Mallory, Morgan, Madilyn-Mae, and Marlyn: 2007

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Lol, Madilyn just pushes hers out of her litter box sometimes. I think it moves when she jumps in there.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Well, tonight (Saturday night) I let Madilyn into my bedroom to meet the boys.

She was in her pen in the room next door and I know she could smellthem on me all the time, and I think she is really bored in there. Shehas a ton of toys, but she won't stop biting at her NIC panels andwhenever I go in there and sit down to play with her, she digs at mypants.

I didn't see any harm in it, so I put her in her carrier, and walkedher the 5 feet into mine and Ryan's room. I let her out of her carrierto say "HI" to the boys through the NIC panel fence.

There was no fighting, no anger of any sort, just a lot of curiousity.Mallory noticed her right away, but it took Morgan a good three minutesbefore he even noticed, maybe he did notice and just didn't reallycare. I think the boys wondered, "What kind of kitty did you bring hometo us, Mommy?".

Madilyn left a nice trail of territory marking poopies around thefence, but Mallory left one poopy and Morgan didn't do any pooping.

After I put Madilyn back into her own room, I watched the boyscarefully for any sign of fighting, and there was none at all. Theyjust hopped around looking for her, then started playing with theirtoys when they noticed she wasn't there anymore.

I have pictures and a video to follow tomorrow (sunday):).

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

I promise to have the pictures and the video up when I get off work later:D.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

Here are the two pictures that I took....



I am trying to upload the video. Photobucket isn't working for me for some reason.

She is eating the pumpkin/Oxbow pellet mix. I am decreasing the amountof pumpkin and increasing the amount of Oxbow each day, and leavingsome peices of Oxbow whole and not smashed up.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
The video is like 3 minutes long and it wouln'tupload it. Hopefully it will later. I am sure I will have another videolater anyway since I am going to let them meet again for a few minutestonight.

I want to keep letting them meet like this for a while until I feelcomfortable enough to separate the boy's room and put Madilyn in theother side of it to live until I bond them.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Sorry you guys! I have been working soooooo much, then I get home and I am very tired...even too tired to take pictures!

Tomorrow I have the whole day off (YAYYYY!), so I can update with pictures.

I am going to seperate the boy's room tomorrow and put Madilyn in theother half. She is back to her old self again (tomorrow makes one weeksince her spay), and I feel like it would be best to move her into ourroom....where all the commotion happens. I feel like she is bored outof her mind in the room she is staying in, since the only time see seespeople is when I go in to play with her and feed her.

I am sure she is missing having bunnies around to look at as well...andthe company she got from them as she was in a barn with other bunniesat her breeders house.

I have been letting the boys and Madilyn meet everyday since the otherday. I let Madilyn out of her room to run around the house for someexercise, and she loved running into our room to visit the boys. Theyare some-what calm around eachother, but they aren't fighting witheachother (the boys).

Should I wait a few weeks or months to try to actually bond them?

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Oooh. I have my buns not further thantwo feet of me (us), basically right between dining rm/living rm andkitchen. Funny, my husband left after me yesterday morningand I usually feed. Couple hours later, he calls and I asked"Did you feed the bunnies?" and he's like "Do you think Icould really get out of the house without feeding?" Ha Ha,NO!:)

Her being around everyone will be good, so she can used to all thesounds, etc.(Not gonna write "and smells" to finishthat.):roflmao:
HAHAHHHAA! The buns throw fits when they don't get their eats:D.

I agree, I think she needs to get used to living in our room and get used to the boys more.

I haven't let them meet without the fence yet. I will do that when Ifeel most comfortable. I think I will wait until everyone has settleddown from Madilyn living beside them. Wouldn't it be so cute if theylayed right up against the fence next to each other?!?!:bunnyheart

I am going to start working with Madilyn on a harness and leash, andgetting her used to being held more, even though she lets me hold her.I want to be able to take her downtown at the courthouse square onnon-busy days....where there is lots of grass. You should see theamount of people down there on the weekends just lounging in the grassbecause it is one of the only places around here that actually hasgrass!

Besides, the "bunny lady" who I met downtown walking her therapy bunny,Bunkers, said she would LOVE to see me down there with Madilyn:D.

You should see her bunny! He is a cute little lop and walks on aharness so well, he seems almost fearless. I want to try to do thatwith Madilyn, but I wouldn't do it with my they don't likethe harness and get really scared.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Dear Amy,

Mom has been telling me all about Madilyn-Mae and how much she is like Miss Bea.

I'm sorry. Maybe these will make you feel better? :balloons:

Tell Mallory and Morgan that she just needs a bit of getting used to -that she is still young and there might be hope for her. :no:

Anyway, Miss Bea only THINKS she rules the house - as long as you let Madilyn-Mae think that....things should go pretty well.

I look forward to hearing how the bonding goes. I love my harem topieces - its too bad Miss Bea is just too stubborn to be "part" of it.She wants either all of me or none of me.

WOMEN BUNNIES!!!! :banghead:banghead:banghead

The BunFather
Hello Tiny! Thank you for the balloons, they are cute!

Your mom is a very nice lady and I enjoy her talking all about Lionheads:).

I wonder what Miss Bea and Madilyn would do if they met? They would rule all bunnies!


- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
I didn't get any pictures up yesterday, I decided to wait until I got Madilyn all moved into the other half of the boy's room.

She's in there now! They are all doing great.

I have to go to work, but when I return I will upload those picturesand *try* to upload a movie of the boy's doing their "Great CarrotRace".

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Madilyn has been a little jerk lately. She keepsattacking my hand when I clean out her pen (not breaking skin, butlunging at and nipping my hands), won't stop chewing on the cage barsor digging at the carpet, ect. Beh, atleast she is eating those KayteeSupreem (plain) pellets from the pet store that I got for her. I cannow wean her off those and onto Oxbow when it gets here on Monday.

Speaking of that, I planned it out wrong and ordered my 50lbs of Oxbowa few days late, so the boys are out of pellets until it gets here onMonday.

The boys seem SO bored. They barely binky anymore. I am going to orderthem a Cottontail Cottage right after I am done with this post. Theylove their cardboard boxes, and I'd do anything to see them be happy,even if it is for a few minutes. I just feel like they hate their spaceor toys or something.

Now I just have to rant a little....

I have been feeling VERY "down" lately. I want SO much to move out mymy fiance's mom's house and into our own place so we can just "live ourown lives" for a while. I just want to move to a 2 bedroom house so thebuns can have their own space, and we can have ours. I basically livein our bedroom unless I am at work.....and the bunnies take up HALF ofour room, I love them though.....I just want all of us to have morespace!

Ryan and I bought all of our kitchen supplies the other nightfor a house when we rent. We bought cooking utensils, eating utensils,a dish set (plates, bowls, mugs), a oven mit, dish towels, cups, adrink pitcher, ect. It's not much, but it felt so amazing buying it! Wehave a few more kitchen things to buy like cookware, a toaster, andstuff....along with a kitchen table, bedroom t.v. stand, bedroom t.v.,living room end tables, a couch, and table lamps. We are going to go tothe thrift stores around town to find all the funiture and stuff. I amSUPER picky though. Sometimes I would rather spend $200 on a littlekitchen table than $60 for one at the thrift store that will work justfine.

He said his mom would give us a bunch of kitchen things, even stuff solittle as tupperware for left-overs. I said "NOPE". I want my OWNthings for once. I want my OWN life for once. My dad no longer contactsme, I rarely talk with my mother, friends in New York no longer talk tome. I just want "my own things and my own life". If I could live withjust Ryan and my bunbuns for the rest of my life....then I would.

I have had a REALLY tough life (most of you may have read it in thethread JAK started before), I feel like I should be able to relax andbreathe for once. I don't care if I am spending all my money on rent,internet, food, and whatever else it takes to rent a place...and I haveno money left over for myself. I'll always make sure I have money forthe buns and any emergencies though, as well as toys:).

Am I being to selfish saying that I want my OWN things for once? I justwant to feel how great it is to sit on the couch in my own place in myundies and tank top, and watch a movie;). What girl doesn't? lol.

End of my ranting....

and onto the pictures....

The buns new area. The boys are on the left and Madilyn is on the right.









and miss "naughty-bitey-face" herself....





Mallory and Madilyn are for sure in love. They lay flopped out next to eachother sometimes against their NIC panel fence.

How about a little Snowpuff?....




- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

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