Give her time, she will come around. I know she is probably pregnant so just imagine her hormones right now! If you have ever been around a pregnant person or a person on their period, you probably understand. Hormones are super annoying and can make you respond stupidly. After she has these adorable babies she will be back to loving you!My rabbit is seeming to prefer anything bit humans right now. She will do anything to get me away.
I know he is outside, and I have been working on bringing him inside, but since my parents are against indoor animals it makes bringing him inside a huge challenge. I have already rabbit-proofed my room and have everything for him to come inside, but my parents won't allow it. They think that since he has been outside for his whole life why does he suddenly need to move inside. If I am able to convince my parents, and he is able to move inside he won't have a cage, he would just have a home base (see picture). Theo has a water bottle and two bowls, but he only uses the bowls. I have 2 bowls because I figured he was getting dehydrated and wanted him to be able to get to water quickly. Any tips on how to convince my parents are appreciated! I want him to come inside so bad because I know it is best for him.
Hahahaha Cayris, that IS a great line. Thank you for truly making me laughRabbits have no odor and make less of a mess than me!
I love Theo.Hello! Time for another update weather y'all want it or not!Sorry this one is so long
Tennessee is opening back up and I am so HAPPY! Monday night we went to eat out and it was weird. All the dishes were throw away, nothing that would have to be washed. I was upset because they didn't have limes and lemons which I always add to my food to give it more flavor. The food was so good though! We used to eat at this restaurant every week so not eating there for 3 months made me want it so bad!
Theo was in a bad mood today. I'm not surprised though because it was rainy, and I made him skip his midday nap. We normally have playtime from 8 AM to 11 AM, and then he sleeps from 11 AM-6 PM. He gets more playtime from 7 PM-9 PM. Today I made him skip his nap at 11 AM and made him play. He was not happy at all.
Do any of y'all mock your rabbits? When Theo gets in a bad mood he just sits there with his ears flat back all grumpy. I will make a pouty face at him and mope around to bother him. If I touch something of his he will lunge at my hand (this is only when he is in a bad mood). I will lightly shove my hand into his face as payback. When I shove my hand at his face it makes him happy and he begs for nose rubs.
I stole the scrunchie idea @Peneloppythebun used in one of her pictures, on Theo, but I changed it up a little. We were going for the French Artist look, but he just wanted nose rubs and to sleep. We also worked on bonding with the tunnel. He still does not love it but is excepting it. His favorite thing is to jump over it, not run through it. He is a HUGE jumper, I need to get a picture of him jumping.
He has been super cuddly recently and giving me lots of kisses. I LOVE it!
Also, we have a bird nesting in our shed. I saw 5 bird eggs in the nest last week, and now they have hatched. I love watching the mama and daddy birds feeding the babies and hearing the babies chirp. The babies are so cute, I just can't figure out how to get a picture because I can't get to close or the mom will kill me.
And, this is my 1,500 message! Yay! I remember when I had 100 messages and thought that was a lot. Who knew I would love y'all so much!
Sorry, I didn't see this! I seriously just changed Theo's playpen around, but when you asked the question Theo had a small hutch attached to a playpen in our shed (see the first picture: it was before I had added his toys, food, etc). There was netting over the playpen to keep him from jumping out. I liked it because it gave him some room, but it was hard to clean, and I really wanted to give him more room. What do your hutches/cages look like?What is Theo’s hutch situation like? My mom won’t let our two inside, but my two rabbits seem set on escaping. (Max, or Monster, is in solitary confinement until I figure out how he’s escaping this time)
i have a mini rex too and she has been moulting for the past three months and won't stop o.oApollo’s dewlap just feels like skin too. So it’s probably that Theo got a little overweight but lost it. Apollo’s going through shed/moult now too. I’ve never seen anything like it! I just keep plucking and plucking and more keep coming off! Definitely let me know how that brush works! Apollo is about 5lb too, which in England I think is a Rex ‘Standard’.
Theo is molting like crazy right now too! Fur is all over the shed! I have been using the brush we were talking about every day and it works so well! After I brush him, I spray my hands with a spray bottle and rub him. It removes the rest of the loose fur.i have a mini rex too and she has been moulting for the past three months and won't stop o.o
Theo is soooo cute!Oh yeah! Forgot about this thread
Theo is still shedding so much! The other day I moved him and his playpen outside just so I could brush him without the fur blowing all over the shed. He has been acting a little sickly, but he always acts that way during a molt.
In the shed, I removed the signs that were blocking the un-rabbit proofed part (because now it is rabbit proofed) and he LOVES exploring! That is all he does during playtime now! He really likes hiding under the rakes, and wheelbarrow, but it makes putting him up way harder.
Sorry, I have not been an active member the past couple of days. I was hosting a Girls' Country Camp at my house with my friend. The camp went really well, but it was very tiring. We had 19 4-7 year olds, and there were 2 of us working. I am also exhausted because Friday night I had a sleepover with a group of friends and we went to sleep at 5 AM and then woke up at 8 AM, so I hardly got sleep.
I'm really debating about starting a YouTube channel and I wanted to know what y'all think. I'm mostly just afraid that people will be rude since I have an outdoor rabbit. They will probably also be rude since he is alone outside, even though I spend so much time out there with him.