Miss Ang and The Snuff

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sorry to hearabout BunBun!!:sosad

and Angel is so cute and so is Snuffles!!:happybunny:
Ok, got pics from my new camera that I got for x-mas!! Yay! First, my sweet pea, Snuffles! This was him on my lapthe other night, I haven't done that yet w/ him. It was sooo cute, he actually drooled on my jeans, he must've been in heaven! These were taken by me w/ him on my lap from the side-I'm impressed w/myself.:cool:



Him outnabout taking a timeout


He found the cat bowl, taking a drink! The cat likes to dump the water, so my son decided to duct tape the bowl down ;), tacky looking, but it works!


Now, on to my Ang! Her and the cat, Keekers!



Look at the dewlap


Now, look at the my dear Snuffles has done to his cage! I even got him a grass mat to dig on, so he wouldn't dig his litter! He quit doing that for a month, but this is back at it, I think he even tried to hide litter under the mat!:shock:Wow, didn't realize this while taking the pics, but how vivid on here! You can actually see each kernal of litter. Sweet!!!:bunnydance:


One more, messy boy. My husband was calling him Messy Marvin-hee hee! :D


My husband will prob be displeased w/ being put on here, but oh well, I had to get a shot of Snuff's big foot showing.


Enjoy :wave:

Ok guys, time for an update! This is mostly of our trip to Arizona though. Got some great pics. First off, what do you guys think of this, Snuff's nose is getting blacker! What's up w/ that? Look how it's heart shaped too!


Here's another, might not be as good...


Now, on to AZ pics!!!!! First one is actually coming overone of the states, probably COin the plane


The temp while there! Hee Hee


Everyone here doesn't want to hear it-I don't blame them!Next are my goofy husband next to a huge cactus and another good pic at a place we stopped close to Kingman, AZ...



One more of the landscape on the way to Nevada...


and lastly, cactus land...


Enjoy! Let me know what you guys think of the pics.I really should have been going nuts w/ pics, but I just wasn't:shock::shock:.
Ok, here's one of my son that he requested to be included, and it is cute! Look what a sense he has of them.


Here's a recent, close up and good pic of Angel! :)


Edit-thelast pic was too big, so the first was a good choice-I'll remember that!:D

It didn't make it smaller, wonder what I did wrong...:disgust:...

Thanks, Rosie

Yeah, from the camera itself, it's hard to tell sometimes if the picwill be really good. Now I know that pics from the plane aregood. Next time I'll take more of those!:)
Finally, an update! It was warm today so I took the kids outside. I took part of an NIC thing out for them to play in. Went pretty well. No grooming. They are both stubborn and both want groomed, but neither will initiate it;). I just I'll have to use some vanilla or something next time. After about 20 mins or so, Angel started getting an attitude and fighting w/ Snuffles, but it didn't get bad. Then I took her in.

Here we go with some pics...




Snuffles investigating, neither of them even tried to jump out, so that's good.



A bit closer...




You can see a bit of hair on Snuff's butt that doesn't want to come out...


A bit of a snuggle...


Looking at mommy...




The cat is very nosey, so this is what she was doing while we were out...:craziness


Since it is getting warmer,I will be doing more sessions. I don't have much for neutral territory in the house. Plus, they love it outside!

There was one point where come circling started, but I walked over to them and shooed them and it stopped. Snuffles mounted/humped Angel a few times, but we shooed him off. He front mounted her once, I got him off and said that he didn't want to get something bit off:scared:. My husband said yeah, explain that one to the vet, talking to Snuffles,Hee Hee. I took parsley outfor them, they didn't touch it. After I put them in there, I tried to give each of them a craisen, they weren't interested.:dunno:Enjoy!!!!

Edit to add: After I took Angel in, I was letting Snuff hangout for a little longer. After a few, my husband walked over to the driveway, and he said, get him. I picked him up, protecting him, and asked why and there was a dog (chocolate lab mix maybe?) in our driveway with a leash on.:disgust: Good thing he heard it coming, I didn't.:shock: I'm sure it would've been fine, the dog was easily scared away.

Seriously, how did I miss your blog? Ive never seen any of this new stuff!

This one is my favorite:


Is she a rex or minirex? Her face reminds me so much of my foster bunny, Mocha. She is just adorable.

Do she and Snuffles share the same cage? Are they fully bonded now?

Also, Im jealous of your AZ trip. I need a vacation. Hopefully afterMax gets better I will be able to afford a little getaway ;)

Love the pics though :D
Thanks Haley! Angel is a Mini rex, but I'm tellin you, she has a total Rex face, expecially that mouth! Hee Hee

AZ rocked! You saw that temp gauge. Awesome.

Not bonded yet. Angel is fiesty. She starts all the fights. Lets Snuffles hump her...:nono.

How did you like the cat in the window? Funny, huh?
I don't know how I missed this blog till now -but what ADORABLE bunnies. I don't know who I like the most - I likeSnuffles a lot - but I also love brokens and Angel is cute.

I love that play area you set up - of course my lionheads wouldn't staycontained in that - maybe if I made it two or three grids high - but Ilike that a lot!

I'll have to keep my eye on this blog!

I thought they were bonded, they look fine in the pen outside, is it worse inside cuz of the smells?

Have you read up on the bonding stuff on the resource center? I know bonding Max and Basil took a while for me, but it worked after a lot of time and patience. Some humping and chasing is fine, as long as theres not a lot of biting and aggression with it. I know, for me, that was one of the hardest parts of bonding. Basil kept humping Max all the time, his head and everything. But since there was no aggression, I just let them work it out on their own :)

Let me know if you ever need any help. Life is so much easier once theyre bonded!
Haley-Not bonded yet. Taking it slow, Angel wouldn't bond with BunBun, she is very territorial. I love her, she is in her 4th home w/ me and is going nowhere.She is taking to Snuffles better. My husband can pet the heck out of Snuffles and stick his finger in Angel (The Priss' cage) and she licks like mad-before, if you touched another---:disgust:.

I mentioned my small house. Not much neutral territory-so I thought outside would be good, but only when warm. Call me stupid, I am not really pushing this bonding.

In all honesty, when she had that tumour, I wanted to hault in case of the worst too, for Snuffles' sake. That would have been hard for him after gettin' a new friend, know what I mean? I just was looking out.

Haley-Bonding makes it easier? Wow. Can't wait!!!:whistling

Thanksfor the great comments!
Aww! I just adore Angel and Snuffles!

I love the picture with Angel and Keekers, Keeks looks like a catversion of her! Too cute! I love the pictures of the scenery too! :D

Good luck with the bonding, and be sure to give lots of hugs and kissies to your fur babies! :)


Wow, you've taken some really beautiful pictures! Your bunnies are so cute too :D, I can't decide which one I like better...I have a thing for lops, but moo-cow bunnies I have a soft spot for too!

That pic of your husband holding Snuffy was very sneaky of you :shock:,I like that :D. Us bunny people gotta be sneaky sometimes! Angel has a nice bum-ruff, I love bum-ruffs. When Dodge was alive, I used to have to pull the tufts out of it for her when she was molting. I can't wait to see some more pics. Are you able to get a closer pic of Angels mouth? :bunnydance: She looks like she has that kinda mouth you wanna kiss.

Cat's are funny aren't they? I often see Brewster sititng in the window when I'm outside, looking at me like that.
Yay for more pics! I love Angel- she looks like she's doing really good.

Have you tried doing bathtub sessions? It's helping me withOberon and Fey. Just for rainy days. I'd love tosee your two bonded. They're such a cute pair.

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