Really? Guess that's what I get forlookingata fewpix/descriptions online & makingassumptions from there. ;} Luckily, itreally doesn't matter, since she's notgoing tobeshown or bred... and she's definitely 100% Grade A MeatBunny!Meat (i love that name!) looks like new zealand white tome--those ears are just tooo big for a florida!![]()
I *love* the pix you've posted of Nimue! He & Apolloare my favourite buns I've seen on this forum, so far. Iwould *love* to have a Flemmie, someday... there's just something abouta rabbit that outweighs my cats, y'know? ;DHey Meat and Alice!shereminds me of my Flemish when he was a baby....boy I miss those dayswhen I could actually carry him without pulling a muscle! Hope ya stickaround!![]()
Cute bunnie!! Can I have her??
Real tattoos. :} I've got stitches, 'cuz I'm aragdolly.question real tattoo'sor bracelets?
Thank you! Every time I take pix of Meat w/o theflash, they turn out looking very artsy & pretentious. ;D
Howdy, stranger! ;DHehee. Where do I know you from?Welcome to the group!
I always thought meat was a newzealend. Ears are too big to be aflorida. She could also be mixed with NZW.Guess ill have to postpictures of my floridas sometime on lj.
Too lazy to do that rightnow.
Eeeeeeh! That's so awesome, I can hardly stand it!Meat...LOL. Welcome to the forum.
My bunny's name is Stew.
Meat's into the high life.......![]()