Miss Ang and The Snuff

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minilops wrote:
Wow, you've taken some really beautiful pictures! Your bunnies are so cute too :D, I can't decide which one I like better...I have a thing for lops, but moo-cow bunnies I have a soft spot for too!

That pic of your husband holding Snuffy was very sneaky of you :shock:,I like that :D. Us bunny people gotta be sneaky sometimes! Angel has anice bum-ruff, I love bum-ruffs. When Dodge was alive, I used to have to pull the tufts out of it for her when she was molting. I can't wait to see some more pics. Are you able to get a closer pic of Angels mouth? :bunnydance: She looks like she has that kinda mouth you wanna kiss.

Cat's are funny aren't they? I often see Brewster sititng in the window when I'm outside, looking at me like that.
Thanks guys for all the comments! :bunnydance:

Minilops-I can get real close for an Angel mouth pic for ya, I'll do that soon! She is very, very kissable. She was out w/ us on top of the couch (her fav spot) and I kept kissing her nose!:inlove:

Bum-ruff? I never knew if that actually had a name until now:wink. That's funny!

Our cat is nuts, I'll tell you that much. She thinks she's the rabbit's mom or something. I wish she'd calm down,whenever I let them out, she has to go in my son's room, she's just too rough and she chases them. Angel especially doesn't like it, she growls at the cat. Snuffles will put her in her place by biting her:shock:eek:r just scaring her away. HeeHee.

Angela-I did try one bathtub bonding session, someone usually pees in the tub and for some reason it's always the male:shock:, Angel would never do such a thing:nono. BunBun did it and Snuffles has done it too.

They just love it outside. I will definitely be getting more pics!

Awww, that's so sweet about you kissing her nose:D:bunnydance:. I tried doing that with BunBun this morning and heattempted to eat my lower lip! I had just had a hot chocolate drink andhe loves the smell of chocolate.

I think you might call it a butt-ruff rather than bum-ruff, I forget abum over there means a homeless person ;). Whatever it is, I love them!It's like a dewlap on the bottom end, or a little skirt.

My rabbits get along really well with my older cat, she's about 6months old and she's very good with them. I have a video somewhere ofJack doing a binky and landing smack bang on her tummy and all she doesis roll over. Your cat sorta looks like my MIL's cat, same sort ofcolouring.

Now, where are my close ups of Angel, hmmm?

:waiting: :hug:

minilops wrote:
Now, where are my close ups of Angel, hmmm?

:waiting: :hug:
Since I'm at work I only have access to Photobucket and I had this one-here you go.


I have this one up at work, you can see the skirt, and bum-ruff is just fine, we do say bum for butt too:D.
There's my girl! Oops, I mean, your girl :D.

There is something so - rabbity - about black and white rabbits. They seem to hold the essence of how I see rabbits in my mind. Probably because my first bun was a broken black!

Thanks for the pic :elephant:
I just love Angel, I love all rexes, but she is particularly beautiful.:bunnyheart

And Snuffles is very handsome too of course!:hearts

Great pictures of them outdoors, my Ebony and Pebble would NEVER stay in there!:shock: lol Your pair must be very well behaved:rofl:

I hope the bonding is successful, I love having me girls live together.:D
I thought I'd add these. I had to take these, especially the first one, I just love her feetsies!!!!!!


This one is just cute cuz she's so relaxed!


My baby girl!:D
Haley wrote:
Where are you?? ;)We need some more pics!!
Hi Haley! It's funny, I was JUST going to look for yours and ask you the same thing! Especially your foster girls and Lucy. Haven't seen them in awhile.:)

Uuh, I figured out on Thursday evening how to do video with my new camera. Myhusband and I need to see how to get itto the computer though. Not sure if it willgo to the card or if I will have to take it directly from the camera, which will be a new one for us. He's good at that sort of thing.I got 2 of Snuffles, but deleted them because they were just for my practice getting it right.I should've taken some today, I set up an x-pen and had them out toplay. I promise I'll get some real soon! Thanks for asking!!! I'll get a video too.:D
Ok guys, brief update. First of all, I am dissapointed to say that the video of Angel didn't turn out after getting it transferred to the computer. It is completely black.:( I took two more tonight of Snuf when he was out and even had the kitchen and dining room ceiling fan lights on and it's still not very good at all, just too dark. The software I have won't let us brighten it either, nor will Photobucket to my knowledge. There's a "remix" thing on there, but, not sure that it will do that either. I guess I will just have to wait until it warms up and we go outside.:X I'm very disappointed, but our house is just not bright enough even with all the lights on:shock:. I took Angel's in the afternoon and it was black,so :dunno:. If anyone has more knowledge about their camera's settings that will brighten it up drastically, let me know what it is:wink. I mean, I can brighten it up, but I haven't tried it with the video on.

On a brighter (no pun intended) note:biggrin:, I got Snuf a new Easter stuffie today and he seems to love it! It's a blue bunny! Angel doesn't play with hers:disgust:so I didn't get her any today. She only plays with the ones I make her:tongutwo:. I think that's sweet.More to come though, stay tooned!

There's little Angel, looking great as usual. :) Black and white rexes are so gorgeous.


Thanks Nadia! I am embarassed about the wall in the 2nd pic, still remnants of BunBun:(. Plus,Snuf was out first and those poops are his. :)mad:Not mine says Angel:D.)
I am soooooo in love with Angel. You better hide her, she's one of the ones at the top of my bunny-napping list! :D

... What the heck, I'll take Snuffy too. ;)
Michaela wrote:
Aww, Angel is such a happy, beautiful, chilled lady:bunnyheartCan I have her???

Michaela- I told my hubby what you said. He said that "overhis dead body, you can have his Missy" Hee Hee, he reallyloves her so much it's THEE cutest thing!:)
There she is! Im so in love with rexes now thatI have these two fosters here. I love their velvet fur and how theirwiskers are all crazy and curly :D

Give Angel and Snuffles some kisses from me. :kiss:

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