Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Wow - a knock out without me even lifting a paw. Never had one go down THAT easy before....

(Oh wait - maybe Frannie kicked your sorry *##??? and that's why you're KO'd?)

This should be easy....real easy....



I found a song you can use to serenade Frannie.....


(Warning: May be offensive to some sensitive humans because it mentions s*x). It is known as "The Man Song"......and since you're "The Man...Bun"....



You have got some nerve putting me down Moose, you know I dont always post every day on my blog, I am a busy bun, I have a family to feed (don't know where they are but someone has to feed them) and Franny demands 100% of my time.

Plus I have to constantly peel those stupid mini carrots, and I have been busy plotting Sydney's death.

I HAVE A SCHEDULE with PRIORITIES TO ADHERE TO MOOSE! And you aren't on the list.

Not to mention I am undergoing electrobun therapy 3 days a week. Man ever since we started that crap I started seeing halos around Frannie, think she's an angel??

If she is I would be surprised, didn't think Angels were allowed to get that fat, would figure God would have some sort of weight constraint on the heavenly buns, anyway I am rambling now so I am gonna bounce now! Lata!

Lord_Thumper wrote:
You have got some nerve putting me down Moose, you know I dont always post every day on my blog, I am a busy bun, I have a family to feed (don't know where they are but someone has to feed them) and Franny demands 100% of my time.

YOU....have a family? And they admit to it? Oh Burps-a-Lot...that's hilarious. I didn't know anyone would admit to having met you - but being part of your family. So how do you feed them if you don't know where they are? Let me guess - you have the food delivered? In a UPS truck or something?

Plus I have to constantly peel those stupid mini carrots, and I have been busy plotting Sydney's death.

Didn't your bunny mama ever tell you that the peel was the most nutritious part of the carrot? No wonder you're looking a mite bit white... You need to eat the peels too.

Or are you planning to kill Sydney by poisoning the peels and then giving them to him? Shame on you....such a ploy is way too easy to find out.

You might want to read some of the works of Edgar Allen Poe...he might give you some ideas.

I HAVE A SCHEDULE with PRIORITIES TO ADHERE TO MOOSE! And you aren't on the list.

Actually - dear sweet Frannie used some white-out to take me off the list. She's a sweet doe....really sweet. Gotta say - I don't know what she sees in you.

Not to mention I am undergoing electrobun therapy 3 days a week. Man ever since we started that crap I started seeing halos around Frannie, think she's an angel??

Electro-bun therapy is about as effective as the South Garden Bun Diet or the Instant Weight Loss Energy drinks that contain chocolate for buns. You know - you really feel something at first and then suddenly - you go ...well...lets just say you're not quite yourself.

Oh wait....were you ever really yourself to begin with?

Frannie's not an angel - but she sure is a princess...fit for any bunny god (aka ME).

If she is I would be surprised, didn't think Angels were allowed to get that fat, would figure God would have some sort of weight constraint on the heavenly buns, anyway I am rambling now so I am gonna bounce now! Lata!

Eh....we're used the rambling - you always do it. So go bounce some Blubber.....see ya around.....maybe....if we're not so lucky.

Oh - and give Miss Frannie a "Happy Easter" kiss from her DEAR friend Zeus. Tell her I really appreciate the private messages and I'll get back to her soon....I've gotta discuss with the girls if they're really open to having Frannie move in....Ambrosia's young and says she's up for anything but Miss Bea is a bit old fashioned.....but I'm getting her to hear me out....


Lord_Thumper wrote:
All kidding aside Moose, are your ears scotch taped to your head? They don't ven look like their attached at all.

Aw Blumps.....just cause my ears don't hang low....doesn't mean they aren't attached.

Why- my girls like them so much - they even try to imitate them....and you know that is the greatest source of flattery.

Here is Ambrosia trying to look just like me...



Where has everyone been? This place is dead! Well, the feds confiscated my computer because I was running and international bunny porn ring from the house, boy I hope they don't find those pictures of me and the Donkey! Oh man that would be bad...:cry2

In case you were wondering how we are doing, of course I mean Me and Fran, Jim and Sydney I couldn't care less about, things are going ok. Times have been better that's for sure. Before I got busted by the feds life was kind of stressful, I was working days at the Greyhound Race Track filling in for the race bunny when he wasn't working, boy let me tell you my a$$ is killing me, I have scars and teeth marks all over it. I don't know how that other bunny always made it through without a scratch.

After Fran got fired from her job at the M&M factory for throwing out all the W's I had to get a second job to help make ends meet. I almost had the job at the post office but they drug tested me and I came up dirty, they said I had "carotene" in my system. I didn't know what the hell that was so I got mad and went into their computer lab and chewed up all their network cables, they won't have internet access for another month now! Serves them right.

Now I am just trying to keep my nose clean, mostly cause of mites and figuratively because of my court case coming up. Other than that we are ok, just two buns trying to live in this hectic world.

Oh and yes I am still the king of all things, living and not.


I have been so wondering how you poor buns have been, I know how Jim can be. Evil slave. Well, shame on you LT! I am appalled. Best of luck in your court case, you pig!

Fran? How are you dealing with this and why did you throw out the Ws?

Some things or buns, never change:p!

Oh, and I would love pics of you two, when you get the chance, after your jail sentence perhaps, LT.

Oh, and check your pm's Tumps, and tell Jim to check his, or else!:zoro:
So we have a first anniversary coming up fast!
What are you two love buns going to do to celebrate this special occasion?
Well, well, well...if it isn't Lord Dumpster. Where in the h--- have you been? All the other freakin' bunnies on this forum are polite, kind, and law abiding citizens. And it's sickening!! Where do you get off just abandoning me in the middle of some great verbal battles? :eek:hnoyoudidnt: Who the h--- am I supposed to tell off if you don't post regularly? You take off for months at a time without a word to any one. Don't they have pen, paper, and stamps at Levenworth?

Listen here, you worthless, fleabitten, pee stained excuse for a 2 day old cat hairball...DON'T YOU LOG OUT ON ME AGAIN! You do, and I'm headed to NY to open a big ol' can of thump a-- on you!!!

Your ruler,

Queen Gingivere

Gingivere! Shh! Don't be mean to LT on his own blog. And for goodness sakes, you remember that we weren't on RO for months, ourselves. Life gets busy some times. LT and Jim have had things to do.

I know you've missed him, but you could say it in a kinder fashion.


P.S. Welcome Sydney! It's good to know that Frannie shares her home with at least one sane bunny. ~Mary Ellen
Bunnicula wrote:
Gingivere! Shh! Don't be mean to LT on his own blog. And for goodness sakes, you remember that we weren't on RO for months, ourselves. Life gets busy some times. LT and Jim have had things to do.

I know you've missed him, but you could say it in a kinder fashion.
MISS HIM? You have GOT to be kidding! Who could MISS a furball whose a-- is bigger than a Mack truck? If I cared enough to buy him a gift it would be one of those bright yellow "wide load" signs you see on the back of 18 wheelers hauling halves of pre-fab houses.

Frannie, Syd...you might want to make your escape while Jim's at work and Lard Bumper is sleeping. That Jim's as much of a maniac as the pathetic pile of white fuzz.

For God's sake, Frannie, the man fed you hay out of a FAN!!! Have you forgotten? It was shortly after that I lost contact with you. I thought for sure you'd been chewed up in the blades and strewn all over the house.

Did you tell Syd how it is? Does he realize? Look, Frannie, straighten out you m's and w's and make a b line for the door while you still can.

Queen Gingivere

Man, took me awhile to shake the dust off this keyboard. Not much has changed here. I am a little older, and slower, Fran's a little fatter, and uglier (<< ha ha ha, I am so funny!) and the two outsiders are still in Jim's room.

I am making an effort to better myself and be a better bun. I bought some of those self-help tapes, and have a new lease on life. Now when I wake up in the morning (under the couch), everything seems better, until Jim wakes up, then life sucks again.

Has anyone noticed how the "FOR SALE" sign hasn't been removed from Thumper's avatar? That is not a clerical error, he has been on Ebay for 3 years now, not one bid! Even with Free Shipping, and a free Fran Accessory, no takers.

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