Miss Ang and The Snuff

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I will Haley!

You would actually just die if you ever met my Angel. I'm serious. She is the sweetest, softest, kindest, heart of gold rabbit-ever!:D I, well, my husband for one, loves her to pieces!:wave:
Your husband seems like quite a character:D.

I don't go to many blogs, but I can't beleive I missed yours! Angel and Snuffy are such little darlings:bunnyheart.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
undergunfire wrote:
Your husband seems like quite a character:D.

I don't go to many blogs, but I can't beleive I missed yours! Angel and Snuffy are such little darlings:bunnyheart.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Yes, he is a character!:D

Thanks for the compliment. I love them. Snuff is abit of a weirdo, sometimes he'll sit and stare at the wall:dunno:.
OK! So excited. We just built Snuff his NIC cage today. It looks awesome.The dining room table got the boot today so that made for lots more room. Angel's will be next. Without further ado...pics!



The camera was being funky for some reason. The light was onin the kitchen and was messing with the flash, the pic came out shadowy.


These were taken after his first time on the second level.After an hour and almost half, he was still up there:ponder:.I figured he was a bit scared to jump down, so I escorted him down.:)


Grooming(A prayer pic)


A random from yesterday. He is hard to capture, he doesn't sit still long at all.:D


My husband did most of it. The roof is unbelievably sturdy,so no need for a rod. What do you guys think? I think he loves it.:tongutwo:

The cage looks great! Isnt amazing how big the condo seems after looking at a tiny cage for so long? Mine felt like palaces :)

Good work! I cant wait to see Angels, will you have one wall connecting so they can see eachother?
Thanks Haley! Uuh, actually it is sobig that I am ashamed of myself for having him in that small one:shock:. But that's what he came with and until very recently, didn't have the room really for a huge one. I am so glad about it.:D

But, my husband was thinking this morning that we should put his cage in with it since that is what he was so used to, then we were going to just put the bottom part in to make it easy for me to clean, especially now that he's shedding so bad that sometimes it looks like there are two buns in there:shock:. I don't know where it comes from. It collects in big piles.

I just pulled out the necessities and was done. I didn't think he'd have a difficult time adapting. I was almost going to start a thread asking about this. If we needed to put his old one in for awhile, but didn't.:)

Edited to add: Oops, sorry Haley. I was thinking there was something else I was going to add and I lost it.But, they will be next to each other and yes, will be able to see each other, just not up against each other's cage, don't want tifs through the cage. Angel is miss territorial still:shock:.

Ok, added a hidey house. My son proudily made it, Snuffy loves it.


He's upstairs in this pic though.



And, I had Angel outside this early evening for some hair removal, she's in the sunshine-beautiful!


I can't see Angel's picture either.

Ohhh....Snuff looks so cute in his new cage:D.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Let's try it again...Angel


Oh my she looks stunning in this picture!!:inlove::kiss:I can't believe I haven't seen this thread in ages, I've missed so many gorgeous pics! I couldn't believe it when I saw the one of her with your son, she is tiny! I never realised how small mini rexes were!:shock:What a little sweetie, give her a kiss from me.:bunnyheart
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Let's try it again...Angel


Oh my she looks stunning in this picture!!:inlove::kiss:Ican't believe I haven't seen this thread in ages, I've missed so manygorgeous pics! I couldn't believe it when I saw the one of her withyour son, she is tiny! I never realised how small mini rexeswere!:shock:What a little sweetie, give her a kiss fromme.:bunnyheart
Thanks! I will definitely give her a kiss from you!She is kinda small, not quite 4 lbs:shock:. Which iswhyI love your soooooo much:cool:. It's a bitstrange b/c she looks bigger in the pics:).

Alicia-I will tell my son he did a good job, it really did turn out great!
The cage looks great!! I'm sure little Snuff probably doesn't ever want to come down from that 2nd level! I can hardely get my two out of their cage on somedays!

So you're going to build Angel one too? See.. this is how everyone on the forum ends up having a Bunny Room (and no dining room!!)


HoneyPot wrote:
The cage looks great!! I'm sure little Snuff probably doesn't ever want to come down from that 2nd level!I can hardely get my two out of their cage on some days!

So you're going to build Angel one too? See.. this is how everyone on the forum ends up having a Bunny Room (and no dining room!!)


Thanks Nadia! Ha Ha, yeah, we have alot more room in the dining room now, it's great. We had to lower one of his shelves, he was scared to jump down, poor baby. He loves it now. On the right side he had pulled part of the towel down and was hiding behind it on the bottom, so today he likes the bottom:dunno:. Angel's won't be as big, she's a littler girl and mostly lays in hers, except for eating and pottying:D.
So, we had a "date" yesterday on the neutral picnic table, it's weird, there are NEVER any arguments on the picnic table, but on grass there are :ponder:. Here aresome photos from yerterday, so cute...

Oh, and, I am going to start rushing this bonding to start non-neutral territory, we'll see. As I've said Angel insitgates the fights like she did with the late BunBun.


Oh, I forgot to mention that Snuffles is very smart. He knew to hide in the shadow of my husband for shade from the hot sun, it was hot!




Now, I just need to encourage grooming:D! I will be introducing applesauce and pumpkin.:D

This makes me happy.


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