mom died and left 3 babies please help me

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regarding the oldest black baby....she's maybe 2months and some.... do they growl at that age??? she's fine and when igoto get her out of her box she makes holding her now andits like sjes making that noise when she breathes....its not all thetime tho.... is she havin trouble breathing???? ill take her to the vettomorrow if i need to
It depends on the type of noise she's making.

Does it sound a little grunty? Does it sound like snoring? oris it more like a "popping" sound like there may be fluid?

Could you be a little more descriptive? I know it's hard totranslate sounds into words, but the more information you can providethe easier it is to help.

could it be her being lonely from being byherself all the time? like i'm not playing with her enough? maybe she'snervous in her new cage...she's extremely small compared to the middleaged that b/c she didn't get moms milk as much as they didfrom their mom??
It is hard to know what the noise is like from the way you've described it.

Babies will grunt, scream, and sometimes talk when they eat. Puck andSugarBear are always talking while they eat. Some of my does will gruntat me if they want me to leave them alone. I've got some babies thatare screamers (not often) but as soon as I pick them up - until theyget used to it - they scream (usually only bucks and only from oneparent).

If she was making a wheezing type sound or coughing type of sound...then yes, you might want to be concerned.

Is the baby used to being held? If it isn't used to being held then it could be trying to show that it is nervous.

Is there any discharge from the nose? discharge from the eyes? Does thebaby have a poopy butt form diaherrea? These are things that wouldconcern me.

You mention the baby being smaller than the others...but you mustremember that each mama and each litter is different. I have some mamaswho have 3 week old babies that are HUGE and other mamas who have olderbabies that are tiny...yet in the end, they all seem to catch up to thesize they need to be.

If it were me, I'd watch the baby and see - does it make the noise allthe time? Does it seem to just make the noise when it is surprised?Does the baby appear to be giving any other signals (like maybe backinginto a corner to show it is afraid)?

I take it that you're going to the vet tomorrow....good luck! If Iremember right - this thread was started around 12/8 and we thoughtthat those babies were around 2 weeks old then - maybe 3 weeks old atthe most....

If I am right and this is Oreo's baby (do I have the name right?) -then it is 31-32 days older than Oreo's newest litter....that shouldhelp you give the vet the baby's age.

One more thing to consider....ask your vet if you can put a sign upadvertising the bunnies. I'm guessing they'll let you - and you willknow that if someone calls you because they saw the sign at the vet'soffice - there is a better chance that they are already a responsiblepet owner who uses a vet.....

Wow! Sneaky bunny! I guess the boy just wanted to be with his ladies.. :).


Don't beat yourself up, accidents happen. It'll all start to look up, Ipromise :). I'd be in bunny heaven with all those little ones!

Keep us updated!
welp the earliest apmt i could get is tomorrowat 2:15... i always pick up and handle the bun b/c i give her baytriland vitamin drops twice a day like the vet said.... .03 twice a day,which i bet i should be increasing but the guy never told me to. shewas running around the room and making the noise, and even when i'd beholding her or feeding her a carrot.... she's by herself in my room somaybe she's lonely? maybe i should put her out there in the barn withthe others in her own cage so she won't be lonely?
If you're giving her Baytril, I'm assuming she'sill. If that's the case, I would highly suggest NOT takingher near the other rabbits in case it's easily transmitable (as manyrabbit illnesses are).

As I stated in my PM based on the descriptions you told me, it sounds like she's just nervous or uncomfortable.

I know reading these things online doesn't give the whole feeling ofcomfort (as going to the vet would) - but be vigilant. Payclose attention to how she's acting, what the noise sounds like (pain,nervous, upset, etc.), trust your instincts... if she seems somewhat"off" in her behavior &/or health, then a vet appointment isthe absolute best route, but if she seems otherwise normal then maybejust keeping an eye out for other signs before you make the stressingtrip to the vet's with her.

Either way, good luck and I hope it's nothing serious.


well my vet apmt is at 2:15 today; she's notmaking the noises anymore since i put her in her new pen area... me andmy bf went to petsmart and got her a snack shack! lol aaaaand a littlefruit salad with timothy hay :bunnydance:i guess it wouldhurt to take her to the vet still so he can check her out to see if herabsesses are bad and if she's a she for sure lol

oh yeah, i put one of the cream mama's babies in there with her to playfor a little bit and she tried to hump them! :shock:do theydo this to show they're alpha buns?! i smelled somethin after she didthat too lol what in the world! so they should all be in their own cageby week 7? is that so they don't fight? or b/c they can reproduce atthat point....
They should all be separated (at least bygender) by 7-8 weeks of age. Mainly because yes, it ispossible for them to reproduce at (and slightly after) that age andbecause it helps resolve any fighting issues.

Yes, rabbits will mount each other (females too) to showdominance. The smell you were smelling is probably the muskreleased from the vent scent glands (near their genitals).This smell lets the others know where that rabbit stands as far asdominance, age, gender, and reproductively.

so all that was wrong with bunny was her absessneeded to be drained some more... so she's good to go now! yesterdayshe started heaving but breathing thru her nose and i looked and shehad something sticking out of her nose and i pulled it out and it was along peice of hay! :shock:and the vet said to increase thebaytril to a full cc twice a day. :bunnydance:
just curious when are the babies okay to be awayfrom their mom... the 3 from the cream mama will be a month on jan 16thand i was wondering when they'd be good to go regarding a new home?

7 to 8 weeks im assuming from the previous responses
the youngest batch have just started to opentheir little bitty eyeballs!!! :bunnydance:they are all sooopretty!! some of them are one color on top and another under theirbelly!!! ill def take pics tomorrow and show you guys!! i'm waitin tosee if lop mama has any more...good lord...she does kinda look big butshe's just big anyways im guessing....
Please tell us she isn't going to breed them....and that if she is. .. you're not selling her brother/sisters?

I would be very wary about selling anyone two cross-breed buns that are the opposite sex as they will breed rabbits and cause more rabbit population and there are so many in shelters.

nah she just wants two for her screening her right now

she wants floppy ear buns... and im not even certain the babies' ears will be floppy. the mom's are but the dad's aren't....what are your thoughts on that?
I don't know much about genetics, but I would imagine they'd start to lop by know if they where going to. Maybe they will have airplane ears?

Make sure you tell her to keep them seperate untill they are both spayed and neutered if they are brother sister!! Tell her over and over, so she will know 100% how quickly a girl can get pregnant, and make sure she tells her kids too.

so the woman said she talked to someone she had gotten 2 buns from before and that he had a litter of 17 but 'he wasn't sure if they would make it or not because of how cold it is'....sounds sketchy to me, i mean i've kept MY litters in our horse barn so they'd be warm.... maybe it's just me....i'm waiting to see what the woman wants to do. im not that desperate to get them new homes but if some present themselves i'll consider them.

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