Well, I had to rehome my mice last night. Cometo find out, one of our roomates would NOT let mice in the house. Shewas scared of them or had bad experiences or something.
It is, of course, fine to bring the bunnies. She likes them and the piggies.
I am sad that my little meece aren't here anymore, but I got an emailfrom a guy who sounded perfect for them and he came by last night topick them up. He has an 11 year old daughter who he wanted to get themfor. I was nervous about that, but he told me that she also has a bunnyand she is very responsible.
The guy, Paul, came over and saw the bunnies and we ended up talkingfor just about an hour about bunnies and pets. I told him that the bunshould be spayed/neutered at the age that it is at right now (6 to 8months old) and told him the their diets consist of. I told him aboutOxbow and Kaytee Timothy Compelete and even offered to split up a 90lbs bale of timothy hay with him in a month or so.
He said his wife loves the bunny and reads up about them and tells themwhat they need, but I think I pushed him over and now he is going toget the bunny off of a pellet mix diet, get it hay, and get it altered.
This guy was very nice and I told him ALL about the forum. I sent himhome with the address to the site, so I am hoping him and his wifejoin...maybe his daughter as well.
So, I can still keep in contact about the mice and I am thrilled theyfound such a great home and will get the attention that they deserve
, as I was always so busy with the rabbits and work to handle themdaily.
- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts