It is 7 P.M. but we are still in the shed playing! He just did a super fast bunny 500 and knocked over all of those yellow signs, I jumped up to fix it and he typed something on here, he is very desperate to talk to all his followers

. It is so dark in here I can't see him so I don't know where he is, I can just hear him. It is also so cold, because a cold front came in last night, my fingers are freezing.
Update on his Gi-recovery:
I had taken him off pellets for a day to see if that would help him recover, but last night he begged for some. I gave in and it turned out he does not know what is best for him. Today he has been sitting hunched up almost all day, not really eating or pooping, and didn't want to come out to play when he normally shakes his cage bars to get let out! I decided to give him a tummy massage and some pineapple juice and see if that would help. He normally inhales the juice but I had to force him to take it. He hates tummy massages so it was a struggle, but we managed, and the pineapple juice is from a can because I'm allergic to pineapple and can juice it. Anyway, they both seemed to work and he has been binkying and doing bunny five-hundreds. I will not be giving him pellets anytime soon. He is going on a hay-only diet.
He really likes music so I have been playing some, it has helped! I was just singing to one song, I don't know if you would call it singing

, but he was running around dancing to it. I wish I had taken pictures, but I didn't have my phone out there and my computer is horrible at taking pictures.