Luna the Foster Bun

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Luna really likes being petted now! She loves getting her nose rubbed, and when I put my hand down in front of her (that's how I ask permission to pet a shy bunny, works really well) she does a happy oink and shoves her nose into my hand. She's also starting to get used to full-body pets. She used to get scared, probably because she thought I was going to pick her up. But now she just stretches out and relaxes.

I tried rubbing her ears yesterday and found really dry scaley skin at the bases on the outside. Big scales, like lizard skin. It doesn't look red and I haven't seen her itching. So for now I'm just basting (LOL) her ears with a bit of olive oil to soften the skin. She was not amused.


Flick flick flick, why won't it come off!?!
Unfortunately, it's too early to tell. We don't know what her last family was feeding her, although I would be surprised if she was getting hay. I can call the vet sometime this week and find out exactly how bad her teeth were and what their opinion is. She's supposed to get a recheck in two months although I'll definitely bring her in sooner if she's getting adopted.
I've always loved dutch bunnies, but something about Luna just melts my heart!

I asked hubby if I could have her........

of course he said "absolutely no more animals in this house!!" so I'm thinking ok.... I'll move Tony outside..... but before I could say it.... "OR IN THE YARD! SHED! or CARS!"

:?He knows me too well.
Best whiney voice:

But she needs a home!:tears2::bigtears:

Is he immune to sad puppy eyes?

Of course, don't tell him she's in a foster home, make him think she's at a shelter with an expiration date.:biggrin2:
Wow, I am way overdue for an update!

Luna is doing well. She's really spunky now! Her pot belly has shrunk a lot and she eats a lot of food but she's still very bony. Hmm. At least she feels more muscular now.

I have a cool video, but I don't have time to upload it. So you'll have to wait!

Playtime? I'm coming!


Vogue! Strike a pose!

And... we're off! Look at that little left-over pot belly, LOL!

She loves jumping over this but I kept missing the shot. I finally got this one:

But most looked like this:


What? I'm behaving, I swear!

Empty soda cans, toy of champions. She loves them so much that I leave some for her on purpose.


Whatever you do, don't stop the nose rubs!

Luna! you are such a beautiful girl! I wish so much I had you here with me!

Tony says to tell you, he picked you for the BUNNY KWESTYUN thread - you need to answer fast or other people will ask all sorts of stuff!

But but but... I thought she was in a permanent home... :ponder:LOL. It's nice to see her doing so well! She is such a cutie. I love her nose! Hehe
MsBinky wrote:
Uh oh, y'all gotta get Rosie distracted from da bunny :p

Oh, don't worry...with our recent bout of everybun needing to get treated for coccidia...I think once we add Harley (once everybun's healthy again), I don't intend to bring anymore home. I think I'm comfortable handling nine, thank you! LOL!

Hey, it's a valid worry, though, LOL!!
I just got back from the vet for Luna's recheck. She's not bad, but she is starting to get spurs already on one side. They don't need attention yet, especially as she's eating and chewing normally right now, but the vet had me schedule another molar grind for 6 weeks from now. She will also do a spay on Luna, mainly doing a quick incision to see if she can find a uterus and make absolutely sure she is spayed. This vet has done that before, as she used to work in the Midwest Exotic Animal Hospital in Chicago and she worked on a lot of the HRS's buns. It's just so hard to be sure that a bunny has been spayed since they don't usually show scars. And Luna has been a little hormonal lately. I think she tried to make a nest earlier this week- a pile of hay and one tiny puff of fur on top. And yesterday she spent like ten full minutes humping a football pillow!:shock: That's the first time I've seen her mount anything.

So yeah, more fun for Luna.:? I'm letting her calm down in her cage for a while, then I'll let her out and give her some love. I hope we can find someone who is willing to take care of her forever, as I'd really like to be able to help out more bunnies too. I think I'll make a poster for her and put it in my vet's office. It would be great if she could be adopted but still go to the same vet. Besides, molar trims are super cheap here!
Wow...that stinks that she's still having tooth issues...will that make her harder to adopt out? :(

And yay on your getting her checked to be sure she's spayed. That's such a good move, particularly if she's still acting hormonal (which it really sounds like she is).

Hugs to you both!


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