Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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TumpieRabbit wrote:
Has anyone noticed how the "FOR SALE" sign hasn't been removed from Thumper's avatar? That is not a clerical error, he has been on Ebay for 3 years now, not one bid! Even with Free Shipping, and a free Fran Accessory, no takers.

How much you asking for?
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Has anyone noticed how the "FOR SALE" sign hasn't been removed from Thumper's avatar? That is not a clerical error, he has been on Ebay for 3 years now, not one bid! Even with Free Shipping, and a free Fran Accessory, no takers.

Hmmm.....Zeus wants to know if he can order him as a pet.

Let me tell you - you must be desperate as I know those Ebay fees must add up.

Tell me - does Fran come with a pre-shredded couch? That might make the offer more attractive to folks.

Hmm. Thumps for sale for real? I wouldn't sell any of my bunnies for any amount of money in the world. I am sure most, if not all, of you feel the same way, about your own bunnies I mean :)

I just would never be able to do it, even if someone said they would give me a billion dollars, it wouldn't matter. I know it wouldn't. The companionship I feel for them would make it like selling your Mom to someone, never happen.

I can't believe you insensitive people even brought it up! Ohh, wait, I think I was the one who did, well it is still your fault anyway!!:X

And funny thing about the couch, I was joking around saying that Fran was trying to quit smoking once, I said she tried to go to the meetings but nobody would let her bring my couch for her to sit under during the meeting! lol.

Now, Baby Fwan, I might consider pawning. But I would need someone with good credit, because I would eventually need her back :humour:
Hahaha. I know the feeling. I ask my husband all the time how would we choose if we had to.

It goes like this...

Elvis and Teresa. Elvis gets upset if he is away from us to long. Teresa is prone to stasis but doesn't show the usual signs.

Wyatt also prone to stasis and not many would understand him.

Connor, Dallas, and Chibi. Connor does not like me being away for long. Chibi helped me heal. Dallas makes us smile.

Ringo needs us more than most. His needs are not easy to meet. Also our first bunny.

Apple same as Ringo. Plus she is our princess.

That is just our bunnies.

TumpieRabbit wrote:
Hmm. Thumps for sale for real? I wouldn't sell any of my bunnies for any amount of money in the world. I am sure most, if not all, of you feel the same way, about your own bunnies I mean :)

I just would never be able to do it, even if someone said they would give me a billion dollars, it wouldn't matter. I know it wouldn't. The companionship I feel for them would make it like selling your Mom to someone, never happen.

I can't believe you insensitive people even brought it up! Ohh, wait, I think I was the one who did, well it is still your fault anyway!!:X

And funny thing about the couch, I was joking around saying that Fran was trying to quit smoking once, I said she tried to go to the meetings but nobody would let her bring my couch for her to sit under during the meeting! lol.

Now, Baby Fwan, I might consider pawning. But I would need someone with good credit, because I would eventually need her back :humour:
You guys are all so nice, this is definitely the best board to be on, for any topic.

Alicia, I love your avatar, but I couldn't help notice that instead of saying "Alicia's Zoo Crew" it says "Alia's Zoo Crew"

Wassup wit dat???:dunno

I hope you didn't change your name to Alia.

You left out the C and the I. Why? Is there some hidden, DaVinci Code style meaning to that?

Are you a Confidential Informant for Al Quaida, or Bun Quaida???

TumpieRabbit wrote:
You guys are all so nice, this is definitely the best board to be on, for any topic.

Alicia, I love your avatar, but I couldn't help notice that instead of saying "Alicia's Zoo Crew" it says "Alia's Zoo Crew"

Wassup wit dat???:dunno

I hope you didn't change your name to Alia.

You left out the C and the I. Why? Is there some hidden, DaVinci Code style meaning to that?

Are you a Confidential Informant for Al Quaida, or Bun Quaida???


:ph34r2I can't tell if not I might have to.... :coolness:
Uh, excuse me, just for the record, NO! I don't get it, and if I don't get it, then I know that moron Jim doesn't get it. And I am not as stupid as Jim looks (<< hahaha I am so funny, there I go again)

I am an intellectual, I studied Bun Physics in college. I have made quite a few remarkable scientific discoveries as well. Like the Big Bun theory, that was me. And then there are Thumper's laws:

Thumps Law of Gravity - If Baby Fwan goes up, then Baby Fwan must come down.

Thumps theory of relativity - Anyone really stupid, must be related to Jim (<< hahahaha again, I am too much)

There are many more things I have brought the known bun world, I was also the first bun in orbit, as well as the first bun on the moon. That was me who said "This is one small step for Fwan, one giant hop for bunkind."

Man, am I timeless.

Hee Hee Hee....FINALLY - its SMACKDOWN time!

We're ThunderingThumpinGiants - and we're the first four members of "Tiny's Texas Legends". Our fifth member is arriving this week.

We've been getting Zeus to distract mom so we could watch the boards and wait for you to reappear. We've heard about you from both mom and Zeus...and we know the way you treated Tiny.

So here we are..

I'm Hermes and you know - I get the being a white rabbit thing...but honestly - THOSE EARS?

I know you weren't able to get ears as wonderful as mine...but honestly...lopping?

Sheesh....no flemish with dignity would ever lop BOTH ears...that's an insult to the flemish breed. Oh that's right - you weren't lucky enough to be born a flemmie - thats why you are a legend in your own mind.

I'm Mercury and I think Fwannie is adowable....can I keep her?

I'm saving all of my craisins from now on so I can get her to come visit.

Dummy...you're supposed to attack Lord Blimpie

Oh ok...I'll practice for next time...till then....:kiss::kiss: for Fwannie...I'm saving my craisins for you. Should I save poops too?

I'm Athena - the shy one. I think Lord Thumpie is cute....

ATHENA! Stop that - remember how we practiced. Remember what you said about his ears?

Oh yeah....how did you get those ears on that large handsome head?

:banghead Its FAT head Athena....how did you get those ears on that FAT head.....


I'm SOPHIA and I'm the head of this group - I've had training from watching Wrestling and Roller Derby...so watch out.

You talk about being timeless....Donald Trump is timeless - and arrogant and
he STILL has better hair than you do.

We have to go now to prepare for Nyx to join us later this week.

She's a troublemaker.

Nuh uh....she says others keep setting her up and blaming her.

[align=center]BACK TO WORK EVERYONE...

[/align][align=center]I'm keeping an eye on you!
Hey guys - I made it.

I got mom distracted so she's picking up the books I shredded...

Did I miss the action?


In that case - :muscleman:

I'll go strengthen my muscles for NEXT TIME!
Oh boy Thumps....I think you're in trouble.

It looks like the newest hot-selling book on AmazonBun is


and I found Mercury out in the kitchen during his playtime making these to send to your FORMER girlfriend...

Moose, who put Snuggy on the cover of MY BOOK??? That was a picture of Thumps and Snuggy that Jim made, whoever made that book obviously didn't recognize my beauty when they saw it. This will have SERIOUS implications on this board. First and foremost, Snuggy's Mom will be furious, not to mention Snuggy herself. When they come back, I am telling (ooohhh you in twouble). I am insulted, which I am sure means nothing to anyone, I am used to coming second around here.

Plus, lets get the variations of my name correct here:

There is plain old Fran.
Then of course Baby Fwan (notice the w sound)
Then in cordial conversation, there is Frannie.
On occasion when speaking of my days in rescue, to the rescue people, I am known as Francesca (my legal name).
Of course there is my married name Francesca Thumper (which is what is on my driver's license).
Then there is what Jim calls me when he is acting like a 2 year old - Fwibbety Fwobbety Fwan Fwuh Fwan Fwan. (That is just god awful)

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES shall I be called Fwannie, if you are going to attach the annie to my name, never use the w version.

I thought they taught all this is Bunglish Class anyway??

Plus, I would never write a book under my real name, I always use my pen name "Stephen King"



Listen, you seem like a nice bun, I guess, but anybun with the same name as a sweet fruit really has no business going around shooting their buck teeth off, don't you think? You don't want none of dis chump, mess with me again and me and Baby Fwan will be having apple chips, with apple sauce, and apple pie for dinner tonight (<< hahaha there I go again, where do I get this stuff??)


JadeIcing wrote:
Apple stop being rude. Sorry about that she has a bit of an attitude.

ZooCrewGirls wrote:
Lord_Thumper wrote:
Man, am I timeless.


Your ego is almost as big as you.

Gwyneth AppleHoshi The Dutch Princess
I'm Hermes and you know - I get the being a white rabbit thing...but honestly - THOSE EARS?

I know you weren't able to get ears as wonderful as mine...but honestly...lopping?

Sheesh....no flemish with dignity would ever lop BOTH ears...that's an insult to the flemish breed. Oh that's right - you weren't lucky enough to be born a flemmie - thats why you are a legend in your own mind.
First of all Herpes, I wasn't STUPID enough to be born a Flem. To me, Flem is something that I hock up once in a while, and you seem to match that description.

And if you even come near me, I am calling the cops! Why don't you go pick on somebun your own size, like Roger Rabbit!
I'm Mercury and I think Fwannie is adowable....can I keep her?

I'm saving all of my craisins from now on so I can get her to come visit.

Dummy...you're supposed to attack Lord Blimpie

Oh ok...I'll practice for next time...till then....:kiss::kiss: for Fwannie...I'm saving my craisins for you. Should I save poops too?
Ok Chrysler, you can have Fwan, where do you want me to ship her? Oh and I am only springing for first class mail, no priority, because if there one thing Frannie isn't, its a priority.
I'm Athena - the shy one. I think Lord Thumpie is cute....

ATHENA! Stop that - remember how we practiced. Remember what you said about his ears?

Oh yeah....how did you get those ears on that large handsome head?

:banghead Its FAT head Athena....how did you get those ears on that FAT head.....
Athena, Zeus, what the hell is going on inside your owner's head?? Was she born on Mt. Olympus or something? Next thing you know she'll be naming a bun and its siblings "Jason and the Bungernauts"

You are an exception though, VERY CUTE!! :inlove:

Great ears also, hey can you get Japanese Ping Pong Scores from that reception??

Call me, anytime, my number is 1-800-MATTRES, leave off the last S for Sh... Forget it :)
I'm SOPHIA and I'm the head of this group - I've had training from watching Wrestling and Roller Derby...so watch out.

You talk about being timeless....Donald Trump is timeless - and arrogant and he STILL has better hair than you do.

We have to go now to prepare for Nyx to join us later this week.

She's a troublemaker.

Nuh uh....she says others keep setting her up and blaming her.
Sophie?? Wasn't one of the Golden Girls named that?? Well, I am sure you are about as hot as they were (<< hahaha I am hilarious!!)

How many of you are there anyway, a million? There must be a load of Flem over there, maybe a little Mucinex is what you need.


Listen up LT! What does that stand for Lumpy Toad? Anyways my name is Gwyneth Apple Hoshi. Gwyneth means blessed. Applemay be a sweetfruit but it also means temptation. Hoshi means star. So get it straight I am better than you. Ican and willrun circles around you.

I am a Dutch Princess and us Dutch Devils stick together. Keep it up and I will have to call the Dutch Godfather. Trust me you don't want any of his thugs at your door. Tiny may have whooped you once but step into the ring with a Dutch Devil and you will be lucky if you can crawl your way out.

Oh and trust me you will never get of taste of this Apple. To far out of your league.

Gwyneth Apple Hoshi Dutch Princess

Lord_Thumper wrote:


Listen, you seem like a nice bun, I guess, but anybun with the same name as a sweet fruit really has no business going around shooting their buck teeth off, don't you think? You don't want none of dis chump, mess with me again and me and Baby Fwan will be having apple chips, with apple sauce, and apple pie for dinner tonight (<< hahaha there I go again, where do I get this stuff??)


JadeIcing wrote:
Apple stop being rude. Sorry about that she has a bit of an attitude.

ZooCrewGirls wrote:
Lord_Thumper wrote:
Man, am I timeless.


Your ego is almost as big as you.

Gwyneth AppleHoshi The Dutch Princess

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