I´m gonna leave it like that for the time being as I´d like to go back again to the UK for a few days end of November/December now that I´ve found a reliable bun sitter.
AJ really is a cutie pie. Love the teddy bear poking out. How did you bribe him out of all his candy?

Will the chickens eat the spiders? and ohmygosh. Crocs are the way to go. I buy the cheap $5 knock offs at flea markets and they are so much better than flip flops. I do all my outdoor stuff in them. And you can nail a roach or a spider in them, or dig in them, run if you have to without fear of tripping. Just saying. I'm sure an english teacher somewhere is crying over that last sentence.

Got your box today! And yes we are eating cookies for breakfast! One of my joes made the coffee and already posted your "unhealthy" note on face book. The same joe is looking forward to whatever your baking next. I can see now I'm gonna have to hide my boxes and open in private! Also movie has been borrowed already too!!! I had to roll my eyes a bit. "It's a classic I haven't seen in a long time!"
Kaley, Oh his candy is gone. LOL He really didn't get that much as we didn't hit all the houses because its a big neighborhood. And his father, sat in front of the computer on Saturday with the bag in front of him just eating away at it. I came in here and there was a half empty bag, wrappers everywhere and like half a sandwich on the desk. LOL It was ridiculous. We did share the candy with him, unfortunately for him, I ate all the chocolate. Damn you hormones! But he did get bites of just about everything that I ate, maybe not his dad but I shared! LOL

Yes, the chickens DO eat the spiders but apparently there are too many spiders in the yard for them to keep up with. I think when we have wet summers, the spiders grow bigger and hardier. They were extra large this year and super brave. I guess they're making their last hurrah before they die off or hibernate, whatever a spider does.
I freaking love crocs, but the hub won't let me have them! LOL I really wanted a pair of furry-lined camo ones, but he said no. I don't know why! They're awesome! I think he just can't get over that they're crocs. But I have no shame in rocking them, I just need to get a pair when he's not with me. haha. The flip flops I wear outside are Rainbows, but they're the rubber ones with the really hard soles on the bottom. They'll stomp a spider, but they are not for field work. ha.

I'm glad that you got the box! Are the cookies okay still? I hope they were fresh enough. Did the little pumpkin survive? AJ picked that one out from the patch. Hahaha. I thought you would laugh at the movie!

I installed the cat window seat over the desk today. The Fat Cat decided that she was going to sleep on the desk and make it hard to do anything. So I got the window seat from upstairs. She got in it and I swear she's been happy as a lark on this seat for the majority of the day. She's on it now. hahaha. I was shredding pork when the hub saw it and he was like "Really? In the window right here?" And I just laughed, then he saw how happy Fat was and told me I was insane. hahaha. I'll have to take a picture of her.

I'm going to bed now!
AJ is so adorable! Nothing wrong with eating their candy at that age. Now that the girls are older they give us what they don't like which works because they are strange and do not like some of the good stuff.

The spiders here are huge too and we had a wet year as well. I saw one the other night on our fireplace. I sat down to get on the laptop and glanced up and it was Bam! in my face because it was so huge. I hollered for hubby but told him to grab a Trevor sized boot. His buddy Trevor has these humungous feet. Hubby came over with a fly swatter. I was like that's not going to do the job. He tried but it didn't do the job. I swear it was 4 inches long.

Nothing better for a cat than a window seat.
AJ is so cute as a hobo! That was a good costume. :)

We have lots of spiders over here as well, massive ones! Although I can't say I've ever seen one as big as the spiders over there. One time a spider almost as big as my hand crawled on my leg and I freaked out, lol.
Camping went really well! ONLY we were in a really primitive space with no electricity or toilets. LOL Toilets doesn't bother me, because personally I find peeing in the woods a bit freeing. But not have power hindered us from blowing up the air mattress. Had a foot pump the mattress is too fancy for a peasant-like foot pump! LOL So we put a comforter down and a sleeping bag, it was a little hard but it could have been worse. But I put like 5 blankets on us and it was super warm.
We were camping with about 10 other people, so it looked like a tent city. haha. A lot of the guys were really nice, but there was one who was much older than us, he was an a-hole. He was what we like to call, a "one upper", so if you're talking about something he's like "oh yeah, I built that!" or whatever it was. It was irritating. But the other guys were really nice.
Woody really enjoyed himself, he was free for the most part and benedryled. LOL So he would just wander from person to person to get loved on. It was good, because everyone liked dogs and said they should have brought their dogs.
We also found out that hippies know how to drink and they get up early as hell. LOL We got trashed Friday night, it was supposed to be the pre-game for the next night because Saturday was the music night. But Friday went a little too well and we were all crazy drunk. LOL I went to bed after I saw a girl shotgun her fourth beer. I watched her jab her car keys into her fourth beer and I was like, "oh no, I'm done!"
Woke up the next morning at 6:30 to some hippie playing Welcome to the Jungle, and we were all looking ROUGH! hahhaa. It was so bad.
Sat by the fire all day Saturday, lost track of time. We were in a time warp, I'm sure of it. We wound up eating dinner at like 4:30 in the afternoon, because we thought it was dinner time. Went to this really popular restaurant and it was dead, because it was the early bird hour! We were dying sitting in there, it was so funny. But we all realized that we had barely eaten anything while being there, we just drank our food. I lost like 3 lbs this weekend.

Anyway, its good to be home and sleeping in a bed. We had a really good time though. We laughed a lot, drank WAY too much. But we realized that we still do love camping and we will be camping a lot more in the spring and summer! I'm pretty stoked about it. I love camping!

Oh and today is my birthday day! I'm 24 today! YAY! I hope 24 is a good year!

Happy Tuesday!
Happy Belated Birthday, Morgan!

Hope you had a great birthday yesterday! 24 is great & if not make it so! Enjoy each day & each moment as it will not come again. Hope, my little bunny that was sick earlier this year sends her special bunny wishes for you to have a wonderful belated birthday! lol
Thanks everyone!

We didn't do much for my birthday, as we're going to see the Eagles on Friday night. So my hub got me a bottle of wine and Grown Ups 2 to watch. We watched it and it was hilarious!
I got a whopping $44 too! My dad gave me $24, a dollar for every year I've been alive. Then my MIL gave me $20, I don't even know why, she got me a great candle, a cake and some flowers. But it was so nice of her, and I love the candle, its applewood scented and thats all Autumny.
So maybe I'll buy something nice for myself? Who knows, but I probably won't. LOL

And I made myself some spicy chili yesterday, I was able to freeze 2 quart bags and I have a container of it in the fridge. So that chili should last me the winter months! LOL It was my special gift to myself, since no one else eats chili.

Now I have to finish getting my house under control. My child and man are working steadily against me in everything that I try to do in the house. Ugh. So its an up hill battle with them!

Happy Wednesday!
I can´t believe I missed your birthday....happy 24th and hope you had a great day.

I used to have loads of candles but have none right now as there´s no where left to put them cos of these little bunnies lol. I do love scented candles though, I will one day be able to enjoy them again.

Glad to see you enjoyed the camping, I prefer my home comforts and lots of warmth.

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