Luna the Foster Bun

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Sounds like she's coming along fine! I'm glad you took her in and got the gas issue taken care of. She's a beautiful girl and I hope she's feeling better!

Mr. Stee wrote:
Back from the vet visit. They did a battery of blood work and took x-rays along with a full physical. Blood work is normal, x-ray showed alot of gas and a lower amount of food through the digestive tract then normal, and physical found the lower molars in need of a grinding soon.
We have Meloxcam for the pain from all the gas and critical care to give her to increase food intake. Once home and on pain meds for a bit, she began to perk up, eat hay and greens, and even played a bit. I'm sure its only a matter of time before she is fine.

Mr. Stee

P.S. all that work and it ONLY cost us $155.:p
naturestee wrote:
Edit: You haven't had rescue buns, but I'm sure others know what I'm talking about with buns that probably haven't been outside a cage for ages and when they were they were usually manhandled. They get this disbelieving look in their eyes when you open the cage door and walk away. Then they get incredibly happy and sometimes practice jumping in and out of their cage just to make sure it's allowed. Luna had that today.

Ha ha! That's exactly what Bam-Bam did! He did that for some time and then did Bunny1000s because bunny500s aren't fast enough for him. He pretty much destroyed the living room with his energy :pIt's so heart-warming to see them so happy andhilarious to see them watch you suspiciously :p

Congrats on the new foster! :biggrin2:She is beautiful. Are you sure about the foster part? :p
Oh! I was just rereading this, and the hubby forgot to mention about her molars. She does have molar spurs. Not terribly bad but they might be what is causing her low food intake and possibly the malnutrition and they need to be taken care of soon. I'm guessing she has gas because she hasn't been eating enough from the spurs, resulting in a GI slowdown. Slow GI tract= gas. The vet said we don't need to have the molars done immediately, which is good because I want her to get over the gas issues and get more used to proper nutrition first.

James did see Luna eating a little hay yesterday after her pain meds started working. Maybe that's why she hadn't seemed to touch the hay before.
He did mention the molars but not a lot.

You know, if someone didn't offer her hay before, that could be a part of the reason she has the molar spurs. My vet swears by hay. Says that the proper amount of hay should keep teeth in good condition unless there are other issues with the teeth.

I love the "hoppy in the cage and out" just to make sure they can and I think so they know how they are supposed to go in and out..... LOL! Bo did that with his newly built cage for about 10 times then played for several hours and did the checking about 3 more times of 10 LOL! goofy things!

Ummm Luna is becoming a family member here at RO....... I think we might have a problem with the foster issue...... :bunnyheart
Hey! No talking like that, she's not staying! :disgust: I'd like to be able to foster again sometime, you know?:p

I talked to a vet nurse at the clinic today, she gave me an estimate of only $50 for the molar surgery, including anesthesia and everything! Apparently someone else has a rabbit that needs her molars done regularly so they see this fairly often. The vet wants me to call her on Monday and give her an update on Luna's condition, and we'll decide when she'll go into surgery based on that. The molars need to be done but Luna needs to be a little more healthy first.

I'm going to go let her run now. Maybe I'll be able to get a video of her happy noises! What a talker!
CUTE!! I LOVE a talkative bunny!! Aren't they WONDERFUL? Fiver does happy chitters, and Flower honks, and every now and then I hear SweetPea making a happy honky sound while she's bathing...really cute!

You should have PMed me, Angela, I missed this! Im running out the door so I'll read more later, but I just wanted to say shes so beautiful!

Bless you for helping this sweet girl.
naturestee wrote:
I guess I should have put the words DUTCH up in bright blinking letters, LOL!
UmmYeah - Always give me the heads up when a dutch is involved!:big wink:

Shes really a beautiful girl. It breaks my heart to think how she has never gotten to be a bunny and run around and binky. Shes so lucky to be there with you. This will give her a chance to lose some weight and get strong and gorgeous for a potential adopter (one who is not you or me- as tempting as it is :))

Oh and tell James we said "Thank You" for being so wonderful as well.

You sure you can't take her? When her pain meds are in full swing, she scrambles onto the couch and jumps into my lap to get petted!:shock:

I definately have to talk to the vet about more pain meds. One dose a day is not enough. She's like a whole different bunny when she isn't in pain.
Awww she's loving you for taking the pain away - and she is trying to bond with you.......... :biggrin2:
Well I haven't been on and I missed this too!!!!
Big News!
I think she is gorgeous and so cute on the video as she explores everything. I think she looks happy.

I think that you are great for fostering her, Angela, and I know, in time, that Julie will find a great home for her.
I wish I had the discipline not to keep them myself but I am a weakling once they get in the house.

Right now I couldn't take another as I have absolutely no more room at this inn. :D
I'm just not sure why you wouldn't want to adopt her - she looks like such a cutie...

I know though - the more you adopt - the less space you have to rescue and foster..

Luna is a cutie, and a sweetheart. Theoretically she could stay if she bonded with Fey, but I'm not emotionally ready for that yet. It still feels too much like "replacing" Sprite, I'm just not up for another permanent rabbit right now.

And I would like to be able to foster more. Since I'm volunteering at the local Humane Society, I'm in a good position to recognize the rabbits that seriously need to get out and get them into rescue. More buns like Luna, who might have died if she was left there because nobody had the time or experience with rabbits to notice how sick she was. The dog crate setup in the basement rec room is great for a scared bunny or one that needs to be quarantined, but not so great for the long term because its really lonely down there.

Besides, there are several people in the SRR network who *might* be interested in adopting her after Christmas to bond with their current rabbits. :)
Here's a couple video clips of Luna playing. I thought I got a video of her squeaking over her parsley, but it didn't turn out.:(

It's hard to see but if you see a funny little twitch that's a tiny Luna binky. Can you find them? :D

Aww Luna is just adorable in that video,i love watching bunnies playing around

Hmm now i don't know if i saw a little tiny binky while she was under the chair...or maybe i was just seeing things

She's gorgeous!


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