You have got some nerve putting me down Moose, you know I dont always post every day on my blog, I am a busy bun, I have a family to feed (don't know where they are but someone has to feed them) and Franny demands 100% of my time.
YOU....have a family? And they admit to it? Oh Burps-a-Lot...that's hilarious. I didn't know anyone would admit to having met you - but being part of your family. So how do you feed them if you don't know where they are? Let me guess - you have the food delivered? In a UPS truck or something?
Plus I have to constantly peel those stupid mini carrots, and I have been busy plotting Sydney's death.
Didn't your bunny mama ever tell you that the peel was the most nutritious part of the carrot? No wonder you're looking a mite bit white... You need to eat the peels too.
Or are you planning to kill Sydney by poisoning the peels and then giving them to him? Shame on you....such a ploy is way too easy to find out.
You might want to read some of the works of Edgar Allen Poe...he might give you some ideas.
I HAVE A SCHEDULE with PRIORITIES TO ADHERE TO MOOSE! And you aren't on the list.
Actually - dear sweet Frannie used some white-out to take me off the list. She's a sweet doe....really sweet. Gotta say - I don't know what she sees in you.
Not to mention I am undergoing electrobun therapy 3 days a week. Man ever since we started that crap I started seeing halos around Frannie, think she's an angel??
Electro-bun therapy is about as effective as the South Garden Bun Diet or the Instant Weight Loss Energy drinks that contain chocolate for buns. You know - you really feel something at first and then suddenly - you go ...well...lets just say you're not quite yourself.
Oh wait....were you ever really yourself to begin with?
Frannie's not an angel - but she sure is a for any bunny god (aka ME).
If she is I would be surprised, didn't think Angels were allowed to get that fat, would figure God would have some sort of weight constraint on the heavenly buns, anyway I am rambling now so I am gonna bounce now! Lata!
Eh....we're used the rambling - you always do it. So go bounce some Blubber.....see ya around.....maybe....if we're not so lucky.
Oh - and give Miss Frannie a "Happy Easter" kiss from her DEAR friend Zeus. Tell her I really appreciate the private messages and I'll get back to her soon....I've gotta discuss with the girls if they're really open to having Frannie move in....Ambrosia's young and says she's up for anything but Miss Bea is a bit old fashioned.....but I'm getting her to hear me out....