Well-Known Member
I think he just needs some more "beauty sleep".
SLG was a victim of YOU, JimD! Who are you kidding??!?!?!?!?!
How convenient of you to be up on the hill and Raspberry inside theBoathouse during the time of the bombing. It was so hot thatday that it felt good to get one smashed on you. I'm readyfor another water balloon fight right now.
Ally dumping the bucket on top of Danielle's head is something I won'tsoon forget. I was grateful to SLG, Ally, and Mickaela forhelping me get the others.
I'd say our plan worked out very well, Girls. :highfive:
Ya know...when that balloon hit Carolyn from behind it did kind of look like a turkey's tail
I think he just needs some more "beauty sleep".
WAKE UP BUNNIES! :sunshine:I'm thinking more like a beauty hibernation.
FreddysMom and Tucker-Bucker...
awww its my lil buddyFreddysMom and Tucker-Bucker...
Oh you are all so lovely. I just want to give you all a great big group hug.
Note to Jim: "Jim what you saying about yourelf :disgust:, its not trueat all. You have such a happy, friendly,smiling face!