Missyscove's Blog

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Well, I'm baaaaaack... I never found the new forum, until now.

You guys missed my birthday too, it was 3 days ago.

I'm at Cornell Summer College. I miss California, but it's really really great here too. I have to run and print out my paper, but I will try to write a more lengthy post soon, really soon.

I missed you guys!
Okay, so... what have I been up to...?

Well, I finished the written and pool portions of getting open water diver certified in LA. Then my dad, brother and I flew to Grand Cayman where I did my ocean dives. That was a great trip. Well, except for the airport part... we got stuck in Miami for about 2 hours because there was lightning and they wouldn't let us go to the gate, but we finally got there. We also went horseback riding on the beach. Grand Cayman was a beautiful island. On lur last dive, a night dive, my first as a certified diver, we saw a huge (the instructor said that it was the biggest he'd ever seen) sea turtle sleeping underneath a ledge on the sea floor. It was amazing!

From G. Cayman we flew up here to NY. We went Cayman --> Miami --> JFK in New York City. Our flight to JFK was really late and then they lost about 100 people's baggage. They said they'd been coming in on the next flight though, sowe waited until 1 am to get it, then, since there were no hotels, we slept in the airport. The next day we took a flight to Syracuse and drove from there to Ithaca.

Ithaca and Cornell are beautiful! I've never seen so many trees. I've also seen my first chipmunks! They're so cute. Today I saw a rabbit and a chipmunk like 3 feet away from eachother. I think other people think I'm weird, but I'm not used to seeing animals other than squirrels.

Today marks the first of 3 weeks of my Genius and Madness in German Literature program. I turned in my first paper today as well. I spent all of yesterday writing it, saw the TA right before he left (I think he liked my new tablet PC (fujitsu T4215) more than my paper though). This program is amazing. I feel like I'm learning so much and meeting such cool people. My roommate, for example, is from Venice, Italy.

That's about all I have to say for now. I've got some napping to do. I'll update on my birthday later.
Okay... so, my birthday

I celebrated with my family and friends by going to Lawry's The Prime Rib (yummy) on June 16th. Then, afterward, my friends and I watched Newsies at my house. By watched I really mean sang and danced along. The next day was when we left for Grand Cayman.

I got to Cornell on June 23rd. I sort of casually mentioned to whomever I could that my birthday was on the 26th. I got a lot of ecards from people I know. My roommate wished me a happy birthday. My class sang to me and bought me a brownie. Two of my friends made an awesome sign for my door and I got lots of little presents. Yesterday I got a package from my cousins and some cookies from my dad.

I like celebrating my birthday this way... it seems to never end. :D
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Well, Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Boy, you have been busy! What fun. I love your new avatar too;).

Thank you.

My avatar is temporary until I find the time to look for my old one and upload it.

It's a picture of Mary Donlon Hall here at Cornell, where my dorm room is.
Don't worry guys, I'm still alive.

I came back from Cornell on Saturday at 11 pm. That was also Fiona's 1st gotcha day.

Sunday I went to the horse races at Del Mar with my dad and his grlfiend for my Uncle's wife's 50th birthday. I'd never been before. It was pretty cool.

Monday I basically relaxed, until Monday night. See, I got a new computer for my birthday. I tried to do itunes on it, but it didn't end up working. All my music is on my external hardrive. So while I'm in the middle of erasing and sycing my ipod, with the music off my external hd, I manage to knock the hd off the table and it falls about a foot to the floor and shuts off. Then when I get it back on it sets off an alarm and my computer doesn't recognize it. Yeah,I've lost all my music and pictures. I could do data recovery for like $2000, but I only have maybe $200 in music that I'd need back, so it isn't cost effective.

Today I had to be at the oral surgeon at 9 to have my 3 wisdom teeth and my tori (bony protrusions from my jaw) taken out. It's all sewn up pretty nicely, but I've gota ton of stitches and can't eat much. My friend Christina came to visit me and bring me my birtay gift, Night of the Lepus on dvd. She's amazing like that.

My chin and bottom lip are still numb from the long-lasting novicane. I'm also on vicadin and peniciin and advil. I've been telling people that, since I don't drink or do drugs of any sort, this is as close to drunk as you'll see me, lol.

Don't worry, my mom is still taking care of the bunnies for me.
I'm starting to think Fiona might have an upper respiratory infection again because I keep hearing her sneeze. I got my mom to agree to take her to the vet with me, but not until I'm well enough to leave the house.

I'm sooo done with this vicadin thing. I'm tired of being tired all the time.
I made one last, feeble, attempt at rescuing my external hardrive today. I'm going ot give in and send it in to the company. It is under warranty, I just won't get any of my data back.

Today I'm going in ot have the very last of my stitches removed from having my wisdom teeth ad tori out. Most of them already fell out (they're the dissolving kind, apparently) but my bottom one still has some in it. Hopdefully all is well with my teeth.

It's been really warm here lately. It got up to 108 yesterday. The bunnies are definately enjoying their little swamp cooler/fan setup.
We just got back from taking Fiona to the vet who confirmed she either has a respiratory infection or allergies. She's on Baytril and if that doesn't work we're supposed to start changing her environment. I can't figure out what she could be allergic to. Can they be allergic to Feline Pine? The only other option is hay. Which would mean guess who gets to shake out the rabbit hay.
Why not try putting her on old towels and then start introducing things one at a time maybe that will show you whats causing the problem. Sorry though its horrible when they are not feeling right:(
She doesn't look like she's feeling bad. She still loves to run and play, but then she has basically a sneeze attack and I feel so bad. They don't get towels unsupervised... they'll eat them.
Dennis is like that too sometimes his sneezes are bad but now they are just little ones.

my buns tend to dig towels but not eat them but everybun is different:)

Goodness, either we have more members or people have just become better bloggers, my blog falls behind quickly!

I went back to school on Monday. I have an immense amount of homework.

This year I'm taking honors physics, world religions/ christian philosophies of life and love, anatomy & physiology, ap calculus ab, ap english literature and ap us government. Add to that the stress of college applications. And oh yeah, choir.

Let's just hope I can survive my senior year.
It's 6:40 pm and it's about 103 outside and 92 inside. This is not good. We're also supposed to be conserving energy or there will be rolling blackouts. I tried giving the buns an icepack, but timmy tried to eat his, so I took it away and gave him a glassbottled beverage from the fridge. Fiona is ignoring her ice pack completely. I put water bottles in the freezer for them, hopefully they'll use those. They've also got their evaporative cooler on high.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, there's no a/c:shock:? A cold front is finally coming through here.

Yeah, I know, nobody says much in my blog, so I don't update much at all. It just falls back down. Oh well;).

Do you have a fan you can use for the buns? I know, conserve energy:).
We have a/c, and it's on. It's just impossible to cool the house down. The room the buns are in is actually one of two that were added on to the house later and, while they do have vents, they don't cool off much. But we don't want them in the kitchen or one of thecarpeted rooms, so there isn't much choice.
Timmy licked me today! Fiona's always been the licker and Timmy the nibbler, but he groomed my whole leg. It really tickled though, so it was hard to not pull my leg away.