Meat Bunny in the hizzouse! :D

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Maybe a Flemish Boyfriend;););)

She is a doll. I hope you will keep adding more pictures of her. She photographs so well and I love seeing her.

Oh, I *wish* I could get Meat a Flemish boyfriend!


I dunno... maybe it will work out... but as much as I love Flemmies& am dying to have one live here, I just haven't seen them inany local shelters/rescues. I know that I could find aFlemmie if I tried (a friend of mine actually found a couple of themfor me way before I got Meat... unfortunately it was also before I wasprepared to have housebunnies, so I didn't get them). Still,there are *so* many buns that need homes, & so many of them areNew Zealands or other large breeds or mixes... I'm not sure I couldjustify to myself going out of my way to buy a pedigreed Flemmie petwhen about a bazillionty good buns are already waiting for homes...y'know?

Not that I have anything against responsible breeders or people who buyfrom them...I've just had the "rescue, don't buy" phillosophydrummed into my head since childhood, & I'm not sure I couldoverride it in this instance. ;}

On a less serious note, I give you pix of my "supertoughguy" brother-in-law holding Meat! :D



Okay, so just between me & you guys, Brad's really not thattough. ;D What I love most about these pix, though, is thatthe tough-looking tattooed guy is making kissy faces at the "soft& cuddly" rabbit who is clearly (to whomever is familiar w/bunny body language) wishing to cause everybody in the general vicinitygreivous bodily harm. ;D

Okay, that's somekind of weird artistic statement to have the tough guy photos and thenphotos like this, all in one place! :p



Oh now this pic takes the cake! Thislooks like one of those artsy ads for some clothing line in Vogue orsomething. Tough guy holding cuddly bunny. I'mactually scared for your BIL - Meat looks like she wants to put anotherpiercing in his face using one of her nails!:p


RaspberrySwirl: Meat is nothingif not well-rounded... and we're all about weirdartisticstatements in this household. ;D

Jenniblu: Isn't it great how most "normal"people would look at that picture & just see the cutesy littlecuddly bunny, yet those "in the know" can clearly see how angry the"cuddly" bunny really is? ;} I'm actually amazed athow much Meat Bunny puts up with from me... I try to give herher space, but sometimes I just can't resist picking her up, cuddlingher, & generally enforcing my will upon her. She'ssuch a good sport, though... she's only ever bitten me once, &that was under extreme duress.

New pix! :D My fiance & my closefriend/roomate & I went to EPCOT this weekend (we live inOrlando & we're giant dorks, so we've got season passes to theDisney & Universal parks). I was quite astounded todiscover that the large pinatas in "Mexico" were extremely cheap... so,of course, we had to get one for Meat.








The whole time we were at EPCOT, I couldn't help checking out all ofthe baby strollers that went by, sizing them up for potential bunnyuse, & occaisionally making note of brand names.;D I recently missed out on bidding on a really fabulousold-fashioned baby carriage on eBay (because eBay tricked me &went from "2 minutes remaining" to "bidding closed" in about 30 seconds:p ), so one of my online friends told me that creative visualizationmight help, & I should photoshop Meat into a picture of thesort of pram I was coveting. A night of boredom &beer later, & this was the result:


I figure that by the time my fiance & I are wearing brown tweed& my eldest cat looks like a weird terrier dog, I should beable to afford a $2,000 baby carriage to wheel Meat aroundin. One of my other online friends said that my fiance& I look like the new teachers at Hogwarts, & our kidsare both animorphs, but the eldest is a little confused... ;D

LOL that last pic is too cute - youand your finacee' and your 'children.' Meat looks loke shehad a ball with the pinata. Now I have an excuse tomaybeget one andfill it with craisins, raisins,dried bananas and trail mix?
Jenniblu wrote:
Now I have an excuse to maybe get one and fill it with craisins, raisins, dried bananas and trail mix?

I think that's the *obvious* next step! :D Meat has pretty much ignoredher pinata since the day after it showed up in her cage... *clearly*the next step for anyone who'se worthy of listening is to provide Meat(or any other House Bun) with a pinata worthy of destroying!


By that, of course, I mean to say that I hope other buns have theopporotunity to destroy their own pinatas or other party paraphenalia!:D

Today's pix... Meat got a new paper bag to play with:




Hey! Long time, no post! Sorry 'bout that.

Meat got spayed back in September. I was a nervous wreck, of course, but she came through just fine.

Showing off the surgery site:

Mmmmm... Meat nipple... ;}

Suprisingly enough, it turns out Meat only weighs 6lbs!o_O For some reason, she looks much smaller to me now that Iknow that.

More pix:







In her "Urban Assault Vehicle":

Thank god she's finally done molting (for now)!


Nice to see you and Meat again, Alice. :sunshine:

zoecat6 wrote:
Iamso glad you are posting again. I always lovedreading your posts, meat is such a cool bunny. And cutetoo. :bunnydance::D:bunnydance:

Aw, thank you! ^_^

I would tell Meat that you think she's cool & cute... exceptthat she is completely aware of how cute and cool she is...

Meat seems to mostly appreciate people for what they can potentially dofor her... luckily, I'm "on the ground floor" of her bunny pyramidscheme, so I have to be "promoted" just for offering Meat hay &pellets early in the morning. ;D

I'm sure this all seems ridiculous... at which point I have to ask...who else would promote Meat Bunny to the furthest extent of hertalent? And who would promote any person w/o ridingon the coattails of Meat Bunny?

Nevermind. It's a stupid question, one which I'd only ever ask while "under the influence". ;}

Hi Alice, Meat is very cute.

What are you brushing her with? It doesn't look like any kind of brush we use.



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