May 15, 2011 - The Slaves Return!
I had a great trip this time and took many beautiful pictures to remember it by. I tried not to miss the bun buns too much. I think the only one who really missed me was Toby. Kirby might've missed me a little but he and Penny seemed to have bonded more in my absence. Since returning I've noticed that those two spend more day time hours together than they used to. It's incredibly cute!
Toby and Penny started to shed while I was away and they continue to shed now. I'm on high alert as a result, and watching both bun buns very carefully. So far so good. I got a batch of Kleenmama's 2nd cut timothy hay last week and I must say it is pretty excellent! Much better than my last box of orchard grass from them. The buns are eating it up like crazy and not a moment too soon.
Here are some of the pics of my trip... there's no particular theme or anything to them. I just thought these were pretty.
But really, who cares about vacation photos when there are bunny photos!?
Not a lot this time, just a couple ones I took this evening.
Toby eating in his incredibly cute manner.
Kirby taking down a large piece of kale all by himself.
And that's all that the bad night time lighting would let me take this evening. I came home and literally the next day succumbed to cold and flu germs that were probably just waiting for the right moment to strike. I am glad I didn't come down with something while I was away and I made it all the way back before this bug took me down like a sledgehammer. I'm slowly getting better and just now able to get photos outta my camera and such
My bunnies are happy I can play with them again after being in bed so much the last few days! So I promise, more pics to come soon!