I don't want anyone to get angry with me or anything, but Ryan and I did some talking.
He gets his raise at his job at the end of this month. I will thereforebe able to work less at my job. Ryan says just as long as I am pullingin $200 every two weeks to buy things for myself and the bunnies, thenhe will be fine with it.
Working less means that I will be able to be home more with the bunnies.
Ryan and I had a HUGE talk and he has agreed to let me adopt a bunnyfrom Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue in Pheonix at the end of themonth/middle of next month.
We will be taking Morgan with us to have a few bunny dates. I will talka lot with the rescue people and we will pick a bunny for Morgan.
I know that he is lonely and wants to be with another rabbit. He hangsout next to Mallory and Madilyn's cage when he is out for play time. Hejust can't get too close or Mallory will bite him.
When we take him on his bunny dates, I won't adopt another rabbitunless I know it feels right. Ryan is coming with me....he always makesgood choices about things and will tell me if it doesn't feel righteither.
I just want to do what is going to make us all happy. We are just fine financially and I get to be home more with the bunnies.
I hope I am not being rediculious, but I have given it quite a bit ofthought and a lot of talking to Ryan. He agrees with me, not because heHAS to...but because he knows how I feel and he thinks Morgan wants afriend too.
I hope everyone agrees with whatever decision that I make. I know Morgan and I am hoping he picks out a great lady for himself.
- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts