RaspberrySwirl: Meat is nothingif not well-rounded... and we're all about weirdartisticstatements in this household. ;D
Jenniblu: Isn't it great how most "normal"people would look at that picture & just see the cutesy littlecuddly bunny, yet those "in the know" can clearly see how angry the"cuddly" bunny really is? ;} I'm actually amazed athow much Meat Bunny puts up with from me... I try to give herher space, but sometimes I just can't resist picking her up, cuddlingher, & generally enforcing my will upon her. She'ssuch a good sport, though... she's only ever bitten me once, &that was under extreme duress.
New pix!

My fiance & my closefriend/roomate & I went to EPCOT this weekend (we live inOrlando & we're giant dorks, so we've got season passes to theDisney & Universal parks). I was quite astounded todiscover that the large pinatas in "Mexico" were extremely cheap... so,of course, we had to get one for Meat.
The whole time we were at EPCOT, I couldn't help checking out all ofthe baby strollers that went by, sizing them up for potential bunnyuse, & occaisionally making note of brand names.;D I recently missed out on bidding on a really fabulousold-fashioned baby carriage on eBay (because eBay tricked me &went from "2 minutes remaining" to "bidding closed" in about 30 seconds

), so one of my online friends told me that creative visualizationmight help, & I should photoshop Meat into a picture of thesort of pram I was coveting. A night of boredom &beer later, & this was the result:
I figure that by the time my fiance & I are wearing brown tweed& my eldest cat looks like a weird terrier dog, I should beable to afford a $2,000 baby carriage to wheel Meat aroundin. One of my other online friends said that my fiance& I look like the new teachers at Hogwarts, & our kidsare both animorphs, but the eldest is a little confused... ;D