Well-Known Member
Hey Thunderbutt - I went searching under "Stephen King" on AmazonBun and found this.
Good job Fwannia...uh...Frannie!

Good job Fwannia...uh...Frannie!
AHA....at least we know you'll step aside and SHARE and let her eat something instead of hogging all of supper...Apple,
Listen, you seem like a nice bun, I guess, but anybun with the same name as a sweet fruit really has no business going around shooting their buck teeth off, don't you think? You don't want none of dis chump, mess with me again and me and Baby Fwan will be having apple chips, with apple sauce, and apple pie for dinner tonight (<< hahaha there I go again, where do I get this stuff??)
JadeIcing wrote:Apple stop being rude. Sorry about that she has a bit of an attitude.
ZooCrewGirls wrote:
Lord_Thumper wrote:Man, am I timeless.
Your ego is almost as big as you.
Gwyneth AppleHoshi The Dutch Princess
Listen up LT! What does that stand for Lumpy Toad?
ZooCrewGirls wrote:Listen up LT! What does that stand for Lumpy Toad?
We've been trying to figure that out here - we finally came up with it...
[align=center]Li'l TWERP[/align]
[align=center](We had another t word that wasn't as nice....it was T*RD...but we think mama would have to edit our posts).[/align]
Warning to all, I'll be posting some very controversial stuff on here very soon, then you will ALL be sorry, you just wait!!
When Jim is out of couches - try the covers of books - I find them quite yummy - particularly with a bit of craisin rubbed onto it for a bit of extra flavor.Don't blame me!! Was I the one that made couch stuffing so delicious?? No! Was I the one who tore a big whole in the couch so the stuffing could be removed?? No...oops wait, yeah that was me wasn't it? Oh well, whatever, I don't even care anyway.
OMG! Look what I just got in my mailbox:
:laugh: This is my first time reading your blog and I happen to find you have a wonderful sense of humor Thumper and gang
I have Apple the fruitcake picking on me,
Aww is the tubby bunny gonna cry?