Luna the Foster Bun

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I was so worried she'd bonk her head! She really likes that chair!

She's adorable - "this is my cage and I can go in and out and under my chair and see this is my cage again!" ....

If I had room (and a hubby that didn't care) I would have her in an instant!

naturestee wrote:
Yup, two teeny tiny binkies under the chair!:D
Gosh she is so pretty!

Has Tonyshuman seen this? If I remember right,she was sort of contemplating a lady friend for Tony- and shes in Wisconsin, I believe. Those two would make a beautiful couple ;)
i'm watching with great interest...:biggrin2:

i can't handle another bun until after the holidays at least, so we'll just see how things go.
Ohhh yes, I made sure Tonyshuman knew about her! Now that would be a cute couple.

Christmas isn't that far away. She'll need some time for her dental surgery and to get healthy again anyway.

And yes, she loves that chair! She sleeps and binkies under it a lot. She's been contemplating jumping on top of it but I don't think she can make it quite yet.
Can you tell she's won me over?! LOL!

She's just got something that really is adorable about her.

The videos and pictures are treasured, mrs. stee! Meeting her in person will be a gift for me. Thanks for giving her this second chance and sharing her transitions to a home environment.

Now, something really extraordinary would be a major get-together in WI of all RO members living nearby, to stroke and cuddle (the fuzzbops) and share photos in person.

Please keep the visuals and notes coming! Lucky Luna girl. It'll be awesome to see her jump on the chair. {{fosterer Angela}}

Luna's dental surgery is tomorrow. :nerves1

Edit: The vet said she won't know how much really needs to be done until she gets in there, but her bottom molars have spikey spurs and they might also be somewhat overgrown. I hope it's not too bad.
Luna babygirl, I'm thinking of you today while you go to get your teethies fixed.

Be a good girl and come home ready to munch a whole lot of goodies so you can make lots of pees and poos for foster mama and papa.

I'm just going to use this for Luna's blog. She's doing really well, and I stopped giving the pain meds last night. So far, so good. She doesn't eat much grass hay but she will nibble it a little bit. Hopefully she'll learn to eat more.

Luna still gets tired out quickly but she loves to play. Her favorite toys right now are some empty soda cans she found in a corner of the room. I haven't picked them up because she likes to roll them around, pick them up and move them, and make noise by pushing them into each other. Free toys.:)

She sometimes rests near me now instead of under "her" chair on the other side of the room. She's starting to ask for the occasional nose rub, although she doesn't have this whole petting thing down yet. But a gentle nose rub makes her binky, LOL! She's also starting to do very quiet, happy oinks when she's playing near/with me, just like Loki.

On to the pictures!

Resting near me after wearing herself out.



Aaah! The floor is tilting! :laughsmiley:

You! Out of the cage now! No paparazzi while I'm eating!

Doesn't she bother those folding chairs or anything? Bo, Tony and Clover would be climbing them and knocking them over onto theirselves........ :foreheadsmack:

they're just too nosey for their own good.

She's really, really pretty! I love her and I am so happy she's doing well.

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