Mallory, Morgan, Madilyn-Mae, and Marlyn: 2007

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That's great Amy! Were there any fights at all? I can't wait for pics:D.

I've been busy today, just now getting on. We built Snuff hisNIC condo today! Pics will be up later:).
Madily did lose a couple chunks of her lovelysoft fur. She also found it amusing to hump the boy's heads while theyjust sat there staring at me as to say "What is this little slipperlooking bunny doing?". everything is fine and they like living together. ExceptMadilyn has more space, so she kind of forgot that poopies belong inthe litter box. The boys are also following her habit. Gah, one daythey will be perfect with their littler box habits:whatevah.

I can't wait to see the pictures of Snuff's new cage:biggrin:

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
I knew it! I knew Miss Madilyn-Mae would rule over them.....

I can hardly wait to see more pics.


undergunfire wrote:
She also found itamusing to hump the boy's heads while they just sat there staring at meas to say "What is this little slipper looking bunny doing?".
Hi, I was just catching up on reading your blog.First of all, I love their blue tent! Where did you get that? Is itlike the tents they have for cats? Also, I read that you feel bad cuzthe boys aren't binkying. I used to feel that way my bunswere the unhappiest buns in the world and what was I doing wrong? ThenI noticed that if they had been cooped up in their cage for a while(like overnight if I was away) once they got out they binkied likecrazy. I decided that it wasn't a sign that they were totally unhappybecause they weren't binyking but just that they were satisfied withthe amount of time they had out and the amount of space they had. Idon't know if that makes sense, but that's the way I decided to look atit :)
Sorry I didn't get any pictures tonight. I had ameeting at work, went to Starbucks to drink coffee, then went over to afriends house with my fiance.

I have good new though! Ryan, the buns, the piggies, the mice, and Iare moving out this coming Friday!! A friend that we work with has ahouse with a spare room and there is enough space for the buns,piggies, and us. The bedroom is about the same size that we have now,so the buns won't have a bigger space....but they have a huge yard withgrass so I can get the buns a hutch with an attached run for outsideplay time:D.

Phew....I am soooo releived to be moving out of his mother's house. Therent will only be $400 from both Ryan and internet and food.This will allow me to "breathe" and allow us to put money aside stillto get our own place. Ryan said we will save until he turns 18 inOctober....then move to our own place. We will have TONS of money savedby then. I am soooo good at saving money!

Oh....I got that blue tent at Walmart in the cat section for only $7. The buns LOVE it. They all pile in there:).

I will try and update with pictures tomorrow. I am going to be VERYbusy this week because I have to organize and pack. This means that Iwon't have internet for a few will I survive?

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Thank you! I have to clean out he piggie cage tonight and the bunnies space, so I can get pictures.

The rabbits had a HUGE fight this morning. Morgan likes to pick thefights and beat up on everyone. There is hair and rabbit poop all overmy bedroom.

Morgan has been seperated from Mallory and Madilyn for the whole day. Iam going to let him go back with them tonight. I couldn't risksomething happening while I was at work.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Ooohh. Bad Morgan. You must behave now, ya hear?

Great news about the move! I'll miss seeing you around for those few days:(.

Take care til then. Hey, are you staying in Prescott? Is it far from where you are now?:cool:
I am moving about 10 minutes away from Ryan's mom's house, hehe. Yep, I'll still be in Prescott:D.

I'm still very upset though. Morgan now HATES Mallory and Madilyn. Ilet Morgan back in with them tonight and within 2 minutes of being inthe pen, he attacked Mallory.

Mallory just does he sweet little thing and Morgan attacks him andstarts pooping everywhere. I know they are probably fighting overMadilyn.

Morgan also has a nice bald spot on his back hip area now. Should I do anything to it? Like neosporin (sp?) or anything?

I am not sure what to do! Ryan and I will be moving all of ourfurniture and things over to the new place on Friday....then the bunswill either be moved over Friday night or Saturday afternoon (as Iprobably have to work).

In the bedroom we have, we have a closet just like we have here atRyan's mom's house. The bunnies can stay in there, but then I have tofiguer out the space to build a free use play space that they can go inand out of anytime they want, like they have here. I am hoping we havethe room and we will all be able to live comfortably in the bedroom.

Our room here at his mom's house is very square, where as the bedroom at our new place is more a rectangle.

Beh, we will figuer it out. I am just a worry freak. This place is onlytemporary until October anyway. It atleast gives Ryan and I a huge feelof what it is like to pay for ALL of our own things before going outand having to sign a lease on a place for just us to rent.

I am REALLY starting to stress over the internet thing too. This onecompany who also provides the cable around here has fast speed internetfor $30 a month with a 6 month lease. The other option is anothercompany around here that deals with internet and it will be $40 for themiddle class internet and $60 for the high speed, with no lease. Ryanmight be able to get us the high speed internet through that companyfor free or half off, because his dad was the "big" man there andhelped develop that company and made it what it is today before he diedlast year. They give Ryan's mom her internet for free right now. Ryanis going out to their office to talk to them tomorrow, atleast he sayshe will....he better:).

I am worried about getting the internet through the cable companybecause what if it doesn't work out at our friends house or we find aplace of our own to move to in 4 months? I don't want to end up havingto pay a couple hundred dollars to end a lease. I will have to see howmuch it is if I have to end a lease throuh them. I just want my darninternet without having to wait a week! Yes, I am an addict.

Hrm, this blog is suppost to be about my bunnies, but for the pastalmost month it has mainly been about me and my life. I guess it istheir life that has all the new happenings in it too though;).

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Re the bunnies... have they been talking tomine? I honestly don't know what to suggest, but that isexactly what mine did a little while back, except that they were justbonded to eachother, I wasn't adding a bunny to the mix. Goodluck.

If there is a cut, not just a bald spot, I clean Fiona up with somehydrogen peroxide then put some neosporin on it (not the pain relievingkind.) She always jumps when I put the hydrogen peroxidecotton ball on her, but don't worry, it doesn't hurt orsting. I think it's just because it's a little cold.
I am pretty sure that they have been talking toyour bunnies. It is so upsetting seeing them fighting and beingseparate. Mallory and Madilyn are great together, but now Morgan has noone:(.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Amy-your blog is your blog. It can andshould be about you too! You can look back on it andhopefully laugh. Uuh, I hope Ryan can work something out w/the internet. Especially if his dad started it, I would thinkyou could get a deal on it.

As far as the lease thing, this is just a house, right?Legally, I would think there are ways around a "lease". Icould be wrong though. I'd check into that! Ireally hope it all works out for you.

I also hope Morgan stops being a butt. I think it will justbe worse when you move though, b/c they will all be in new"territory". You may have to rebond them anyway:(.
Thanks, Angel. If you don't mind my asking, what is your real name? I think you told me before, but I forgot;).

Ryan's mom kept all of the wireless routers, internet hook-ups, ect forthe internet. He even found a new internet card for our laptop, so itwill be faster now! So, I am going to go with cable one and sign the 6month lease and pay $30 a month for high speed internet.

Our roomates agreed to pay the rest of the months on the lease if Ryanand I decided to move out. We are planning on living there for onlyabout 6 months anyway, we may even move out of their place in 4 months.We want to save money and find the PERFECT place to run for us and the"kids" :).

I have been packing and organizing for a while today. I bought TONS ofplastic storage containers to keep all of our things nice and neat,instead of just throwing stuff in boxes.

We decided that our computer will go out in the living room with ourroomates computers. That way, I will have a good sized area in ourbedroom for Morgan to be in in a pen, until I can try rebonding. I amgoing to need A LOT of help with this one, I am sure.

I am so sad that Morgan won't get along with them. It makes me feel badthat I got Madilyn and now the brother's bond is broken. I wonder ifthey will ever live happily? If Morgan won't mond to Mallory andMadilyn, I wonder if he would bond with a lady of his own someday?Maybe Lionheads are just too much for his own feisty nature?

Hrmmmmm.....questions, questions, questions.

I am a worry freak!:whatevah

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

Does Morgan get along any better with Mallory orMadilyn-Mae alone? Maybe the two of them together is just toomuch for him...?
Oh no...I missed all this...:(

I'm so sorry to hear that Morgan's decided to camp out on his own...:(

I hope to hear soon that he's come to his senses and realized how muchfun company was. :pleaseplease::goodluck
Missycove....I am not sure. When I put him backin with Mallory and Madilyn after keeping him separate for a day, hewent straight for Mallory and attacked him.

Rosie....I can't beleive he wants to be on his own, lol. Its so sad seeing my baby all alone in his half of the pen:(.

Jade....haha! I can't have another bunny right now. I REALLY wish Icould....but at our new place I will not have the space and I don'tthink I will have the time to care for another one. If Morgan decidesto stay separate, then when Ryan and I move into our OWN place (notsharing a house with roomates), I can think about getting him a ladyfriend. We are planning to find our own place by October, and we willhave one whole bedroom for the bunnies.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts


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