Meat Bunny in the hizzouse! :D

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Meat...LOL. Welcome to the forum. :D

My bunny's name is Stew. :D


lizabeth332 wrote:
Meat (i love that name!) looks like new zealand white tome--those ears are just tooo big for a florida!:)
Really? Guess that's what I get forlookingata fewpix/descriptions online & makingassumptions from there. ;} Luckily, itreally doesn't matter, since she's notgoing tobeshown or bred... and she's definitely 100% Grade A MeatBunny! :D
ayglnu13 wrote:
Hey Meat and Alice!
shereminds me of my Flemish when he was a baby....boy I miss those dayswhen I could actually carry him without pulling a muscle! Hope ya stickaround!

I *love* the pix you've posted of Nimue! He & Apolloare my favourite buns I've seen on this forum, so far. Iwould *love* to have a Flemmie, someday... there's just something abouta rabbit that outweighs my cats, y'know? ;D
gypsy wrote:
question real tattoo'sor bracelets?
Real tattoos. :} I've got stitches, 'cuz I'm aragdolly. :DThe original planwas to get stitches tattooed around my neck, too, but I'm not sure I'llever actually get around to it... the wrists hurt badly enough,& now that I've gained weight I'm not sure I need anythingdrawn around my neck drawing attention to my disapearing jawline. ;}
Carolyn wrote:
What a chunky little love she was as a baby. Absolutely adorable!


Welcome aboard! Meat'sabsolutely beautiful.What a lucky little babe.

Your avatar is really unique and stunning as well. Great picture!

Thank you! Every time I take pix of Meat w/o theflash, they turn out looking very artsy & pretentious. ;D
dixonsrabbitry wrote:
Hehee. Where do I know you from? ;) Welcome to the group!

I always thought meat was a newzealend. Ears are too big to be aflorida. She could also be mixed with NZW. :) Guess ill have to postpictures of my floridas sometime on lj. :p Too lazy to do that rightnow. :p
Howdy, stranger! ;D

Oh, well... shows what I know about rabbit breeds, dunnit?;} At least I haven't been calling her a"dwarf lop" or something. ;D
Lissa wrote:
Meat...LOL. Welcome to the forum. :D

My bunny's name is Stew. :D

Eeeeeeh! That's so awesome, I can hardly stand it!:D I've been wanting to do a series of "Meat vs. variouskitchen appliances" pix for awhile, now, but I've been lazy &Meat gets grumpy when I try to pose her...

Welcome aboard!Always good to have another one with a bit of a twist in their sense ofhumor around...:cool:

Thanks muchly to everybody for the welcome!

Happy Easter (or whatever Spring holiday you choose to observe)!


Aww great pics but i feel sorry for theone in the pot!!lol, im also new to this forum i fuond it from my dogforum called globalpaw and one of my friend gave me this site coz sheknew i was getting a bunnie!!

Anyways great pics!! hope to see some more soon!!

luv jane and fluffy xx
I missed this thread, but I've been away.

Welcome to the forum.

Meat is such a sweet bunny. I have 3 rabbits I rescued frombeing snake food -- a holland lop, a californian and a mini rex mix.

Meat's molting! Poor little thing'sstarting tolook so threadbare... I've been calling her "myVelveteen Rabbit"...


I've started letting her out for closely-supervised runtime in the mainpart of the house, so she's gotten to meet some of the catsface-to-face. The cats are far more worried aboutMeat than vice-versa.



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