Yeah, I've talked to Pipp about that before although I can't remember if I have since I got Luna. She gets 3-4 cups of veggies daily, including thick stuff like kale, collard greens, and cabbage as well as carrots and a mix of different types of hay and a few pellets.
I'm wondering if maybe she'll be able to go longer between molar grindings after this second one, because she's more used to eating lots of veggies and hay. After her last surgery, I was still working on introducing more veggies to her and she wasn't getting much at a time yet, plus she didn't really touch her hay for a while yet. So hopefully she won't need to be back again as quickly.
I so wish I had my camera with me last night when she was- um- playing with the football pillow. She was relentless, and so funny! Especially since it was a little big for her and tended to roll, so she'd start slipping to the side...
Oh and Bo did I tell you that we play a binky game now? When she's hyper, I put my hand down like I'm offering to pet her. She investigates, maybe lets me rub her nose once, and then binkies. Repeat the whole thing. Repeat. Repeat!:laughsmiley: