King Kirby's Rabbit Nation 2011

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February 4, 2011 - Toby's Second Favorite Nap Spot

Toby's favorite spot in the world in his little wooden box. It's where he has been sleeping since he was a few weeks old. He has outgrown this box already but I can't seem to find a larger replacement and I think that I would severely punished if I were to take it away.

However there are days Toby likes to go to his vacation home, AKA "The nook under the couch". He has a spot that is enclosed on 3 sides underneath the couch and he has always loved to hideout there. He occasionally chews the bottom of the couch but it's never been a huge deal for us. Well today I discovered that Toby tore off a large portion of the fabric that is stapled to the couch. Thankfully the fabric isn't that usual stuff with fiberglass and other polyester blend. And I didn't know this, but there is a zipper sewn in that fabric, for god-knows-what reason. But Toby chewed up the zipper, chewed up the fabric. The about 1/4 of the whole thing was hanging off. Took me 2.5 hours and a lot of pain to sew that thing back on. I am almost guaranteed to see that piece of fabric hanging off again as I'm sure Toby will like to chew my poor tailoring. There are few things tastier than loose thread.

Toby went with me to my mom's last night. And he was such a good boy!! He got oohed and ahhed at, poked and stroked. LOL! He was such a perfect gentlebun. He got lots of treats and lovin' but he probably got revenge when he decided to tear up the couch. :p

Tomorrow I'm taking Penny and possibly Kirby with me to my aunt's place. There'll be many kids there so I'm sure they will get lots of attention. While my instinct is to leave Kirby at home, I do think that some exposure to people is a good thing for him.
February 9, 2011

Lots to Say But Then Again, Not Lots to Say...
Whoops, haven't been updating the Kirby blog! Well, that's because there isn't a whole lot of drama to report. Everyone, everybun, and everything has been quite fine lately -- knock on wood! It's been great to have a calm time when I know how each bun is going to be and I don't need to be racking my brain to figure out what to do about problem XYZ.

Lady Penelope Anne has been doing supremely well in her new cage. She has only peed on the floor of the cage a couple of times, and she goes almost exclusively in her litter box (or Kirby's). Again, god willing, my floor is going to stay dry with this arrangement! The relationship between she and I has been improving because I'm not so mad at her daily anymore. We've been having some real sweet snuggles.

Sir Toby won't be picking up a girlfriend, for now anyway. For a while I was kind of obsessed about the bun named Oreo who is one of our shelter buns. She is still adoptable, but I just have a feeling that she is destined for a great home who will love her oodles and give her 24 hours of love and attention each day. Toby's new coat is growing in and he is just beyond cute! He's still shedding quite a bit but it has tapered off significantly. I brought him to visit my mom last week and boy, he took it really well. It was heart-warming for me because he was nervous and scared in the beginning and he kept clinging to me. Awww, my wittle baby loves mommy. :hearts:

King Kirby is at his softest this time of year. He is finishing his molt (with a tiny bit of cactus butt left) and so when you pet him, your hand just slides off him... he is soft, sleek and gorgeous. Truly the most beautiful bun of all the ages! I brought Kirby and Penny over to my cousin's place last week and the kids loved playing with them. The buns, not so much, but they did really well for all the noise and commotion they had to experience for several hours. Kirby did surprisingly well, and I think Penny being there was nice for him to lean on.

That's all for now from the Rabbit Nation!

:hearts :dutch
February 10, 2011


Comment/reply? You know you want to ;)

The Toby Facebook Fan Page
I'm glad to know that Penny has been a good bunny to you. Today I was thinking about it and even thought maybe a little vase with some grass could inspire her to use it as a restroom (perhaps bunnies would prefer to do it on earth?) but it's great news that she already adopted the littler boxes!
Toby would be so happy with some company, don't you think? I think he's extra cute and would like to have a mate, after all, he sees Kirby all happy with Penny..
I'm sure Kirby loved to have Penny around when the kids were playing with him. He probably thought "at least there's one of my species", heheh.. I thought I wasn't getting emails about the updates but it seems like this year you're not posting as much as last year. It was nice when you always posted pics and stories of the bunnies.
I still have a folder on my computer with the pics I saved from here to show to everybody these beautiful bunnies that I know through the internet! Their stories are famous in this corner of the world, too.
Awww what a cute photo! Hehehe. I think you did the right thing with limiting Penny's space. You know, that's what you're supposed to do when you first start litter-training so it really can make a big difference. Most bunners do have that natural instinct to use one corner when in a smaller place because they do not like to sit in it and be so close to it etc. Give them too much space and it's a free-for-all for certain bunners. I had a very destructive bunner in the past and there was just no other way... :)If it works for you as it did for me, you could try augmenting the space again gradually so only adding a bit at a time and adding more once she's kept up the litterhabits. I have terrible allergies so I sincerely feel for you and understand how important it is that you don't end up with pee, hay, and poop everywhere. You do what works best for you and don't feel bad about it.

Hoping to hear more from you and the bunners soon :biggrin2:
February 23, 2011

Thanks everyone who replied! I'm glad people are still sorta reading King Kirby's blog. I have been *awful* at updating it this year. I still take tons of pictures but just haven't had the time to post them up here, although I do put them up regularly on Facebook. Especially if they are pics of Toby, they almost always go up on Sir Toby's facebook fan page that same day. Toby is using social networking to fuel his rabbit nation revolution. :biggrin2: You, too, can join the movement here!

The buns have been really good lately. Penny hasn't peed outside of her cage very often at all. She's done it once in a couple of weeks so that is a huge improvement. She pees a little bit inside her cage, and sometimes she misses the litter box. But by and large she's doing quite well. I don't think that I will modify this set up. Honestly, this set up was 10 months in the making and now that it's finally gotten to this, I don't want to break what is not broken. It's a little cramped but she enjoys many, many daylight and nighttime hours roaming the rabbit room with her beloved Kirby.

Kirby is still very demanding of me and Penny when it comes to getting his petting quota filled. He is such a little sweetie pie. I still find myself falling in love with him every day. I don't know what it is about this rabbit. Maybe he and I just have that special connection. I cannot even tell you why I love him so much and fell so hard. I just do. Every little thing he does is precious in my eyes. *sigh* :hearts:

Toby's birthday is coming up next month. He's going to be 2 years old! *gasp!* My little bitty baby is going to be two?! I can't believe it. He has come such a long way from the feisty, naughty bunny baby he once was. Every once in a while that mean streak still comes out to ear-slap me across the face, but most of the time now he's just wonderful to be around. He ear-slapped me hard just yesterday. But just about daily he will gnaw the bars to get my attention. He loves to be petted on his head. He's not a cheek-rub kinda bun. He tooth purrs to let me know he is having fun with me. I just can't believe he'll be 2 years old soon. In my heart he's always my little baby Toto.

Hopefully I will get some picture updates shortly. Ummm I'll aim to get them up before the end of the week. I am so lazy LOL!

Hope everyone and everybun is doing well out there!

If I harass the crap out of yo, you'll post. LOL! I'm glad all is working well. I agree, why break what's not broken. I'm glad you and Penny have resolved your differences. Hehehe. Awww a special bunny birthday coming up! Time sure does fly :shock:


Got pictures yet? :p
wuv wuv wuv

Sir Toby, getting bouncy on my couch. Oops, I'm sorry, I meant HIS couch.

What a handsome little face. I love his cheek pouches



Toby's Valentine's Day bouquet

Kirby is caught in a moment of foodiness

The new coat is really pretty

Bunny butt!

YES! It worked! Much easier than expected too :pAwesome pictures! I'm so glad you posted.Toby is soooo gorgeous and Kirby is just stunning. I love the picture of the bouquet :biggrin2:Thank you for sharing!
Nela wrote:
YES! It worked! Much easier than expected too :p Awesome pictures! I'm so glad you posted. Toby is soooo gorgeous and Kirby is just stunning. I love the picture of the bouquet :biggrin2: Thank you for sharing!
Aw, thanks! I am glad you enjoyed the pics. I should really post them up more often. My darling fur babies get their picture snapped all the time. My laptop ran out of space because of all the pictures I took. No kidding, I had to move them to another drive!

There's more to come. Yesterday, my husband and I were food shopping and he saw a box of wheat grass for sale. It was grossly overpriced and I can grow them myself, I've just been lazy to do so. He bought a box for our buns and they love it! It's very cute to see them chomping down on grass the way bunnies were meant to do :)
Here's the wheat grass hubby bought.

Here's Toby, unsure of whether the new goods are safe to eat.

The sample proves to be quite good!

Nom nom nom!


"haf i gwown a gween veard?

King Kirby prefers his parsley.

It's funny because Kirby will only eat the grass if I feed it to him by hand. :rollseyes What a demanding royal bun.

Some lettuce for dinner as well. Boy, lettuce has been expensive lately.

A moufful of the good stuff

I tried to get a picture of Penny enjoying the grass but she ate, way too fast! I only got a pic of her chompin on some parsley.

Some treats husbunbun got the buns from Japan. Dried papaya!

Oh, the spoilage has been great.

love love love your blog!!!
Penny sounds like Dolla. She's a pain!!! She pees all over anywhere and it's ridiculous and I'm tired of it. I feel bad that all three are stuck in a smaller cage because of her but I never thought of what you did, with just separating Dolla into a smaller cage at night. I might try that. :D
Bahahahaha I LOVE the pictures of the bunnies with such big mouthfuls. Awesome! Thank you for posting them :biggrin2:
I love your bun-buns and their stories!!! I'm trying to get a new bunny for myself. Hopefully my mother will change her mind and let me have one (she took care of MILU for me and said she won't anymore, so I depend on her approval to go get a bun). What I do is looking at your bunnies pics (and Naughty Clan's Helen too) and dreaming about all these lovely bunnies! I love them, they're so cute! Btw, didn't you bring Oreo home? I'm curious about what happened to her, if she got a nice home with good "slaves". I hope she did. She sounds like the perfect bunny to have at home. I'd take her if I could!
You should definitely post more pics and updates about your babies, you are really a good writer and maybe you could write a book about your memories as a vassal in the Rabbit Nation... I'm sure it would be a blast!

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