JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Have a safe trip everyone Drive Carefully and God Speed .

Carolyn if you get achance can you let everyone knowthe rest have arrived safely ? .
:waiting:...can't wait......can't wait....

Leave work at noon...gas, bank, CVS, BEER....***cough-pack-ahem :embarrassed:***....load the car.

We'll probably hit the road around 2pm (EST)...or hopefully sooner.:dragster:

Little over 100 miles....figure 2 hours...maybe longer...CUZ IT'S RAINING :disgust:

ETA TUCKER TOWN... 5PM!!!:groupparty:

:pray::England::pink iris:
The Missus arrived safe and sound at about 5:30last night, and Raspberry, SLG and Mark pulled in around 10:30 or 11.They stopped at the motel and then came over. SLG was bound anddetermined to arrive here.

She and Sebastian are truly 'all that'. Bastian - the minute you holdhim - kisses and kisses and won't stop kissing. He's such an amazinglittle guy.

SLG is more beautiful in person - inside and out - than I everimagined. Razz is even nice. :shock: The husband sits back and gets akick out of both of them. GREAT Family.


Awsome , great tohear Please give the Missusa Hug from me , Gladthey all arrived Safely

:laugh: LOL YouGet him Charlotte lol , be sure to naghim all the way and dont forgetthat wooley wittlerabbit lol.
Drive Safe! =)

Oh and the furkids are going NUTS over here. Anubis startedrearranging his cage once he saw the carriers come out and Guineverehas been in and out of the bedroom all day! They knosomethins up =)
Isnt it time to go yet mom?


I'm Ready to go!


Bunny Boathouse here I come!


No Osiris, you cant come too.


I just got home from the Boathouse Party. It wasso nice to meet everybody there. It was also very cool to see all thebunnies that showed up. Thank you Carolyn for hosting such a greatparty. Thank you Mrs. Buck Jones for being such a great co-hostess.Thank you JimD for all the great door prizes. The rest of you and yourbunnies that I got to meet I hope you had a safe trip home. Hope to seeyou again next year.:highfive:
Glad you got home safe Mambo! It wasGREAT meeting all you crazy bunny people =) Guinevere and Anubis had ablast, they came home, had some salad and promptly sprawled out whileGir huffed.

Anubis is STILL on his best behavior so I am excited =) I am startingto think that Buck had a heart to heart with the Beast to get him tostop his bad behaviors. He hasnt sprayed me in a while too(knock on wood!)

Oh and any pictures featuring myself or Shawn have permission to be posted ;)

Oh my God the bunny boathouse party was SO much FUN!!:groupparty:

It was so great meeting everyone! Scott and I had a blast! I even heardhim talking to his friends about it on the phone today. Thanks again toCarolyn and the Missus for hosting, thanks to Jim D and Danielle for agreat fireworks show in tribute to Buck Jones - totally awesome! Andthanks to Ally and Sebastian's Little Girl for the special song theysang for Buck - that was very sweet!

Here's a few pics from the party. Hopefully they post, because I'm really tired!




:dancing:DID WE HAVE A BLAST OR WHAT !?!?!?!

Thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful event...especially Carolyn &Helen.

Good company, good food, good weather, cute bunnies, and so much morewill make for a lasting memory.....and many a great story, too!!

Any comments on the "Sharon Suites"??

"Waddya mean you don't want to follow me???"

"Make a left at the white picket fence."

"Hey, do you have any cell sevice...I don't . Wait I got it...no it's gone....ok it's back...oh man....Who's got a phonecard??"

"ALL AT ONCE!!!!".......

"We promise we didn't set anything on fire, m'am!!":embarrassed:
