Finally, an update! It was warm today so I took the kids outside. I took part of an NIC thing out for them to play in. Went pretty well. No grooming. They are both stubborn and both want groomed, but neither will initiate it

. I just I'll have to use some vanilla or something next time. After about 20 mins or so, Angel started getting an attitude and fighting w/ Snuffles, but it didn't get bad. Then I took her in.
Here we go with some pics...
Snuffles investigating, neither of them even tried to jump out, so that's good.
A bit closer...
You can see a bit of hair on Snuff's butt that doesn't want to come out...
A bit of a snuggle...
Looking at mommy...
The cat is very nosey, so this is what she was doing while we were out...:craziness
Since it is getting warmer,I will be doing more sessions. I don't have much for neutral territory in the house. Plus, they love it outside!
There was one point where come circling started, but I walked over to them and shooed them and it stopped. Snuffles mounted/humped Angel a few times, but we shooed him off. He front mounted her once, I got him off and said that he didn't want to get something bit off:scared:. My husband said yeah, explain that one to the vet, talking to Snuffles,Hee Hee. I took parsley outfor them, they didn't touch it. After I put them in there, I tried to give each of them a craisen, they weren't interested.:dunno:Enjoy!!!!
Edit to add: After I took Angel in, I was letting Snuff hangout for a little longer. After a few, my husband walked over to the driveway, and he said, get him. I picked him up, protecting him, and asked why and there was a dog (chocolate lab mix maybe?) in our driveway with a leash on.:disgust: Good thing he heard it coming, I didn't.:shock: I'm sure it would've been fine, the dog was easily scared away.