I am moving about 10 minutes away from Ryan's mom's house, hehe. Yep, I'll still be in Prescott
I'm still very upset though. Morgan now HATES Mallory and Madilyn. Ilet Morgan back in with them tonight and within 2 minutes of being inthe pen, he attacked Mallory.
Mallory just does he sweet little thing and Morgan attacks him andstarts pooping everywhere. I know they are probably fighting overMadilyn.
Morgan also has a nice bald spot on his back hip area now. Should I do anything to it? Like neosporin (sp?) or anything?
I am not sure what to do! Ryan and I will be moving all of ourfurniture and things over to the new place on Friday....then the bunswill either be moved over Friday night or Saturday afternoon (as Iprobably have to work).
In the bedroom we have, we have a closet just like we have here atRyan's mom's house. The bunnies can stay in there, but then I have tofiguer out the space to build a free use play space that they can go inand out of anytime they want, like they have here. I am hoping we havethe room and we will all be able to live comfortably in the bedroom.
Our room here at his mom's house is very square, where as the bedroom at our new place is more a rectangle.
Beh, we will figuer it out. I am just a worry freak. This place is onlytemporary until October anyway. It atleast gives Ryan and I a huge feelof what it is like to pay for ALL of our own things before going outand having to sign a lease on a place for just us to rent.
I am REALLY starting to stress over the internet thing too. This onecompany who also provides the cable around here has fast speed internetfor $30 a month with a 6 month lease. The other option is anothercompany around here that deals with internet and it will be $40 for themiddle class internet and $60 for the high speed, with no lease. Ryanmight be able to get us the high speed internet through that companyfor free or half off, because his dad was the "big" man there andhelped develop that company and made it what it is today before he diedlast year. They give Ryan's mom her internet for free right now. Ryanis going out to their office to talk to them tomorrow, atleast he sayshe will....he better
I am worried about getting the internet through the cable companybecause what if it doesn't work out at our friends house or we find aplace of our own to move to in 4 months? I don't want to end up havingto pay a couple hundred dollars to end a lease. I will have to see howmuch it is if I have to end a lease throuh them. I just want my darninternet without having to wait a week! Yes, I am an addict.
Hrm, this blog is suppost to be about my bunnies, but for the pastalmost month it has mainly been about me and my life. I guess it istheir life that has all the new happenings in it too though
- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts