King Kirby's Rabbit Nation 2011

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March 7, 2011

I.... do not know what to say about this. I am just speechless. She's made a cape out of hay.

Please, someone! Caption this!


Penny has been in another one of her moods that piss me off... she's taken up digging again! Because of her current set up, digging causes minimal damage but it's a habit I still don't want her to think is ok. Unfortunately I had just changed my clothes, and of course now that I had on clean furless clothing I had to pick her up and sit her on my lap to try to snap her out of digging mode. And while I had her, I thought, what the hey, I'll just clip her nails.

After that I was so furry that I thought, oh well, might as well do Kirby's. And that went so smoothly that I decided why not go all the way and do Toby's too?

All the buns fussed a bit but they each got 2 pieces of papaya when they whined. Cooperation can be bribed!

I got to squeeze and hug my babies all over during the pedicure. I just love cutting their nails.
Ick I hate cutting my bunnies nails. I'm always sooo nervous that I'm going to cut too short and hurt them, especially with Barnaby because his nails are black and I can't see the quick.

If you find a way to get Penny to stop digging make sure you share! Berry is obsessed with digging and so far I haven't found any way to convince her to stop.
haha I love the pic with Penny covered in hay! I think it should go to the caption contest, it's so funny! We'll never know what's in her mind though. And I wonder how she did that - how did she lift all that hay and how did it all go to her back???
It must be some sort of magic
I went to grab my camera when she was completely covered. She was totally under the hay, like she was digging for treasure. You couldn't see her. The picture would have been Kirby sitting next to a mound of hay. But when I came back with the camera, there she stood with only a small cape of fur. I suppose the rest of it fell off? I don't know. All I know is she's ridiculous. :p
Dragonrain wrote:
If you find a way to get Penny to stop digging make sure you share!  Berry is obsessed with digging and so far I haven't found any way to convince her to stop.

I just try to shake her out of the digging mood. Whether it's distracting her with food, or locking her out of the area where the litter box is, or just plain picking her up so she spends time away from the dig site... it works temporarily, until the next time she feels like digging. But if I leave her to her own devices, she would dig and dig until the litter box was in shreds and garbage was everywhere.
Yup yup that's what Berry does too - makes a huge mess digging up all the litter all over the place...even when every little speck of litter is out of the litter box she'll still dig dig dig against the plastic bottom of the box. Crazy girl. Distracting her works temporarily I guess but it doesn't usually stop her for long enough to even be worth it - as soon as I leave her alone or the food is gone she goes back to digging.
LOLOL _ I'm laughing so much imagine the scene of Kirby aside a bunch of "hay" hahahaha
How great it must be to have those 3 bunny stars at home! The days are never the same, there's always something new (and cute!) going on...
You should post a video of Penny digging. My internet has been working better, I'll be able to see it :)
March 26, 2011 - Hey! I'm back

Haven't I been just awful!? Yes, I totally have. Shame on me. Bad blogger. Bad!

So, important items first: Toby turned 2 on March 15. Yeah! He's two years old. My baby bunny! He's growing up so charmingly. He had a great time. I made him some Toby cookies of course. He gobbled up many of them.



Aw, ain't he handsome?!

All the buns have been super duper lately. No major changes in their lives or set ups or anything like that. I've been happily cruisin' along, enjoying their wonderful company :):):) Look at them! They're so silly. They bring me uber joy in life.





It's spring time so I figured it was appropriate to grow my buns some wheatgrass. I also wrote an article in the NYC RRR quarterly newsletter, which is coming out soon!

More of my beautiful Toby

Kirby getting more love

Kirby has been flopping a LOT lately. Penny seems less than impressed.

Kirby is so comfy that he doesn't even care that his feet are sticking out of the pen.

I was going to say that it seems like Kirby is flopping more than he did pre-Penny. Good for him being so relaxed and in love. That's the way it should be... My Patrick would have agreed that somebun special make the world so much better.

Toby is so darn sweet. It is hard to believe he is two years old already! Such a fuzzy-baby-bunny picture!! Don't you wish they would stay small and fuzzy like that? Glad to hear he had a good birthday with lots of nibbly goodness.

:balloons:Happy Birthday Toby!!

I love Toby's picture when he was a baby. He still has the baby face, which is what makes him so cute!

Think you should start a garden on your rooftop!
Thanks for all the comments!

Yeah, Toby was very baby-like when he was little. He still has a darling little baby face, though. When he sleeps, he looks just like he did when he was a wee lad.

This is my fave picture of Kirby. He looks like he could not be happier.
Hey how are you guys?

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