My Backyard Bunny

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2018
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Hello! I have been wanting to do one of these for a long time but didn't have the courage until now. I'm mostly just going to talk about life with Theo, and ask some questions while I'm at it. I will probably forget to post, but I will try to at least twice a week, though sometimes I will get busy. Just because this is called "My Backyard Bunny" does not mean that I am against indoor rabbits. I couldn't think of a cool name so I put that because Theo is outside.

So, to start off, my name is Mariam and I'm 13. I live in Tennesse with my rabbit (Theo), my five cats (Ruthie, Milly, Primrose, Turtle, and Otis), and my dog (Jessie-bloodhound/lab). All of our animals are outdoors because my parents hate indoor animals, but I'm working on Theo coming inside and eventually getting him a girlfriend. I am home most of the day doing school and taking care of Theo.

Today Theo is still on the road to recovery after a bout of Gi-Stasis. I have the worst brushes for grooming so I never groom him and he keeps getting fur blockages. Because he is sick, I've been giving him 1 ml of Reglan (vet prescribed) in the morning, along with a papaya enzyme or pineapple juice. At lunch, I will give him some veggies and some gas drops, and then let him run around in our shed while I read to him. At dinner, he gets 1 ml of Reglan and some gas drops if he needs them. Please let me know if there is something I should not be giving him!

I will try to send some pictures later of playtime, which will probably be of him binkying, but I'm leaving for the movies so I will talk to y'all later.
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Hello! I have been wanting to do one of these for a long time but didn't have the courage until now. I'm mostly just going to talk about life with Theo, and ask some questions while I'm at it. I will probably forget to post, but I will try to at least twice a week, though sometimes I will get busy. Just because this is called "My Backyard Bunny" does not mean that I am against indoor rabbits. I couldn't think of a cool name so I put that because Theo is outside.

So, to start off, my name is Mariam and I'm 13. I live in Tennesse with my rabbit (Theo), my five cats (Ruthie, Milly, Primrose, Turtle, and Otis), and my dog (Jessie-bloodhound/lab). All of our animals are outdoors because my parents hate indoor animals, but I'm working on Theo coming inside and eventually getting him a girlfriend. I am home most of the day doing school and taking care of Theo.

Today Theo is still on the road to recovery after a bout of Gi-Stasis. I have the worst brushes for grooming so I never groom him and he keeps getting fur blockages. Because he is sick, I've been giving him 1 ml of Reglan (vet prescribed) in the morning, along with a papaya enzyme or pineapple juice. At lunch, I will give him some veggies and some gas drops, and then let him run around in our shed while I read to him. At dinner, he gets 1 ml of Reglan and some gas drops if he needs them. Please let me know if there is something I should not be giving him!

I will try to send some pictures later of playtime, which will probably be of him binkying, but I'm leaving for the movies so I will talk to y'all later.

Apollo’s, (who is also a mini rex, as you already know,) fur does not come off with brushes. So he always looks like a cactus with pointy white fur sticking out of his little grey body! We’ve gone through so many brushes by now and none of them have worked. But what does work for us is... my fingers. I sit there for half an hour, holding his head down gently and plucking his fur also gently. He doesn’t mind and it doesn’t hurt him and he gets a treat after. I have a bin for collecting all his fur, I don’t know why. But I’ll do something with it! Keep it in a jar like a total weirdo or something ;)

Yeah so I’d try that out! It could help with his fur blockages and it doesn’t cost any money
Playtime was fun! Lots of binkys, but that stomach is still so full. I took lots of pictures which he liked and hated at the same time. He looks so fat in all of them though, so he is going to be embarrassed that I posting these. He is only fat right now because of his sickness, he is normally a completely healthy rabbit.

Also, if you are wondering what those yellow things are, they are signs that I use to block off parts of the shed that are not rabbit-proof.


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Playtime was fun! Lots of binkys, but that stomach is still so full. I took lost of pictures which he liked and hated at the same time. He looks so fat in all of them though, so he is going to be embarrassed that I posting these. He is only fat right now because of his sickness, he is normally a completely healthy rabbit.

Also, if you are wondering what those yellow things are, they are signs that I use to block off parts of the shed that are not rabbit-proof.
Playtime looks so fun! No matter if he’s indoors or outdoors it looks like he like it! I am always so mesmerising by his colours! Such a handsome bunny!
Thank you! Does he look fat to you?
Not really, no. He does have a little dewlap. So does Apollo. And it may just be that he is really fluffy. Feel his body, feel for his hips and feel if you can feel his body underneath all the fluff. If so be should be a good weight. Also since he’s recovering from GI at least you know he’s eating.
Not really, no. He does have a little dewlap. So does Apollo. And it may just be that he is really fluffy. Feel his body, feel for his hips and feel if you can feel his body underneath all the fluff. If so he should be a good weight.
I have felt his dewlap and it is just a little bit of skin. I weirdly like lightly pinching it, lol. He has not done a big molt yet and is only shedding a little fur (which is great because I'm still waiting for his new deshedder to come in: I will let you know how it works on Rex fur @Apollo’s Slave). I will feel him after his big molt because he is very fluffy right now, probably because he is outside and it was just winter. Just recently we got him weighed and he was 5 lbs, which is not bad for a Mini Rex mixed with Harlequin.
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I have felt his dewlap and it is just a little bit of skin. I weirdly like lightly pinching it, lol. He has not done a big molt yet and is only shedding a little fur (which is great because I'm still waiting for his new deshedder to come in: I will let you know how it works on Rex fur @Apollo’s Slave). I will feel him after his big molt because he is very fluffy right now, probably because he is outside and it was just winter. Just recently we got him weighed and he was 5 lbs, which is not bad for a Mini Rex mix.
Apollo’s dewlap just feels like skin too. So it’s probably that Theo got a little overweight but lost it. Apollo’s going through shed/moult now too. I’ve never seen anything like it! I just keep plucking and plucking and more keep coming off! Definitely let me know how that brush works! Apollo is about 5lb too, which in England I think is a Rex ‘Standard’.
Apollo is about 5lb too, which in England I think is a Rex ‘Standard’
Wow, rabbits must be small in England. Here a Rex is 7-11 lbs and a Mini Rex is 3.5-4.5 lbs. Theo has some Harlequin in him which normally weigh 6.5-8lbs, so I think 5lbs is a good weight for him.

Also, I meant to add this picture to my post earlier but forgot. So here is baby Theo!


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Wow, rabbits must be small in England. Here a Rex is 7-11 lbs and a Mini Rex is 3.5-4.5 lbs. Theo has some Harlequin in him which normally weigh 6.5-8lbs, so I think 5lbs is a good weight for him.
Rabbits are pretty small. But isn’t everything bigger in America! The cars, the houses, the animals... But that’s probably major stereotyping
Wow, rabbits must be small in England. Here a Rex is 7-11 lbs and a Mini Rex is 3.5-4.5 lbs. Theo has some Harlequin in him which normally weigh 6.5-8lbs, so I think 5lbs is a good weight for him.

Also, I meant to add this picture to my post earlier but forgot. So here is baby Theo!
Wow, rabbits must be small in England. Here a Rex is 7-11 lbs and a Mini Rex is 3.5-4.5 lbs. Theo has some Harlequin in him which normally weigh 6.5-8lbs, so I think 5lbs is a good weight for him.

Also, I meant to add this picture to my post earlier but forgot. So here is baby Theo!

Aww baby Theo is so adorable!
Thanks! I think he's cute too! He also thinks he is cute, which is not good. He is a little prideful.
Aww baby Theo is so adorable!
Thanks! It is the only baby picture I have of him because I just never thought to take photos. That picture is the one the breeder had posted and as soon as I saw it I knew he was my rabbit. Just an automatic connection.
*To those out there that are against getting baby rabbits, I had no idea what I was doing and regret getting a baby now that I know there are rescues out there. But, if I had not gotten a baby, I never would have met Theo, and my life would be completely different. If I could redo one thing with owning rabbits, it would be to get an adult bonded pair instead of a baby.
Thanks! I think he's cute too! He also thinks he is cute, which is not good. He is a little prideful.

Thanks! It is the only baby picture I have of him because I just never thought to take photos. That picture is the one the breeder had posted and as soon as I saw it I knew he was my rabbit. Just an automatic connection.
*To those out there that are against getting baby rabbits, I had no idea what I was doing and regret getting a baby now that I know there are rescues out there. But, if I had not gotten a baby, I never would have met Theo, and my life would be completely different. If I could redo one thing with owning rabbits, it would be to get an adult bonded pair instead of a baby.

It’s not the worst thing in the world go get a baby. The same way that people get puppies from breeders
It’s not the worst thing in the world go get a baby. The same way that people get puppies from breeders
I know it is not the worst, but I just have regrets. Now I believe that adopting from a rescue is the best way, just like you adopted Apollo from the RSPCA.
Aw look at little Theo! He was so adorable - and still is!

I personally don't see anything wrong with baby bunnies, but I think a lot of people have misconceptions about them. I've had to correct people when they try to say "well I'll train them when they're young, they'll get used to it" or "I have no problems holding my baby rabbit, they'll be fine when they're older"...then bam, adult personality comes along and people question where they went "wrong" without understanding that a rabbit's personality can change - just like us.
It is 7 P.M. but we are still in the shed playing! He just did a super fast bunny 500 and knocked over all of those yellow signs, I jumped up to fix it and he typed something on here, he is very desperate to talk to all his followers:p. It is so dark in here I can't see him so I don't know where he is, I can just hear him. It is also so cold, because a cold front came in last night, my fingers are freezing.

Update on his Gi-recovery:
I had taken him off pellets for a day to see if that would help him recover, but last night he begged for some. I gave in and it turned out he does not know what is best for him. Today he has been sitting hunched up almost all day, not really eating or pooping, and didn't want to come out to play when he normally shakes his cage bars to get let out! I decided to give him a tummy massage and some pineapple juice and see if that would help. He normally inhales the juice but I had to force him to take it. He hates tummy massages so it was a struggle, but we managed, and the pineapple juice is from a can because I'm allergic to pineapple and can juice it. Anyway, they both seemed to work and he has been binkying and doing bunny five-hundreds. I will not be giving him pellets anytime soon. He is going on a hay-only diet.
He really likes music so I have been playing some, it has helped! I was just singing to one song, I don't know if you would call it singing:confused:, but he was running around dancing to it. I wish I had taken pictures, but I didn't have my phone out there and my computer is horrible at taking pictures.
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