I'm just going to use this for Luna's blog. She's doing really well, and I stopped giving the pain meds last night. So far, so good. She doesn't eat much grass hay but she will nibble it a little bit. Hopefully she'll learn to eat more.
Luna still gets tired out quickly but she loves to play. Her favorite toys right now are some empty soda cans she found in a corner of the room. I haven't picked them up because she likes to roll them around, pick them up and move them, and make noise by pushing them into each other. Free toys.
She sometimes rests near me now instead of under "her" chair on the other side of the room. She's starting to ask for the occasional nose rub, although she doesn't have this whole petting thing down yet. But a gentle nose rub makes her binky, LOL! She's also starting to do very quiet, happy oinks when she's playing near/with me, just like Loki.
On to the pictures!
Resting near me after wearing herself out.
Aaah! The floor is tilting! :laughsmiley:
You! Out of the cage now! No paparazzi while I'm eating!