My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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I don't think Ellie has been in her cage in like 3 weeks. She's just out and about now. Her litter box habits are really good, but she still puts her butt over the side sometimes. haha. Oh well. I've been scooping her boxes once a day and dumping them like every two days and thats seemed to work for her. She does not like a dirty litter box! I ran out of litter and couldn't change the box for like 3 days at the end of last week and she wasn't happy!
I gave her some packing paper today, like 4 feet of it, and she's been really happy tearing it up. I also put a flattened box down for her, in the corner that she likes to lay in and she's been slowly ripping that up too.

Tonight, I was folding some sheets and she was in her corner. She flopped down so hard she shook her water bowl! haha. It was funny. But now she does like full on DBF's. Like, throws herself to the floor with a little 'humph' and is out like a light. Its so cute to see.

Eh, the stuff with my friend. I'm in a foul mood about it, but what can you do? I'm just mad at some times more than others and I feel really disrespected right now. Like, she actually had the balls to say to be yesterday, talking about her fiance, "well, he works 13 hours a day, he doesn't just sit at home all day". I flipped the hell out on her! Because what I do during the day is a far cry from sitting on my ass!
After her wedding, if I'm still even in her wedding, I'm just done. I have nothing more to offer. She comes to be for advice, then as I'm telling her what I would do, she says 'no, I'm not going to do that' then she doesn't do anything. So why even ask me? Or fight with me about how men don't do things for themselves and tell me how you're going to change your fiance. I laugh and say no you won't change him because thats who and how he is. And what I really want to say is; you'll always live in a pig sty because you're both lazy and disgusting, so why even talk about how only he needs to change when you need to change too.

Now, I get that people have character flaws and stuff. I'm mean as hell, I have no patience, and I have an aversion to BS. I will also cut you off in a heart beat without a second glance. But I'm not a selfish person, I don't ask for much out of anything just to be appreciated. To give credit where credit is due. Nothing pleases me more than watch other people succeed. But with her, she's not like that. She is a selfish person, everything is on her time clock and she doesn't apologize for being an hour late. She's greedy and sue happy and she has horrible taste in linens. As I've said before, I don't need that negativity in my life. I like positive things, things that are bright and shiny and things that make me feel good. Like cleaning my house and having a rabbit forum filled with nice people and being able to appreciate my little fat black and white ball of evil. I like those things. And Egyptian cotton sheets. So having someone who brushes their teeth in the kitchen, is not in my future life.

I think its the end of an era ladies and gentlemen. I'm coming to terms with it.

Thanks for listening to me complain! And thanks for being supportive! I'll try not to complain too much anymore! I'll find batteries for my camera tomorrow and maybe take some pictures of little Ellie!
Sorry to hear about feeling disconnected and just general not liking/getting along with your friend. It happens sometimes though, it's almost like waking up one day and just realising you have no idea why you're friends with them in the first place. Also, who's late for their own shower? That is downright rude.

Regarding the house and cleaning up issues, I can somewhat relate. I know that both my fiance and I are just naturally messy people, I hate that I'm messy, but I can't help it, as much as I fight it happens. What DOES bother me, is that I'm the one that works, and I'm the one that does 80% of the housework, and he doesn't do anything unless I ask. Or when I do ask, he does it 3 days or a week later, or wonders why it needs to be done when he doesn't see a problem with it. Drives me absolutely insane. I've tried talking about it nicely, yelling, crying, discussing, and nothing seems to help. It's like, when I bring it up, he takes it as an insult that nothing he does is appreciated, well what about all the stuff I do :p

Anyway, really didn't mean to hijack your blog, just felt I could relate a little. Ellie sounds so funny, I wish Bandit was a little lazier, he might be a little less destructive then, lol. He just goes straight out crazy sometimes, he'll be so quiet for so long and then it's like bunny 500's and crazy time.
I love how you are genuinely irked about the sheets. You've mentioned them on three different occasions. It's like the icing on the cake.
Happy to listen to your rants, I think you´ve just outgrown her and someone who irritates you all the time is not someone you want to be around.

I love clean sheet day as well, I must admit I do like nice sheets as well. I like nice stuff in general, just wish I had lots of money so I could just buy what I want when I want lol.

Ellie is such a character, she is so comical. I love it when they do really big DBF´s, it´s like they are just so comfortable where they are and crash out.
Sorry about your friend.

As for domestic issues, sometimes I feel a little strange being a guy on these forums who reads blogs and such because I hear all the negativity about males. Not to mean the gender is attacked, just that when venting about day to day life its a specific male thats a problem. Awkward...

For myself, me and my wife both work the same hours, but her hours are longer and more demanding but she gets more days off, while I work a conventional 5 days but make less and its less demanding. I feel because of that the majority of chores falls to me to do them. I have little issue with that, its only fair. Sadly though my wife has one flaw that imbalances everything, she sleeps for greater lengths and is a deep sleeper whereas I'm a light sleeper who barely gets 5 hours. So too often I feel like a zombie barely getting through my day. My wife has more off days but because she sleeps so much I end up doing even her share of chores otherwise we wouldn't eat together or things wouldn't get done. I do the finances as well and often I got to be the bad person who says no we can't (or rather you can't) buy that even though she makes the greater money. I guess in any marriage domestic labor will always he a little off, I've never heard otherwise.

But as far as your pets go, you sure do have a wild menagerie making things difficult. Your a saint because I dont know that I could deal with my pets ruining what little sleep I get.

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Michael, I guess it would be weird for you to be on any forum because, you're definitely the minority! But I like that you said what goes on in your house, because it is out of the ordinary but its a nice change. It seems like there is an okay balance between you and you're wife though. Since she works a more demanding job, you pick up a little bit of her slack. I think a working household is MUCH different than mine and I wouldn't even understand that. haha.
I live in a different world for the most part though, or a different time period. But I can't say that if I worked things would be different, because they weren't different when I did work. But I've gotten over all that and I play my housewife role with pride and feel good about it everyday. One thing I don't do is, balance the checkbook. I leave that for my husband to do, since he makes the money.
But with my friend, shes not doing anything to make her house better and her fiance isn't doing anything either. So nothing gets done and they just complain about it but do nothing to change it. Makes me NUTS.

My dad, likes to talk a bunch of junk about my lifestyle. haha. He likes to say that my husband wants me barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. LOL Thats not true at all. But he doesn't seem to understand that I don't have an out of the house job, I work IN the house. Then as I think about it, my dad lives the same life as I do. haha. He works, but he works different hours than my step mom. She makes more money and works longer hours. So my dad comes home and cleans the house and cooks dinner! haha. Its funny because he talks so my junk to me, but then comes home and does the same thing!

I guess, I have chronic housewife syndrome or something. I tend to complain about my husband for little silly things, but sometimes those things add up an its frustrating. But its not just my husband its the animals too. Its also not just me, its everyone who feels frustrated with something or another from time to time.

As for my animals. I guess they're lucky that I'm a semi-patient with them, so I don't kill them. It seems like its one cat though that causes all the problems in the night. haha. Then the chickens of course. But whatever, what are you going to do? I love my animals but sweet jesus they're annoying! haha.
Oh and my dog has been scavenging for food lately. He just tried to eat AJ's toast off the plate when I wasn't in the room. AND yesterday, he knocked a sour cream container off the counter and ate half a container of sour cream. I just want to knock him out. I don't know why he's doing this, but I swear it makes me so angry!
I can hear Ellie shredding something in the kitchen right now. Sounds like paper, so its okay. haha.

Speaking of animals. I've been trying to talk my husband into goats. I want to clear my field out and the most cost efficient way to do it. It would take a few months for them to do it, but they would be able to clean most of the field. Plus, who wouldn't want goats? LOL I want like 5.

I have to go get somethings done in my house! My coffee better kick in!
Happy Thursday!
These animals are trying to kill me.
Yesterday, I was washing dishes. AJ was standing at the gate SCREAMING at me for a snack, Smokey was meowing because Fat Cat was eating out of the food bowl and she wanted to eat. So they're all yelling at me so I just screamed at them all to shut up. What does Smokey do because I yelled at her? She attacks the rabbit. Thank god Ellie went behind a box and Smokey was trying to hit her over the box. I ran at Smokey and chased her upstairs. She went under the bed and I couldn't get her. So I left her and told her when I saw her again, she was dead. The Fat Cat goes upstairs like 5 minutes later and Smokey ATTACKED her! They got into like 5 fights in a 2 minute time period. I was yelling at them, but the Fat Cat can hold her own! Smokey's all talk but no fight, but Fat Cat is fight with ass behind it. LOL
Then after that, Smokey was fine. She was just SO mad that Fat Cat wasn't letting her eat when she wanted to eat. So she threw a freaking tantrum. A CAT. Ugh. Sometimes I think they're too smart.

Ellie is fine. I checked her out and there are no wounds. She's in the middle of a shed, so her fur is extra thick. But ears and eyes are fine. She's acting CRAZY though. She's knocked over the cat food bowl twice already this morning. And she keeps trying to get next to the washing machine. I've been putting things there to block her, but she's so freaking strong! But y'all know how rabbits are, they get obsessed with things! She's cruisin' for a bruisin' right now though.

I need coffee.

Happy Friday!
Poor little Ellie, glad to hear she?s a survivor and she?s OK, what a naughty cat. Maybe Smokey was just not feeling herself and that?s why she was being mean.

Yes, obsessive rabbits, they do get fixed on something and won?t let it go.

Hope you got your copy and are feeling ready for the day :bouquet:
Wow, sounds like you really have a wild zoo at your place with all those crazy animal antics. So glad to hear that Smokey didn't manage to get a hold Ellie, and you're right, rabbits do get so obsessive with things. And they just will not let them go once they've decided what they wanted.
I feel like my head is ready to explode from coughing and I'm so tired from being sick, not sleeping well and accomplishing everything I do when I am well and I think catching up on your posts and crazy life especially with animals has almost put me into a coma.

Laverne and Shirley are slowly but surely eating the bun room carpet. I keep trying to block the two spots they are chewing but I haven't found anything that is working yet. I just put them back away after so many tries.

My dog has issues including OCD and does a number of annoying or frustrating things each and every day.

Momma cat doesn't get along with Isabelle and the kittens. She growls a lot and from what hubby says swatted the girl kitten with claws the other day because little girl kitty would not back off. All she wants to do is play. But when Isabelle and the kittens are locked in the other side of the garage Momma cat goes over to the doors and looks through at them like she's lonely.

And now I don't remember where I was going with all of that. Ha!
Why does everything in my house have to fall apart before I've even MADE the coffee? Like seriously?! The mornings here are so ridiculous its insane. Its all the animals screaming at me and then AJ screaming at me for apples or pointing out everything! haha. I usually don't say anything but I had to throw Smokey out! She gets so mad when I ignore her that she attacks the other animals, whether another cat or the rabbit. She got thrown out!

My old cat is acting crazy, like she's lost her mind. She loves AJ, but he's so rough with her she doesn't want to go to him. Or she barely does, but I can see that she wants to go over and sit with him. He's rough with all of them, but most mean to Smokey, who lets it happen and I don't pitty her.

Ugh anyway. Nothing too special happened this weekend. Got some much needed yard work done. Neglected my house a little bit, you know the normal things! Had a serious issue with my friend who is getting married. I won't go into too much detail because its SO stupid, but basically you should never have bachelorette parties or bachelor parties, they only cause problems. It was absolutely the most ridiculous thing I've ever been through in my life, and I DIDN'T EVEN GO OUT WITH THEM! I was just there for the aftermath! Anyway, it was so dumb, but its over now. I really wish them luck, because they're both SO dumb and they don't know how to work together or fing talking to each other!

I have to drink some more coffee, this morning is beating me! I need to start going to be earlier and getting up earlier. I think that if I could get up before AJ and drink some coffee before him, it would be SO much better for all involved!
The word of the day on Sesame Street is Lazy. I want to be lazy today! But I was lazy yesterday, so today has to be busy!

Last thing. I've been re-watching American Horror Story, the first season. They haven't put the second season on netflix yet. Anyway, I love that show. I just LOVE Jessica Lange. She's so amazing and beautiful and strong! I told my husband last night, "when I grow up, I want to be Jessica Lange." I was like, look at her! She's fantastic! He just looked at me like I was dumb. LOL

Happy Monday! I hope everyone gets everything they need to accomplished!
Do you guys ever just look at your rabbits and you're like "you're so cute I want to die?!" Thats how I feel sometimes when I look at Ellie. But then...she sprays my pants. haha.

Today is the day, I take my dress to the seamstress to see if they can alter it enough to fit me! Its like 3 sizes too big and I'm scared they won't be able to make it small enough or it will look weird! My friend is also going in to see what alterations need to be down for her wedding dress. I think shes going to have to have it let out, but she doesn't think they'll be able to let it out enough. So we'll see. Why are dresses so dang difficult? haha.

Got lots to do today. I've had TOO much coffee, I'm jittery and weak feeling. Also my child is running around in a diaper because he won't let me put clothes on him. These terrible twos are just that...terrible!

Happy Tuesday!
Morgan, I look at mine quite often and think that they´re just too cute..I´m watching Snowy now, I can see him in his enclosure and he´s flopped out asleep against his frozen bottle, he is just too cute for words. I could squish them all sometimes, I just love them.

Hope you can get the dress altered, much easier if you´re taking it in that if you´re taking it out.

By the sound of it, I bet you´ll be glad when all this wedding lark is over and you can get back to normal and kick your friend into touch as we say.

I watched part of the first series of American Horror Story but they changed it to really late night and I couldn´t stay up and at that time, I couldn´t record it which I could do now. I´m really into Under the Dome at the moment. On Spanish TV, they show two episodes each week so we get it over and done with quicker.

By the way, your mornings sound manic, maybe you should just stay in bed late and then you´d miss it all lol.
Sweet Jesus, I just hit the back space button like one too many times and lost everything I wrote!
Anyway, here we go again!

Chris, my mornings are manic. Enough so that I want to run away!

So since it got deleted, I can scale it back! It worked out for everyone!
Dresses-- my friends dress almost fit. She has the kind that laces up in the back, but she still wanted it take out just a little bit. So when we lace her up into the dress on the day, her dress won't be too tight, because we have to lace it up tight enough to not show that the panel is open in the back. haha. Wow. Sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud.
As for my dress, I swear I love Asian people! She just started pinning me into the dress, no questions asked. I had 2 inches of extra fabric on each side. She also added these **** cup things, for like a built in bra. So I don't have to go find a good strapless bra, and I can go bra-less! I was like extra excited about that! hahaha! My dress will be done October 3rd, the wedding is on the 12th. So its perfect. Its just really expensive! Like $122 for all the alterations, hemming included. Oh well. Its like $300 for a dress that I'll only wear once. Hopefully I'll get invited to another formal event or a night wedding, then I can wear that dress again!

I had the most terrible dream last night. I dreamed that my big rooster, Big Boy, got gutted so bad that I had to kill him. Well, I didn't, but my husband did. He got into a fight with one of the other roosters and his wounds were too deep to fix, so he had to be put down. I hope that isn't like a premintion for something to happen to him. The other rooster was messed up too, but his wounds would be mended. It was another of the white roosters, whether it was Demon or the other one, I don't know. But I woke up upset!

Anyway, I need to chug like 2 more cups of coffee and get some stuff done.

Happy Wednesday!
Have you seen despicable me 2 yet? There is a chicken in it that attacks Gru all crazy like. I laughed so hard the other guys in the tent were looking at me crazy. I kept thinking about Big Boy. They should have cast him for that part.
Ha! At least AJ was wearing a diaper. The twins told me of riding home on the school bus the other day. They were looking out the window with their friend at one house because there was a little dog outside. As they were looking a lady came out of the house and stood their waiting for her child. As she was waiting and the girls watched her other child came running out the door naked.

Most of the time Thumper's sweetness just makes me want to die. With the girls it's more often when they are begging for pellets at night.

I'm glad the dresses worked out.
Haha Denise, I bet AJ would run around naked too if he could.

No, Kaley, I haven't seen Despicable Me 2 yet. I really want to! Surprisingly enough, Big Boy doesn't attack me anymore. I think its because he has more roosters to pay attention to and fight with. He's not focused on me anymore. Not that I want to walk out in the middle of their flock or anything. But he stays away from me, its Big Black that I have a slight problem with now! Although, Big Boy did attack my husband yesterday morning, he had to hit him with a broken off broom stick. I keep the broom stick next to the front door. haha.

I haven't done anything yet today! I just can't get up. I went to bed REALLY early last night, to get up early this morning. Slept late. Ugh. I think my bed is too comfortable. It just accepts me into it and I don't want to get out. My mind wants to get up early, but my body is working with the bed and keeping me in it! Ugh. Its a struggle.

Okay, I have to tell you guys about this 'Cultural Conundrum' I saw yesterday. Yes, I totally coined that phrase yesterday and could not stop saying it. Okay, my hub and I were driving home from the park and I saw these two black guys on motorcycles. I could clearly hear their music, in our car. So they were black, riding Harley's, wearing Harley gear and helmets (even though in SC you don't have to wear a helmet), boots. The whole shebang. Then listening to Notorious BIG. Like, they were all biker and then listening to the LEAST biker thing ever. I was like ITS A CULTURAL CONUNDRUM! haha. My husband was like, you're insane! But the music was so loud and clear in the car, it was like Biggie was alive and I was at a concert. It was crazy. Or at least to me it was. I don't know, I was confused.

And I'm not a racist. LOL Just thought I should make that one clear!
So I want to know, how as an adult, I forgot to buy coffee?
I opened the tin this morning and was in for a shocking surprise! NO COFFEE! We even went to the grocery store last night to pick up a few things. I needed coffee FILTERS but forgot about the coffee!
To my defense, yesterday morning when I made the coffee it was 6 am and I DID put the coffee tin back into the dummy! LOL. This morning my husband was like why did you put it BACK in the cabinet?! I was like IT WAS EARLY! Then I shed a tear for no coffee and made myself some HIGH energy tea!

Yesterday I went hiking with my mom. We went up to Linville Falls in NC. It was SO pretty! I'll upload the pictures later today. It was really nice up there.

So AJ has been sleepwalking? Or having night terrors? Several times in the last two weeks, he's woken up screaming at the top of his lungs and shaking. So I think that something is scaring him or something is...I don't know. Anyway, its really scary. Like last night, we left his door open so we could see him. He was asleep, then I saw him stand up, throw his stuffed animal over the edge of his crib and then lay back down, wake up and cry. It was CRAZY! I don't know whats going on, but its been happening frequently. But the common factor in both sleepwalking and night terrors are being over tired. Which he has been the times that its happened. I don't know whats going on really but its REALLY SCARY!

Ellie is fine, she's fat! haha. She's such a ball. She won't stay out of the dog food, LOL. I'll take some pictures of her too, since I have batteries for the camera now! LOL

Happy Monday! LOTS to do today!

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