Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Lord_Thumper wrote:
I oughta smack you!
Yeah, yeah, you really should. Pack your things and come on down here and you can smack me all you want.

Jim will just think you've run away. (insert evil laugh here)

Don't forgetFrannie.
I don't know what Jim is doing, he is probably going as an idiot so he doesn't have to buy a costume.

I, on the other hand, am going as a Albino White Lop Bunny with Red Eyes. I can't wait to show you guys when I am all dressed up.


AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Jim? I hope you're busy working on their costumes, I'm expecting something spectabulous:weee:. (HaHa, new emot:tongue)
What - Frannie's not going to give you a black eye to make the look more 'interesting"?

Lord_Thumper wrote:
I don't know what Jim is doing, he is probably going as an idiot so he doesn't have to buy a costume.

I, on the other hand, am going as a Albino White Lop Bunny with Red Eyes. I can't wait to show you guys when I am all dressed up.


AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Jim? I hope you're busy working on their costumes, I'm expecting something spectabulous:weee:. (HaHa, new emot:tongue)
Thumper wants me to ask you guys to vote for him (what a loser) on the halloween photo contest, I think he looks stupid and he should have just stuck with the "jerk" costume he always wears.

Mom refused to let me put in my favorite photos and she won't make me an avatar that rotates through them.....

But I'll show you them anyway..

Me & my favorite hunk....

Miss Bea

Lord_Thumper wrote:
Miss Bea, no offense but your avatar looks like a picture of a pine cone, whats up with that?

Thanks for the offer but I think I'm going to go through my favorite pics of Miss Bea and make her a better avatar. I have a few that I love - here is one of my favorites and it HAS to make it into her avatar...

and to see it from further away - to get some perspective....

OKay, great, no problem. If you need any help or anything just let me know. How can the bunnies read the newspaper with it all crumbled up like that? Boy are they talented.

Well, Miss Bea refused to use hay for her nestbox because she said her babies wouldn't be "educated" enough and how was she going to be able to teach them to read if she didn't have reading materials.

We asked her later why she shredded the paper we so graciously offered and she explained that it would be hard for her babies to learn to read such large words...so she had to break them up into smaller sections.

She insisted this is the way she saw the teacher do it with the kids the year she spent as a classroom bunny in a kindergarten class. So she was bound and determined to do it for her children too.

Rabbits....what can I say?

TumpieRabbit wrote:
OKay, great, no problem. If you need any help or anything just let me know. How can the bunnies read the newspaper with it all crumbled up like that? Boy are they talented.
Did you guys see the Sprite memorial video on YouTube, I thought it was very nice, a great way to remember a great bunny. Man, why does life have to be so short?
This is copied from this thread http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=29325&forum_id=1&jump_to=382864#p382864

Here are some things about Thumper:

1. He lays on the air vents, I can always tell when because the air pressure goes up in the other room, then I yell "Get off the vent thumps!" and the pressure goes back down.

2. He can never come directly to you when you have something for him, he must circle something and then come to you, either a chair, a person, a table etc. and yes he is fixed.

3. Before he was free range I bought a cage and while building it I rested the box against the wall to see what the cage would look like and to use it as a guide. There was a life size pic of a rabbit on the box and He would look at it, Thump, then go to look at the back of the bunny but was perplexed at the fact that there was NO back, there was no bunny either, just a pic. But he couldn't figure this out, he was very p*ssed.

4. I have a myriad of names for him, including (but not limited to):

  • Thumper
  • Lord Thumper
  • Tumpie
  • Tumpie Rabbit
  • ****y (the one I use CONSTANTLY)
  • Baby ****y
  • Baby ****y Rabbit
  • Baby Wabbit
  • Tumpus Rumpus
  • Baby Rumpus
  • Baby ****y Rumpus
  • Lumpus Tumpus the Baby Rumpus
  • ****y Rumpus
  • ****y Baby Rumpus the Lord Tumpus
  • ****y ****y ****y (and many more saying it real fast)
  • Lord Alowiscous Thumpus the Third
  • ****y Rabbit
I actually use all the names I have listed on a daily basis, I know I need mental help you don't have to tell me.

5. I actually role play with Thumper and tell him that him and Frannie need to "get a place of your own" and that Thumper needs to "meet other bunnies his own age" and similiar crazy stuff.

6. Thumper, more so than any other bunny I have ever met (and I work with the rescue often, so I see many) knows a great deal about how to make himself comfortabe in any situation. He knows all the spots in the house (his area) where there is a nice draft, wherever Thumps is laying you will feel a draft of air if you put your hand down there.

7. And believe it or not, he actually untied my shoes while I was watching TV once, he loves to naw on my laces sometimes and he often pulls at them, thus the untying.

8. If Thumps was a kid he would be the one who has all the other kids doing stuff for him.

9. If he was an another animal he would be a sloth.

That's it for now. :)
Um yeah, I saw that same postin the other thread:grumpy:. I want something hilarious:waiting:.

Um, and some news pics would be good:p. Didn't you take Fran and Tumpie trick or treating?:biggrin2:

Oh, and what are Frannie's nicknames?:shock:

Here is the post I copied from the other thread about Frannie:

Here are some things about Francesca (Frannie):
  1. She is Italian, Sicilian in fact. Hence the name Francesca. If she was French she would be Fraunc.
  2. She is suspicious of everyone and everything, all the time, forever, and ever. Always.
  3. Each step is calculated, risk-assessed,planned out, and thought out. Never know, she could step on a bouncing betty after all (land mine).
  4. She loves Thumpie, he is her man, when Thumps is near there is nothing to fear. If you reach down to pet her when she is alone she will flinch, but if Thumps is next to her and they are touching each other, heads,tails whatever, she will not flinch.
  5. Frannie looks as if the Bunny Gods got drunk one night and were making bunnies and only had little parts and traits of about 50 different breeds left over in the "clearance" section and threw them all together and made Frannie. She don't look it on film but she is UUUUUUGGGGLLLYYYY. And I love her to death for it.
  6. Her tail is not part of her, it is a seperate animal, does what it wants and I don't even think it is attached to her body, maybe it is scotch taped to her belly or something, when she moves one way the tail goes another way.
  7. And the scary part, sometimes Fran gets what I call "The Crazies" and boy let me tell you there is no better name for it than that. She will be laying down as docile as ever, nothing doing, then all of a sudden she will jump up and start off by running complete laps around the room along the perimeter at Mach 3, then she will do about 10 "suicides" (this is where you run back and forth at shorter and shorter distances) then she will take a toy, any toy, and run in reverse ( I swear to god) rolling the ball in a digging motion along with her, anything that is in her way is toast. Then she will hop up on the couch and give me that 1,000 yard stare with her uneven, unsymmetrical face, then go lay back down. This happens about once a week now. At first we thought maybe she had rabies or something, or we should get an exorcism done.
  8. I also have certain unique names for her:
    • Fran
    • Frannie
    • and my favorite...Fwaannnnn..but it is said a certain way, basically you take the word "Anne" and add "Phw" to the front of it and then elongate the "Anne" part, it is very sophisticated, oh and very stupid.
    • Francesca
    • Francesca the Besta Rabbitesta
    • Broomhilga, cause she's so ugly, but in an endearing way.
    • oh and the second favorite one is "Baby Fwan" pronounced the same way as Fwaaannn but just add Baby in front of it.
Frannie, my sweet sweet love :)boohoo:)

I have written you a poem, called "Do Not Go Gently into that Goodnight" and it is not a rip-off of the one Dylan Thomas wrote, he actually copied from me. :lies

Here goes nothing:

Fran, Do not go gentle into that good night,
Don't let the fact that you look like you got hit with a bag of nickels cause you dismay;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
You not letting me hump other bunnies is not right,
Because your a dingbat and won't see things my way, you Do not go gentle into that good night.

You plant your fat butt in that Cottontail Cottage morning, noon, and night,
Nagging and Naggng away,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

We need to work things out or I won't and can't
Do not go gentle into that good night.

So how bout it Frannie??
I swear that time that I said you looked like an exploded laundry bag I was only kidding, also when I said you looked like someone set your face on fire and stomped it out with Golf cleats.

That was all in good fun cause your my woman, my main squeeze, so how bout it? Can I move my toys and fan box back into the cottage tonight?


Hello I just wanted to say hi to everyone, my name is Sydney (like the Australia one) and I am a Netherland Dwarf,Jim just brought me home from the rabbit rescue on December 9th and he said that I could use Thumper's blog to post some pics of myself for introduction.

I hope Thumper doesn't mind, that rabbit scares the hell out of me! He is what my mother used to call a "low class" kind of rabbit. He is verbally abusive to Frannie and Jim as well. He sits in his litterbox or cottage all day eating hay and cursing at me. I think he smokes as well but haven't seen him doing it personally. He is very fat as well. ANyway before he sees me on the computer let me post these few pics I have:

Here I am posing for the shot (god I am cute)


Here I am chilling out, I was a little tired in this one:


There will be more to come, I promise.



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