Miss Ang and The Snuff

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Hee Hee, me too. Since are our yardisn't fenced, this is the best option. We will just move itwhen Robert needs to mow. I think I will take a video of itw/ a bun in it when it's done! :elephant:
We got it up last night (board was done when we came in:shock:). It was kinda too dark when we got it up, I wanted to get a video.

Binkies, I will get one or two tonight:). They love it:D! Major binkies from Snuffles! Angel only started one tiff, it went really well!
Thanks Sil. We had to halt on the bonding (this part lost in transition) as they started fighting. I have to start over and I haven't done any dates yet, Angel has new cage, letting her get used to it. Snuff is being a bad boy and digging out his litter all over the cage.

Thanks for asking! As soon as I do a date, I'll update you all!
I'm really looking forward to some pics! Wow snuffles was really shedding a lot!! Omg.....My sister/brother in laws bun, ella(buck roger) Was shedding even more than that a little while ago!! Oscar never really goes intoa heavy moult:) Hurry with the pics..we're waiting hehe;)
Leslie102 wrote:
Oscar never really goes intoa heavy moult:)
Uhh, wait til he does:shock:. That was just one day, that went on for weeks:shock:. There were piles in his cage,not to mention how many times we went outside and all that I pulled off, it really is unbelievable.

I'll start on those pics;).
Ohh wow..i'm not looking forward to that...i thought i might be safe i've had him for 18months....oh boy I hope that doesn't happen.....hehe
Those sure are two cute bunnies. I can definitely believe how much a little bunny can shed, its incredible. Can't wait to see the pics:biggrin2:

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Leslie102 wrote:
Oscar never really goes intoa heavy moult:)
Uhh, wait til he does:shock:. That was just one day, that went on for weeks:shock:. There were piles in his cage,not to mention how many times we went outside and all that I pulled off, it really is unbelievable.

I'll start on those pics;).
Well, I guess I'll start with the pen pics and go from there;).

For those that either don't remember or didn't see the missing bits of my blog, I'll repost in a bit of detail what happened with the bonding.

All was well, great actually! Angel actually started grooming Snuffles, which we never thought she'd do. Snuff on the other hand, would not groom Angel. Well, this was fine and dandy for awhile. Out of nowhere, there was a fight. After that, I could tell exactly what was going on...

Angel quit grooming Snuff because he wouldn't groom her back. Well, Snuff didn't like that. Everytime he came up to her for a groom and she refused, she'd nip him. He put up with this for a bit (a couple of different sessions) and he then got tired of being nipped so it was on:(. The fights were frequent (don't worry, I was there for all of them and stopped them quickly.Except for the one out of nowhere as I was not out with them at the time, my husband and son were and they were busy with the grill, but, like I said, I thought we were well on our way).

Since that, we have built Angel a new cage and I'm letting her get used to it and give them a break before beginning again, plus I was busy on the forum while in transition. So, that's where we are. I plan to reduce the space of the sessions and having a few in the bathtub and see how those go, if those go well, I will be swapping cages. We'll see:).

Now, on to pics. Some of these were on before so I'm putting them back and I'll put some that I have taken while the forum was down and since:D.








These are from last night...



For those of you that know the little joke, this one is...


the *crickets* sound look, ha ha.
OH so cute!! I love the last one of snuffles! I hope the bonding goes well for you the second time arround...good luck be sure to keep us updated:)
Thanks Leslie and Jess!

Time for an update, so I thought I'd post a few pics I have of the "kids":D. I actually got a video of Snuffy and some binkies, but alas, it was starting to get dark out and it's just too dark of a vid, hopefully next time, Snuff will start doing binkies before it's getting dark:p.

First up, a couple pics of Snuffy...



And a few of Angel...posing pretty:)

These are a bit blurry as I had the camera on non flash and you can't move at ALL or it blurs! But, if I have it on flash, it looks dark out when it isn't at all...:? Stan? Any recommendations? I don't see that other option you were talking about on my camera:(.



and a random...


Hopefully, I'll get some new and better ones soon!

I've reallybeen lagging in the bonding department. We did have one date in the bathtub last week that went pretty well. Funny how they both sat there, nose to nose, or cheek to cheek, but nobun will groom. I guess that's ok. They were fine first off, like old friends, so that's good;). That's all for now!

Great pics Crystal :), I really want Angel, willing to trade? :p

They look beautiful together, I hope you can bond them soon, signs are looking good anyway. :agree